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I was a member at Thunders since Nove 2003, was a forum donator, and a polite poster. I was banned after asking Thunder through a Pm to change my screen name to The BTC Killer. He asked me to choose a more "grown up" screen name, I put up a poll to see if BTC Killer was inappropriate in any way, and I was Banned! There really taking this too far lately.
Crash, I too was recently banned - I am Penis Enlargementst. Did you see what I was banned for? He banned me because I didnt beg at his feet for forgiveness when I didn't do anything wrong!
PenisHead said:
Crash, I too was recently banned - I am Penis Enlargementst. Did you see what I was banned for? He banned me because I didnt beg at his feet for forgiveness when I didn't do anything wrong!

You are exactly right, you didn't PM the man to say sorry for posting too much. I mean WTF? I was getting so upset in my Mini me surgical enlargement forum thread of all the members getting banned in there, just for speaking positive about surgery, and defending negative comments from certain Mods and members that claimed surgery was all bad. I counted 5 members that were banned in that thread alone!
Crashhex said:
change my screen name to The BTC Killer. He asked me to choose a more "grown up" screen name, I put up a poll to see if BTC Killer was inappropriate in any way{QUOTE}

You don't need a poll to understand that BTC Killer is not an appropriate name. Why in the world would you want to glorify a horrible, horrible person?
Penis EnlargementTER DICK said:
Crashhex said:
change my screen name to The BTC Killer. He asked me to choose a more "grown up" screen name, I put up a poll to see if BTC Killer was inappropriate in any way{QUOTE}

You don't need a poll to understand that BTC Killer is not an appropriate name. Why in the world would you want to glorify a horrible, horrible person?

I think the Between the cheeks killer is silly, is it glorifying a horrible man? Thats a little serious for me, sorry. Lighten up.
I dont see the need for banning but BTC killer is stupid. Use your head for one minute and think about the trauma the families went through, how heinous a man he is, and then tell me do you TRULY want to label yourself with such an assinine moniker???

I guess class doesn't mean anything anymore.
I dont see the need for banning but BTC killer is stupid. Use your head for one minute and think about the trauma the families went through, how heinous a man he is, and then tell me do you TRULY want to label yourself with such an assinine moniker???

I guess class doesn't mean anything anymore.

Look, I don't think you guys understand - it is a joke and it is a play on words, it is referring to behind the cheeks. Everyone jokes around and takes the piss out of things, this clearly had a comic side to us Penis Enlargement'ers. People need to lighten up and learn the difference between a joke and an attack.
Whatever, while BTK Killer probably isnt the best choice of names I dont care. I for one am glad to have you at [words=]MOS[/words]. I read a lot of your posts on Thunders, and it's good to have someone with surgery experience and such like you here.
Yea they are a heavily estrogen enfluenced bunch over there. I was banned as a former moderator and all around awesome contributor to the forum...I did things like help restore a LOT of valuable posts after the place was badly hacked a couple years ago. They banned me for unnamed reasons simply very vague ones.
I find [words=]MOS[/words] to be a "WAY" more positive community so, Welcome!

On the name thing, we just need to use the whole 'reasonable person' concept. How will the average person interpret the title? If I was to change my name to "911 Pilot" that might raise some eyebrows. To me it means my starting size is 9 and I'm shooting for 11, to a lot of others its a real inappropriate name. Anyways, I've read lots of your posts at Thunders and know you mean nothing by it.

I was almost banned myself from Thunders for standing up for DLD's pics. I was told that any pics that I might post will be deemed as shopped since I was in the defense of DLD... anyways, I better not get started on that again, I can start to feel my blood boil.
There's valuable stuff there, but the atmosphere, if you can call it that as it's not a real place, is on the opressive side. I've PMed thunder before on a few occasions and he's really short and doesn't seem to have much tact. Maybe I don't know how to talk to people through a computer properly. Ohhhh well.

Formerly known as Pest, did they really ban you for posting too much?

Penishead, I get what you are saying and the reality is that the BTC killer is amusing it's just not an appropriate moniker considering that the BTK killer was just sentenced a few days ago. I'm not a PC guy but there is a decency about it, even though it is unlikely that anyone involved would ever discover it. It just is not an appropriate name within context.
think about the trauma the families went through

... and since most of them are probably reading about Penis Enlargement over at Thund3rs Pl@ce, you can never be too knee-jerk proactively humorless. :)

Couldn't they just shorten it to BTC -for- you instead of ban??

