;) Ahh the time has arrived--
i will be using the "Triple Threat" over the next 20+ days

The Triple threat consist of:

Cialis (for good pe workouts & ability to maintain erection 1hr plus after workout, hence Priapism)

Dht cream applied two days on, one day off

IGF-1LR3 @ 40 mcg a day following weight training. injected IM. (25 days)

Good diet of 2500 + cal. a day (lots of protien)!

Phosphagen creatine 10 g daily

Pe workouts days consist of (2 days on 1 day off)

morning to mid afternoon
toilet stretches throught work time, with occasional horse 440's & base squezes-& 1 ballooning session(10-15 min). moderate intensity

pe eavning workouts consist of

Warm up--(1 ballooning session following by hot shower & light stretching
work set (15-20 min of wet jelq's)
Warm down (hot shower)
Application of Dht cream & mastrubation for 1+ hour to obtain Priapism like occurance.

Starting stats:
height 5'8"
weight 190 lbs 11-13% bf. (guessing)
Bpel (measured @ upper right side of base) 7 3/4"
eg (midshaft) 5 1/4" (5 3/4" base)
nbpfl 4 5/8"
fg 4 1/2"

hoping to gain at least 1/2" in length & girth, anything else will just be a bonus.

I will not apply the dht cream more than 4 days a week. for prostate precautions.

Does anyone think that 2/day trainning sessions are to much?
Remember this will be "assisted" pe'ing with growth hormones.

thanks guys--
pray for my safe metamorphasis (i know i have been)

I will update once @ the first two (2) week mark (6-17) & then once the cycle has been completed(7-3). If i stare @ a ruler & measuring tape daily, i drive myself crazy!!.
haha, you're right about the ruler!! I used to whip it out every day after workout and measure, and if I didn't get anything, man was i pissed!!! But now, I measure at minimum every other week, usually less than that, so I don't over or underestimate. Pease, let us know the results! Good luck bro!
Your going to want to get input from Zol and Magnum as well. I wish I could help you but I just don't know engough.

yamaha12 said:
;) Ahh the time has arrived--
i will be using the "Triple Threat" over the next 20+ days

The Triple threat consist of:

Cialis (for good pe workouts & ability to maintain erection 1hr plus after workout, hence Priapism)

Dht cream applied two days on, one day off

IGF-1LR3 @ 40 mcg a day following weight training. injected IM. (25 days)

Good diet of 2500 + cal. a day (lots of protien)!

Phosphagen creatine 10 g daily

Pe workouts days consist of (2 days on 1 day off)

morning to mid afternoon
toilet stretches throught work time, with occasional horse 440's & base squezes-& 1 ballooning session(10-15 min). moderate intensity

pe eavning workouts consist of

Warm up--(1 ballooning session following by hot shower & light stretching
work set (15-20 min of wet jelq's)
Warm down (hot shower)
Application of Dht cream & mastrubation for 1+ hour to obtain Priapism like occurance.

Starting stats:
height 5'8"
weight 190 lbs 11-13% bf. (guessing)
Bpel (measured @ upper right side of base) 7 3/4"
eg (midshaft) 5 1/4" (5 3/4" base)
nbpfl 4 5/8"
fg 4 1/2"

hoping to gain at least 1/2" in length & girth, anything else will just be a bonus.

I will not apply the dht cream more than 4 days a week. for prostate precautions.

Does anyone think that 2/day trainning sessions are to much?
Remember this will be "assisted" pe'ing with growth hormones.

thanks guys--
pray for my safe metamorphasis (i know i have been)

I will update once @ the first two (2) week mark (6-17) & then once the cycle has been completed(7-3). If i stare @ a ruler & measuring tape daily, i drive myself crazy!!.

