For the past year or two I have been using around 25mg of Viagra for increased "confidence" in the bedroom.

Recently, I have been looking for cheaper generic sources, and came across some group for people with ED ( to be exact).

I did find some good viagra sources (around $1 for 50mg dose), but more interesting was the revelations there about Taldalafil (the generic name for Cialis).

It seems these ED folks are very enthusiastic about cialis for three reasons:

(1) It lasts around 36 to 48 hours (rather than 4 or 5 for viagra)
(2) It works out cheaper (since they have a source that charges $1 per pill, and they tend to split them in two - so 50 cents every two days!)
(3) This is the really interesting bit for Penis Enlargement folks: Cialis seems to significantly increase flaccid length

All of these sounded like pretty good reasons to me, so I bought some - they arrived on four days ago, and so far I have take two. My own experience has been that all three of the above claims are true. Now, I haven't measured my flaccid length yet, but just by looking in the mirror I can see a definite increase.

Very pleasing all round.
Welcome to the forum bro.

Do you have a link for this stuff? I have made great erect gains but am still very unhappy with my flacid look.
Hi there,

Yep, I have a few links for you:

Let's start with one of the observations of the ED guys about improved "dangle" (their name for flaccid length) and increased "morning wood":
improved "dangle"

Now I have a link to the place I bought my generic cialis (note - this is not the cheapest source, but it is reliable): Taladafil (generic cialis)

Finally, here is the place they guys at the ED forum tend to use. Its some place in china with some very suspicious looking ordering method, but it is seriously cheap, and the ED guys all claim that (despite appearances) it is completely reliable (note, I haven't used this source myself yet): cheapest source

Take care
I want to try some, but the fact that I don't have a credit card is really kicking my ass. Does anyone know of a site where purchase Taladafil with a money order?
KingD you could also try purchasing a debit card. I have one from Rite Aid just for use on the internet. You can purchase the card for any amount you like. When you spend it up just go back to the store and put some more on it. I got tired of my CC# being stolen and having all that hassle is a real pain in the ***. Mine is a mastercard and is accepted any where a regular credit card is accepted.

In fact the cheapest source I mentioned in my earlier links only accepts money orders. Having said that, if you go to the link there seem to be two kinds of money orders, and only one kind is good. I decided to take the risk and order from them this weekend (previously I had ordered from a more "normal looking" website). Since I cannot get money orders where I live (in Prague) I sent instead a $100 traveller's check (the page that the link takes you to said this is possible).

I'll let people know if and when my order arrives.

By the way, I have been taking cialis for exactly a week now (once every two days) and have decided to not bother with viagra anymore. The erection seems much more natural (although slightly less hard - but not much), lasts a lot longer, and the increased flaccid size is definitely real.
I am wondering if cialis can be stacked with Tagamet like Viagra can for improved absorbtion into the blood stream??
I take 10mg once every two days. So, with the cheap source I mention above, this works out at only 25 cents per day.

But, then, I don't actually have impotence - more like I appreciate the "boost" this stuff gives me (I am 38 - so things aren't quite like they were when I was 18).

From my reading of the Erectile Disfunction forums, people with real ED tend to take 20mg once every 36 to 48 hours.
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My generic Cialis arrived today from the "chinese connection" - i paid $100 for 100 x 20mg

I am going to take one 20mg every 36 hours and see if it works as well as the stuff I was using earlier. Note that I am doubling my dose here (before I was taking 10mg per time) - to see if it makes any difference.

I will let you know.

Oh, by the way, the increase in flaccid length seems to last for a few days - I took a week off cialis and after about 5 days things started shrinking again a little - when I went back on cialis the flaccid length increase returned.

I'll keep you posted on how it works out with the new pills.
Anything to report on the "Chinese connection" Cialis? I was reading for a while and saw that source too.
Yes, I have been taking the chinese cialis every two days, and I am now convinced of its effectiveness. I don't bothered using viagra at all now.

I bought some generic cialis from shoprxonline, and it worked well. The chinese stuff, though, seems more effective.

I take 20mg (a $1 pill) every 48 hours and its like being on viagra all the time since cialis has a very long half-life. 20mg is probably more than I need, but 10mg seemed a little too low for me.

Anyway, the erections are much more natural than with viagra - probably at about 90% of full capacity, whereas viagra sometimes had me at what seems like beyond 100% and close to bursting.

It really makes me feel like I was 18 again, whereas viagra made me feel like a adult entertainment star.

Plus, cialis most definitely has led to an increase in flaccid length. I catch myself admiring my length in the mirror after a shower - and walking around naked in front of my girlfriend a heck of a lot more!

Highly recommended stuff.
I already have some generic Cialis, and have taken 20mg twice this week(Monday and Wednesday). It seemed like I had a semi most of the first day, and not quite as often the second day.Almost like being a teenager again. The only gripe I have is that I paid almost $5 per pill.
I bought some more expensive cialis too, and it worked. But the stuff from china works just as well. I have been taking it for a while now, every two days, and have now given up all other "supplements". I gave my father a handful of the pills, and he reports equally good results.

You asked if the results are permanent. I doubt that they are, in the sense that if you stop taking cialis, I believe things will return to their normal size. However, since its only costs $3.50 per week to take a pill every two days, I am effectively permanently on cialis and in that sense my results are permanent.

You asked about side effects. I did experience a slight tightness in the chest when I took the first pill, but it passed after two days, and I have been side-effect free ever since. I read in one of the news groups that if you have side effects from cialis you should try cutting down the dose (to 10mg every 48 hours, instead of 10mg).
I've read in the newsgroups that many people report that it is hit or miss. Some take it a day before as it takes almost that amount of time to kick in, where Viagra is more reliable. Can you confirm?

Now that could just be these guys can't get anything without some form of medicine, so if you need a raging erection then you are going to have different needs, compared to a Penis Enlargement'er who just want a little more blood flow.

Personally I notice if I take one of the herbal pills, that I get more flow, and thus touch feels better, thus faster erections.

Is the source you use that cheaply built site with the multitude of payment options, like paypal egold, etc..?

You are right - some folks claim cialis takes an almost random time to start working after they swallow a pill. I have not had that experience. For most people it seems to take around 2 hours for the effect to start. However, a lot of people seem to take this every two days (like me) so they are always "ready", whereas viagra was used more on an "as needed" basis.

The source I used is not the one you mention. Instead I use a source in china that does not accept credit cards at all - I ended up sending traveller's checks! Strangely, though, the supplier sent the cialis to me on the day I placed my order (which must have been several days before the traveller's check reached him).

The main motivation is that it is a much cheaper source (by far) than any others I have seen.

Click on the following link to see the supplier's very primitive website and somewhat crypic instructions Supplier's Website

It all looked a bit primitive to me, but the ED newsgroups convinced me it was legit - so I took the risk and it worked out well

That was the site I meant. So you've had good experience dealing with them? How many times have you received an order?

What results has Ciallis given you? Just a full feeling, or solid wood?
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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