I wouldn't worry too much about their reasons for banning people. It sounds like they're, in some cases, petty, and arbitrary. Their loss is [words=]MOS[/words]' gain.
Wow... why do they ban so much? I find it hard to believe that all of you guys who were banned were terrible flamers or something else. Weird...
Jes [words= said:
Extender[/words]]They even banned Slack and that guys a GOD
Slack is a god in his own mind, he wasn't banned. He was put on hold, and then apologized.
Actually I think slack got banned from here for going on some sort of ranting rampage about DLD and about him lying. Unless of course that was some other guy named Slackjawedyokel, as he said he never posted at Thunder's so I don't know. Could have been, unless of course someone knows for sure.
Crashhex said:
Slack is a god in his own mind, he wasn't banned. He was put on hold, and then apologized.
Slack IS a god, hes really cool, very helpful
millionman said:
Actually I think slack got banned from here for going on some sort of ranting rampage about DLD and about him lying. Unless of course that was some other guy named Slackjawedyokel, as he said he never posted at Thunder's so I don't know. Could have been, unless of course someone knows for sure.

That cant have been him they have total diffrent stats!
It is sickeningly easy to ruffle feathers over at Thund3rs Pl@ce.

They'll ban you for spelling something wrong, for Christ's sake. If not ban you, they'll have some prissy faggot "grammar police" dude post up and correct your every little word.

There is a lot of good info there though. I find it best to just read shit there, and save your questions and comments for here.

Another annoying thing is that they let women be members, and even worse, they're MODERATORS. On a men's website! I mean, come the fuck on!! And God forbid you "offend" any one of those old hags... there'll be hell to pay. Fuckin' annoying shit.

If you're gonna have women members on a penis enlargement site... at least let them be fuckin' YOUNG, HOT and NAKED. I don't need some pea-brained 40-something year old bitch trying to tell me how to live my life, or trying to tell me what to think. GRRR!!
Crashhex said:
I was a member at Thunders since Nove 2003, was a forum donator, and a polite poster. I was banned after asking Thunder through a Pm to change my screen name to The BTC Killer. He asked me to choose a more "grown up" screen name, I put up a poll to see if BTC Killer was inappropriate in any way, and I was Banned! There really taking this too far lately.
You put up a public poll questioning whether or not the owner of a website made a good call in denying you a name like that? And you expected a good result? Think man, think. Why would you want to change how people know you anyway? And why didn't you pick BTC Killer for your screen name here? Whatever, welcome to the jungle. rofl
Godsize said:
It is sickeningly easy to ruffle feathers over at Thund3rs Pl@ce.

They'll ban you for spelling something wrong, for Christ's sake. If not ban you, they'll have some prissy faggot "grammar police" dude post up and correct your every little word.

Exactly. I was a member over at Thunder's for awile, but I stopped posting there because I find it an unfriendly invironment, and they second-guess everything, and partly because they ridicule DLD about allegedy "photoshopping" his pics.
Lifer said:
You put up a public poll questioning whether or not the owner of a website made a good call in denying you a name like that? And you expected a good result? Think man, think. Why would you want to change how people know you anyway? And why didn't you pick BTC Killer for your screen name here? Whatever, welcome to the jungle. rofl

I was a member here before I got banned there. My name BTC killer would have had the tag AKA crashhex, by the way. A side note: BTK killer is INFAMOUS, meaning everybody knows who he is. If I played on some name of a murderer in my small town, you would'nt know who he is. It wouldn't be funny. He also denied me the name LightningSS, I don't think that's offensive.
Crashhex said:
I was a member here before I got banned there. My name BTC killer would have had the tag AKA crashhex, by the way. A side note: BTK killer is INFAMOUS, meaning everybody knows who he is. If I played on some name of a murderer in my small town, you would'nt know who he is. It wouldn't be funny. He also denied me the name LightningSS, I don't think that's offensive.
LightningSS would be a rip of ThunderSS you dumbfuck. Why didnt u use "BTC killer" as ur name here? Your just a whiny little bitch, why dont u shut the fuck up and concentrate on Penis Enlargement, which is why we are all fucking well here!!
Geezus what is the big deal. Obviously he wanted the attention negative or otherwise of a shock valued name. Personally the first impression i got from the name LightningSS was the Nazi SS and their double lightning symbol which of course is bad in its own right. Still obviously his sense of humor isn't the same as yours. He likes shock humor. I've heard it said that comedy=tragedy+time. Perhaps he forgot the time part, but shit you don't need to jump in his ass about it. Seriously people take life too seriously sometimes.
Jes [words= said:
Extender[/words]]LightningSS would be a rip of ThunderSS you dumbfuck. Why didnt u use "BTC killer" as ur name here? Your just a whiny little bitch, why dont u shut the fuck up and concentrate on Penis Enlargement, which is why we are all fucking well here!!

