Real life conversation with a girl about dick size after she saw my cock (Must Read)

I know many of us guys get down about our dick size periodically, even the huge ones. I want to take the time to share an experience I just had with a girl to demonstrate just how ridiculous they can be abotu making exagerated size claims about their exes. The point being, never let any numbers a girl throws around bother you. This all happened exactly as I type, the only thing I will change is her AIM name to protect her privacy.

I started talking to this girl online. She is 16 years old and I really just talk to her for shits and giggles although I get teh feeling she has sort of a crush on me and wants to meet, but anyway we get on the topic of sex one night. She explains that she's never had sex or given a blow job, but has seen a few dicks before and given hand jobs. I press her to find out how many different guys she's given hand jobs to and she said 8. So eventually size comes up, she said "none were small, all were at least 5 inches" and I ask how big the biggest one was. She says 8.5 inches and that it was crazy and she couldn't believe it when she saw it. Of course I ask her if she measured with a ruler and she says no she used her hand. And no, the guy didn't give her the 8.5 claim, I asked her about that too.

Many of you have seen my picture, I am 7.5 inches bone pressed. I was feeling cocky and when she (inevitably) asked me how big I was I told her that I don't like to brag, and that I also dont like throwing around numbers but I would send her a picture. I DID mention that I would give mr. 8.5 inches a run for his money. I had some technical difficulties that night, couldn't get the picture to send, finally I got DLD to help me get it converted into an emailable file and I sent it to her as we were talking on AIM. Below is the convo and I didn't change a word except for HER name as I said.

***ientkkiks2114: OMG
Willyc8934: theres that from the otehr day
Willyc8934: omg?
***ientkkiks2114: WHOA!!
***ientkkiks2114: that would hurt...:-\
Willyc8934: do I have the otehr guy beat?
***ientkkiks2114: Hydromaxm definately
Willyc8934: thats nice to know
Willyc8934: : )
***ientkkiks2114: I'm speechless
***ientkkiks2114: haha
***ientkkiks2114: :-P
Willyc8934: really?
***ientkkiks2114: Hydromaxmm... yeah
***ientkkiks2114: that baby need some using;-)
Willyc8934: it does
Willyc8934: it really does
***ientkkiks2114: I bet...

Here is my picture thread for you to view the very same pic that I used.

The point I am trying to make should be obvious. For some reason it has become commonplace for people when hearing a testimony from any girl who has been with a guy to take any comment she makes about dick size as being "The Gospel." I'm not kidding, I hear girls make claims like "my bf is the largest I've ever had, a solid 9.75 inches." If I "had the 8.5 inch guy clearly beat" that would make me AT LEAST 9, so this girl who has seen as many dicks as most girls who aren't overly slutty can't even estimate my size within 1.5 inches.

Guys: Don't let the media and "big dick rumors" fuck with your head. Forget about adult entertainment, forget about "so-and-so's 10-incher." I denied what DLD has been telling us all along for years, but I'm learning more and more that he has been right all along. The elusive horse cock is rare. Sure a few lucky bastards get to be born with one, but only a few. Out of millions of men. Most dicks are between 5 and 7, plain and simple. Any number you hear over 7 and it's probably horseshit. I truly believe it, the majority of women have never seen, in person, a dick over 7 inches. I rest my case.
Hey, I agree with you totally. I had the same thing happen to me once. An ex girlfriend of mine saw my dick and she said it has to at least be 9.5 inches. I was happy as "hell" when she said that. I am only 8.5 nbp. I think my length is done so I am working on girth now. Anyway, I agree with you.

Thanks for the post
I know what you mean Gand. I have told a femal friend that I am doing Penis Enlargement, and she thinks I crazy. I told her my starting stats which was like 5.5, but the time she and I were hanging out I was already 6.5,but I must have been surrounded by size queens,because rumors circulated that I was small. I wonder what they would think now?
Iwant8X6 said:
I know what you mean Gand. I have told a femal friend that I am doing Penis Enlargement, and she thinks I crazy. I told her my starting stats which was like 5.5, but the time she and I were hanging out I was already 6.5,but I must have been surrounded by size queens,because rumors circulated that I was small. I wonder what they would think now?
Man girls can be such psycho bitches, you'd think if they liked you enough to have sex with you or blow you they would like you enough not to spread rumors about having a small dick, guess it's too much to ask for even when it's not true, lol. You have done well to overcome it all though, iwant8x6, aren't you packing 7.5 now? Thats a full 2 inch gain. See what those bitches are saying now when they see it.
While I do agree that some women can be lying sacks of shit, they might not ALL be wrong.

I don't think you should lull yourself into a false sense of security thinking that guys with big dicks are rare. Chicks are the ones sleeping with men, not us. They would know better, not us. For all I know, every single guy out there has a horse dick. And you know what? They might as well for all I care. What other people got ain't gonna change my dick.