Looks like a good plan. I would add some tribulus in there aswell in order to boost your test levels slightly. This will help the DHT to cause growth in you penis. When masterbating try to resist actually blowing your load. this will keep your levels high and you will probably get a more nocturnal erections as a result. Good luck man and keep us all posted on how it goes.
You'll see results from all of this, you should anyway. If anything else because of the fact that you wont want to come out without results....in other words, you EFFORT more than anything will make you have gains. I wish there was a way for this sort of stuff to be studied on a wider scale though, so there was a concrete way of proving whether any sort of supplements or hormones actually benefitted Penis Enlargement.
Hey Yamaha12, how's the experiment going?The route you are taking should provide some good results! If I could get my hands on some IGF-1 I would give this a try as well. However I have also thought that perhaps the Cialis would not provide a long enough erection(2-3 hours rock hard), so as to allow the DHT and IGF-1 to work it's magic! You will need a 2-3 hr erection, so as to balloon, and edge, working the DHT in the shaft and keeping it their as well during the erection.! Let us know how it goes.
well guys---bad new

i had a bad reaction to the IGF/DHT combination---i think what happened is i ended up shutting down my own testosterone.

so about 12 days into it, i had to stop everything completely. I ended up gaining a bunch of body fat, had absolutely no desire to have sex, & had to quit going to the gym cause i had no energy or strength.

i really dont know what happened, but i have been self medicating myself with some test. prop @ 300mg week. I feel normal now, but have lost alot of girth because of low desire & no pe'ing.

i had a starting girth of 5 3/8" before i started this, & now i am down to 4 7/8" to 5". It fluctuates. Its really discouraging when you go from great erections & uncontrollable sex drive, to absolutely nothing. My length not changed however, 7 3/4" bp-
i just feel so small, its like "Why even bother"

i'll probably do a test cycle for 14-16 weeks & then hit the pct with hcg,nolva, & clomid. Then i'll take a 2 month break & hit the clomid eod during the break @ 50mg. see if that brings back up my test levels.

i have also purchased 30 UPRIMA pills from an on-line pharmacy. They work differenty than viagra/cialis/levitra as UPRIMA makes the brain release dopamine chemicals that realax the penile tissues & it also elevates freflowing NO in the bloodstream.

so my plan of attack is to combine the uprima with a liquid cialis for workout days, & 1/2 a uprima tab on non-workout days.

hopefully with the HRT & erection aids, i'll be able to get most of what i have worked for back.

Guys, i would advise not taking any IGF-1LR3, it really shut everything down for me.
But, then again, who am I, so think for yourself & question authority. lol--you tool fans know what i am talking about.


since you are somewhat a chemical guru, do you have any advice or explenation about what occured here?

could you also recommend where i can find those latex constriction rings that you can put around your unit for a more firm erection?

thanx alot guys
hope this answers some questions.
No offense man but stay away from the fuckin drugs man, you only got one penis, so watch what you do with it. Also go with what is already proven, natural penis enlargement, it takes time but you won't end up limp cause of it man! Good luck!
Hydromaxm, you think it is IGF1 that shut your testosterone down? Couldn't it be the DHT? I mean, it is pretty much the most powerful testosterone there is, and you used it for 2 days on 1 day off, while Girthius used it like 2 days a week.

Doesn't DHT stay in the body for about 2 days? With your schedule, the body would have an artificial supply of testosterone all the time, meaning the brain would stop sending out the hormones to produce testosterone.

What happened after 2 weeks anyway? Did you lose interest in sex even while using the compounds, or did you get some kind of allergic reaction?
DHT will not shut you down... it amazes me how people are so quick to jump on drugs that they have no idea about. Here's a quick snippet of DHT:

DHT is the conversion product of testosterone at the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, the result being a hormone that is 3 to 4 times as androgenic and is structurally incapable of forming estrogen. One would imagine then that mesterolone would be a perfect drug to enhance strength and add small but completely lean gains to the frame. Unfortunately there is a control mechanism for DHT in the human body. When levels get too high, the 3alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme converts it to a mostly inactive compound known as 3-alpha (5-alpha-androstan-3alpha,17beta-diol), a prohormone if you will. It can equally convert back to DHT by way of the same enzyme when low levels of DHT are detected.

Exogenous DHT will only be effective IF you have low DHT levels to begin with. AS for IGF-1, it does not suppress HPTA either. The only thing i can think of that would cause your problems is the interaction of several of the compounds you were taking took a bad turn. Hard to tell which ones cuz you didn't have detailed logs of the experiment.