[words=]Jes[/words], Or should I call you slack? I bet ten to one odds you are Slack, so get over yourself. LMAO. Slack is not a God, he is a thread whore, mostly one liners and suggesting to use the search feature. It's strange how pro Slack you are.
Crashhex said:
Jes, Or should I call you slack? I bet ten to one odds you are Slack, so get over yourself. LMAO. Slack is not a God, he is a thread whore, mostly one liners and suggesting to use the search feature. It's strange how pro Slack you are.

Slack helped me a lot. Just cos u dont like him, dont mean i'm him lol. I think u mean POST whore anyway lmao not thread whore. you still havent andwered my question. Oh, and 10/1 odds? Thats outsider odds, so yes, ur right, it highly unlikey im not slack - cos i'm not! anyway answer my question
Jes [words= said:
Extender[/words]]Slack helped me a lot. Just cos u dont like him, dont mean i'm him lol. I think u mean POST whore anyway lmao not thread whore. you still havent andwered my question. Oh, and 10/1 odds? Thats outsider odds, so yes, ur right, it highly unlikey im not slack - cos i'm not! anyway answer my question
What's the question?
Jes [words= said:
Extender[/words]]Why didnt u use "btc killer" as ur name here?
I've answered that, I was a member here before I thought the name up. I've been here for a couple of weeks. I thought of the name yesterday. I'm not sure how to change names here.
Did you just register here to complain about Thunder's? What does this have to do with Penis Enlargement? I swear, as long as we're getting rid of those three forums for nude pics, we should add one for bitching and moaning.
Jes I would like you to answer a question for me. Have you seen the new DLD pics? The bodyfat loss pic and the FSL pic with his new yellow ruler. If you haven't then I reccomend you check them out and decide if they're faked or not.
millionman said:
Jes I would like you to answer a question for me. Have you seen the new DLD pics? The bodyfat loss pic and the FSL pic with his new yellow ruler. If you haven't then I reccomend you check them out and decide if they're faked or not.

I think DLD has done a fantastic job with the weight loss, and I wholeheardtedly applaud him there. I also wholeheartedly applaud him for his service to Penis Enlargement, and he has helped countless guys out. As for the FSL pic, I think the shadowing looks dodgy but to honest, I dont care if they are or not (I think they are though) becuase hes so helpful
Jes [words= said:
Extender[/words]]I think DLD has done a fantastic job with the weight loss, and I wholeheardtedly applaud him there. I also wholeheartedly applaud him for his service to Penis Enlargement, and he has helped countless guys out. As for the FSL pic, I think the shadowing looks dodgy but to honest, I dont care if they are or not (I think they are though) becuase hes so helpful

Do you think his latest picture with the new ruler is altered as well? You may want to take a gander at that picture before you say too much more. Fucking thing is huge. Are you one of those guys that also believes that Mandingo's videos are photoshopped too?
bigsack said:
Did you just register here to complain about Thunder's? What does this have to do with Penis Enlargement? I swear, as long as we're getting rid of those three forums for nude pics, we should add one for bitching and moaning.
The cool thing about Penis Enlargement forums is the thread title, you know what this is about, YOU chose to read it. By pass it if you choose. Thunders has a lot to do with Penis Enlargement by the way. I registered here because Penis Enlargement is my #1 hobby.
Crashhex, bitches

6.75" nbp x 6.5" girth.
Dashdeming said:
Do you think his latest picture with the new ruler is altered as well? You may want to take a gander at that picture before you say too much more. Fucking thing is huge. Are you one of those guys that also believes that Mandingo's videos are photoshopped too?
Thats the picture I'm referring to. The shadows are inconsistent. Anway lets not turn this into this kind of thread. this thread is about Crashex, bitches (had to throw that in there crashex :D)
Yeah, slack is a good guy and I agree, he can be very helpful.