So if "big" guys are "rare", what happens when YOU fuck a girl with your new and improved Penis Enlargement dick? Was that bullshit, too? Are you just a myth? An exaggeration?

There's always gonna be someone bigger. The real question shouldn't be: "Do they exist?" It should be: "Should I give a shit?"
Gandolf said:
You have done well to overcome it all though, iwant8x6, aren't you packing 7.5 now? Thats a full 2 inch gain. See what those bitches are saying now when they see it.

Well Just recently I have passed the 7 inch mark bp, if I measure the curve it 7.5. The last girl who saw it under 7, said there was nothing wrong with my penis. It was "nice". UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I understand your point, Gandolf, but someone so young and inexperienced would not carry much weight with me on this subject. I'd find a 35 yr old, better yet, a single 35 yr old and ask her opinion. Odds are she would have a better gauge on size.

Next, I'm not sure how old you are, but be careful the age of those you send your pictures to.
AncientChina said:
Guys never become suberveant to women in any area in general, girls learn at a young age how to exploit and dominate guys by tricks about the penis and anything else in life.

EXACTLY! I don't understand why guys don't get that there are about 3 billion twats in the world, and NONE of them are lined with gold.
Wants9 wrote,

EXACTLY! I don't understand why guys don't get that there are about 3 billion twats in the world, and NONE of them are lined with gold.

You can quit mining if you want to big guy, but I'm going to keep digging:)
This line got my dick hard:
***ientkkiks2114: that baby need some using;-
What a good, little slut she is!

My earliest recollection of a measured size conversation was with one of my ex-girlfriends. She had not seen my penis yet. I remember her asking me how big it was on our first date and I told her, "It looks just like a penis, only smaller." On one of our later dates she described the biggest penis she had ever had telling me it was 12", I remember at the time being turned on by the thought of her riding a 12" cock (she was 5' 1" and 90lbs soak and wet) This was the evening she saw my penis for the first time. During foreplay and stripping down she saw my penis (6.5" at the time) and was like "Oh my gawd, you must be 14" (not kidding) We got into the size thing again and I told her I was 7". SHe went on to tell me I was so much bigger than the 12 incher she had. Woman must see inches as millimeters:D
Nah it'll be a [words=]FleshLight[/words] for you Jersey m'boy!

Good thread Gandolf, confirms my view.
Ive recently found that the sluts I shag have really been SURPRISED at my size.
EVERYONE of them in the last few months have been like OMG you are HUGE ... that will hurt ..... wow.
I dont seem to have grown much lol I mean you guys saw the pix ... a slight gain/s.
Also have sent a few to girls in chat rooms and the respinse is always POSITIVE, before it wasnt always positive, but now there like OMG its BIG or your HUGE.
but shit man, 7 inches of girth is monstrous.....Red, u ever have girls complain about thickness ? Or do you have a gf and have no opinions.
Yes some have complained about it being too thick and I have caused SOME cunts to bleed slightly.
But all in all, they like the bat.
However sometimes I seem to fuck them to hard lol as they are sluts after all from nightclubs, I just pound there ass into oblivion regardless of age lol and I hear screams, wether they always be in pleasure or pain, I dont know??? But I would think I have hurt some girls with my rough sex at times lol but they will think twice before they leap on it again lol
there are about 3 billion twats in the world, and NONE of them are lined with gold.

I quit looking for one of those gold lined twats, and have decided to settle for a woman who doesnt start every sentence with 'dont, dont you think, and you better'.
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Gandolf said:
Forget about adult entertainment, forget about "so-and-so's 10-incher." I denied what DLD has been telling us all along for years, but I'm learning more and more that he has been right all along. The elusive horse cock is rare. Sure a few lucky bastards get to be born with one, but only a few. Out of millions of men. Most dicks are between 5 and 7, plain and simple. Any number you hear over 7 and it's probably horseshit. I truly believe it, the majority of women have never seen, in person, a dick over 7 inches. I rest my case.

A Good post. And I would agree with you in principle – but I would haggle over the numbers. I know that women are notoriously unreliable when it comes to this subject. Back when I was a hardcore gym rat, every bitch I met had a brother/uncle/ex-boyfriend who was “twice my size” (40” arms, 108” chest, LOL), and was benching 500, 550, 600 lbs, etc. Yet, oddly enough, I never met even one of those “Incredible Hulks.” And the same holds true with their “reports” of cock size. But I’m thinking of the Kinsey Survey. The oldest, most respected – and most comprehensive – sexual study ever conducted.

I posted a graphic of their penis size survey results long ago, without knowing their methodology of measuring. I subsequently read more on this. (1) The men were brought into rooms, in groups [not “edging,” & not much privacy actually], (2) they were measured by researchers, they did not self-measure, (3) an index card with hash marks was used – not a ruler – and the researches “placed the card just in contact with the pubis” [so, it was very NON-bonepressed]. For our method of employing a ruler with a deep bonepress, you could reasonably add 3/8 to ¾ inches to their results to approximate our method of measuring.