2500 cal a day for your diet is also kinda low... i'm 5'10, 190lbs and i eat 2300-2400 cals a day when i'm trying to get leaner. When i'm trying to gain weight, i usually eat in the 4000 cal range.

Bro stick to what worked for the big cocks (DLD, SWM, Red, etc...) on this board. Time, discipline, and good 'ole fashioned hard work. THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS!
Have read a bit around about DHT, hard to find info about it shutting you down or not, but where people have asked the question, the answer is generally yes, it will shut you down.

I have used Andractim for two weeks at a time and it did not do anything for my gyno. I know 2 weeks is not very long, but the stuff is a steroid and will shut down the HTPA. Plus it being DHT can be very rough on the hairline. I would like to know how the stuff shrinks gyno. I mean is there a true "localized effect" or does it just act as an aromatase inhibitor, because DHT helps to regulate estrogen. Plus if you take Andractim, natural test is shut down and all your body has is a non-aromatisable androgen in it.

1. I suspect the results will be permanent, but we don't know until we use it and go off.
2. Yes it can produce test like side effects. I am horney as hell on it. My balls have shrunk and I suspect I will need clomid when off.

to answer your question--

yeah on the 12th day i had shown up to the gym & started by back day with pull ups. I did ONE rep & thats when everything went downhill. I had no interest to be there or do anything physical. I completely lost any interest in sex or anything that had to do with it. (pe'ing included)---

My balls never shrunk on the stuff though--

did you pull that off the anabolex forum dagger?
Dagger, i read that link and although it wasn't very informative, it got me thinking. I did some searches on PubMed and a few other BB sites and the conclusion is that DHT is suppressive. I stand corrected...

by replacing the testosterone in the body, which then has the effect of reducing the amount of estrogen in the body... DHT is a strong androgen that will signal the pituitary to decrease the production of gonadotropins. The decrease in gonadotropins will then cause less testosterone to be produced which will in turn cause the estrogen levels to drop...

US patent 5,648,350 "Dihydrotestosterone for use in androgenotherapy". The following illustrates the results:

"In 27 subjects in which the plasma DHT level was controlled, so as to modulate the administered doses, said levels have been increased to 2.5 to 6 ng/ml. There resulted a decrease in gonadotrophy as well as in the plasma levels of testosterone which exceeded at least 1.5 ng/ml (from 0.5 to 1.4 according to the case); as to the estradiol plasma levels, these decreased by 50%.

So we now know that DHT suppresses HPTA, but application of this cream for 12 days shouldn't have suppressed yamaha that much. Suppression isn't an on/off switch, it is a gradual downgrade of test levels that occurs thru the HPTA feedback mechanism and takes a good 2+ weeks to get fully suppressed. I've know lots of BB's that take high doses of androgens for 2-weeks cycles and never really suffer much sides from suppression. In fact, PCT isn't even necessary (but still highly recommended).

I personally would never use DHT cuz i know that i'm very susceptible to prostrate hypertrophy. I don't know Yamaha's experience with androgens so at best i'm speculating but maybe he especially sensitive to androgens and/or he has low test levels to begin with.

Good discussion though... learned something new.
i had to reply to this. first of all, any exogenous hormones put into the body will cause the body to stop producing its own. this occurs because of the body's many negative feedback mechanisms. it wasn't the igf that shut down your testosterone production, it was the dht. igf will only shut down your growth hormone production but only very temporarily (for a matter of hours). dht isn't testosterone, but rather a derivative of it that it about 3 times more androgenic than testosterone. when the body has a high enough level of it, a signal will be sent to the hypothalamus to stop producing testosterone (its precursor). this is part of the negative feedback loop i mentioned above. this is what you are experiencing. it really depends on the person, but it usually takes about 2-3 weeks for the body to shut down test production. before that, your body is most likely just producing much lower levels of test and also very sporadically. my recommendation to you is stop all drugs except those used for pct. and that does NOT mean hcg. this should not be used in this case. it WILL keep you shut down and can also complicate things further.
Thread edited to remove 100% all CAPS in thread title. Your "caps lock" button is over on the left of your keyboard mate. Shouting annoys a lot of people, me included.