I was gaining knowledge FAST about Penis Enlargement and I am probably the best Penis Enlargement'er to have around if you need help with safety tips and exercise knowledge. I am not just trying to boast - at first before I joined thunders, I was a boring guy... now I have decent personality and am always willing to help people. I will be able to offer a lot to this site when I get used to it.

It is great to be here. Crash, we will make this our new home - we will be kings with our previous knowledge :D
I agree with PenisHead's sentiment (the idea of forgiveness and moving forward). I, perhaps stupidly, really believe in the power of communication and forgiveness. Minor transgressions can get terribly overblown.

Perhaps my post belongs in Deep Thoughts? har har
Forgiveness and calling the guy a phony. That's rational. I'm sorry that I disagree with the "sentiment" as DLD is very helpful, these pics are high resolution and do not appear to be altered when blown up to a larger size where pixilation and any oddities would be very noticeable.

I honestly don't understand why everyone is on DLD all the time. That is the biggest reason why he doesn't deal with it anymore. If you doubt it buy the [words=]MOS[/words] [words=]DVD[/words] and check it out, as he's the one doing the exercises. I've never seen a pic of Thunder nor do I know if he has ever even posted his gains, not that he hasn't but he even said he's never laid it all out in a thread before but it's in bits and pieces. That IMO doesn't make much sense as everyone else is willing to put it together and "earn" their stripes why hasn't he? Come on there is a bit of a double standard here. One guy posts pics of a high quality but he's a fake. Other guys don't post pics at all and are noted as great Penis Enlargement minds. This is just backwards.
Jes [words= said:
Extender[/words]]LightningSS would be a rip of ThunderSS you dumbfuck. Why didnt u use "BTC killer" as ur name here? Your just a whiny little bitch, why dont u shut the fuck up and concentrate on Penis Enlargement, which is why we are all fucking well here!!

Why don't you take a chill pill pal.

And lemme add my 2 cents in, mmkay.
You all that are bitching, moaning and complaining in this thread need to knock it off, seriously.
You don't come here to bitch about other people, you're supposed to come here to Penis Enlargement, supposedly, or at least, that's what most of us like to believe.
And DLD doesn't fake his pics. How the hell do you think you guys would take it if you heard daily that people think that you're dick pics are fake? You wouldn't like that very much, now would you?

....Didn't think so.
Last edited:
Godsize said:
Another annoying thing is that they let women be members, and even worse, they're MODERATORS. On a men's website! I mean, come the fuck on!! And God forbid you "offend" any one of those old hags... there'll be hell to pay. Fuckin' annoying shit.

If you're gonna have women members on a penis enlargement site... at least let them be fuckin' YOUNG, HOT and NAKED. I don't need some pea-brained 40-something year old bitch trying to tell me how to live my life, or trying to tell me what to think. GRRR!!

Maybe you are not aware that we have several women members here as well, and one being a moderator. How is that bad?
By the way. Why isn't this thread in Deep Thoughts where it belongs since it has nothing to do with how we can make our dicks bigger.
Penis EnlargementTER DICK said:
Maybe you are not aware that we have several women members here as well, and one being a moderator. How is that bad?

Yeah... how is it bad that I'm here? :P
What a punkass.
Jes [words= said:
Extender[/words]]He does, but who cares?

I really don't care about that so much, as everyone who says they have 10 inches gets critized some, it's just that IMO Thunder's is a cold, harsh, unfriendly environment.
it's all about the competition and insecurities we all bring in with ourselves. Personally, I'm not afraid to admit I cringe everytime some guy who has never done Penis Enlargement before comes in saying they have a 7 inch NBP dong by 5.5. For where I started though I don't really care because all I can do is focus on why I sought out a place like this. I wanted to learn how to if it was possible to enlarge the penis.

I think it's cool to have kittie here, but I can see why some guys wouldn't be able to handle it maturely or even just flat out voice that they can't stand it. I think the whole thing is stupid. If someone says something you disagree with then forget about it or respond. Don't flame, but come to a conclusion at some point and nothing will get out of hand. I don't know about Thund3rs Pl@ce, but I'm sure it has it's niceties and whatnot just the same as [words=]MOS[/words]. I love this site though and don't really see a point in being at both places. People who are really into Penis Enlargement like the theories or ideas of how this works I'm sure love to hang out at several Penis Enlargement forums because there is a higher possibility for the flow of ideas.
I agree with that, definitely.
[words=]MOS[/words] sounds like a far better place than anything else anyways.
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