Leaving PainKilla to one side for the moment, the issue of wanting to fuck 100 women.
I have no problem with that and I'm not sure I would see it as a particularly hard challenge... except for one thing... you have to give up relationships. Which sucks. There was a documentary on Pick Up Artists on in the UK last year (I think) and ultimately it told the story of nerdy guys who forfeit their true selves to become social robots, drones who go out and trick women into having sex. I felt genuinely sorry for these guys. Their lives were of no value. All of the good (well I say 'good' BUT) women would leave the guys (with the guys thinking they left the women) but the truth was the men held onto any women then could, they just didn't know how to. They hadn't learned that part of being a person. If a woman is not having sex with you for you, she is having sex with you for some other reason, lets call it X. X could be your car, your money, your ability in bed, or your whole
package. If you are going to be untrue to yourself and others for sex, you may as well pay for it (which I have no problem with).
Essentially, being a guy who can avoid a relationship with one of the hundred women one may have sex with is proof that the guy is a husk of a person. Proof that he lacks some crucial skills.
I'd like to fuck 100 women, actually there are probably thousands of women I'd love to fuck. But I wouldn't sacrifice the amazing times I've had with girls and women. Of course, the guys who are incapable of this have to take pot shots at the men who can. There are internet 'fights' where the playas 'win', but only because the guys with women have lives and don't give a shit what the husks, the empty shells, the plastic humans are doing.
And here is the crux of the issue for me. Disfunctional guys are treated as such by women. These dysfunctional guys learn to hate women as a result of being treated as dysfunctional (which they are), they blame the women rather than turning the light on themselves. Its unfortunate.
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