83% were between 5-7" length
about 9% were less than 5" length
about 8% were more than 7" length (1 in 12, NBP of course)
6.7% were between 7.25-8"
0.8% were between 8.25-9"
most common was 6" (24%)

5% were 6" or more EG
0.6% were 6.5" or more EG
about 66% were between 4-5" EG
most common was 5" (24%)

With our present American population, that translates to about 10 million men with > 7” NBP, and 1 million men with > 8.25” NBP. Also, at least 6 million men have erect girth of 6” or more. Break those numbers down by state, and it’s not “horseshit” at all that a number of women have enjoyed “monster cocks.”

If we’re talking BPenis EnlargementL, you might figure 10 million men at 7.5” or more; and about 1 million men sporting a 9-incher. Divided by 50 states, Gandolf, and your very impressive unit is shared by at least 200,000 of your neighbors.

I know it’s comforting to think that we’re all “Kings of the Hill,” but scientific research seems to reveal some unsettling conclusions. Women are unreliable; and our own “opinions” or “anecdotal evidence” means jack shit. Your 7.5” BPenis EnlargementL unit IS very impressive (I’ve seen your excellent videos) – but 10 million other American men are at least your size (and mine, also). And talking about that “rare monster cock” – there are at least a million of them out there, which breaks down to an average of 20,000 per state (some states like NY & CA probably have double that amount).

So, yes, the big dicks are statistically rare, most cocks are between 5-7 inches, and most women are full of shit….but the numbers have long been in, and universally accepted – except by a lot of Penis Enlargement’ers, lol. One more curious stat: the number of cocks < 5” is almost identical to the number of cocks > 7 inches.

- W a x N
WaxN said:
With our present American population, that translates to about 10 million men with > 7” NBP, and 1 million men with > 8.25” NBP. Also, at least 6 million men have erect girth of 6” or more. Break those numbers down by state, and it’s not “horseshit” at all that a number of women have enjoyed “monster cocks.”

If we’re talking BPenis EnlargementL, you might figure 10 million men at 7.5” or more; and about 1 million men sporting a 9-incher. Divided by 50 states, Gandolf, and your very impressive unit is shared by at least 200,000 of your neighbors.

I know it’s comforting to think that we’re all “Kings of the Hill,” but scientific research seems to reveal some unsettling conclusions. Women are unreliable; and our own “opinions” or “anecdotal evidence” means jack shit. Your 7.5” BPenis EnlargementL unit IS very impressive (I’ve seen your excellent videos) – but 10 million other American men are at least your size (and mine, also). And talking about that “rare monster cock” – there are at least a million of them out there, which breaks down to an average of 20,000 per state (some states like NY & CA probably have double that amount).

So, yes, the big dicks are statistically rare, most cocks are between 5-7 inches, and most women are full of shit….but the numbers have long been in, and universally accepted – except by a lot of Penis Enlargement’ers, lol. One more curious stat: the number of cocks < 5” is almost identical to the number of cocks > 7 inches.

- W a x N

This is actually comforting to me. With 8.5" NBP there are less than 20,000 in my entire state who are bigger...doesn't really seem like a whole lot when spread out over an entire state. It's even more comforting to know that my dick is always getting bigger, and most of those 20,000 will probably always have the same size.
WaxN said:
A Good post. And I would agree with you in principle – but I would haggle over the numbers. .................

(2) they were measured by researchers, they did not self-measure, (3) an index card with hash marks was used – not a ruler – and the researches “placed the card just in contact with the pubis” [so, it was very NON-bonepressed]. .....................

83% were between 5-7" length
about 9% were less than 5" length
about 8% were more than 7" length (1 in 12, NBP of course)
6.7% were between 7.25-8"
0.8% were between 8.25-9"
most common was 6" (24%)

5% were 6" or more EG
0.6% were 6.5" or more EG
about 66% were between 4-5" EG
most common was 5" (24%)

With our present American population, that translates to about 10 million men with > 7” NBP, and 1 million men with > 8.25” NBP. Also, at least 6 million men have erect girth of 6” or more. .......................................................................................................................
- W a x N

Ok, I have to disagree with you here some. Though I could be wrong on the first part and maybe not completely accurate on the rest but......

1. Everything I have ever read on Kinsey over the past 10-12 years in numerous books, online ,etc said that the measurements were from college aged men who measured themselves with an index card and marked it.

2. Your stats I will take on faith. Though I had always read 90% between 5-7" and 5% over and 5% under with around 2% over 7.5" and 1% or less over 8"( wihtout nbp or bp being specified, but I assumed a measure in the middle of the 2).

3. I am wondering where you are getting this 120 million men number from. Not saying its wrong, but just asking. What age range et all are you using? Are you counting kids, elderly, impotent,etc? Because if I am looking at my competition, I am only really interested in sexually interested heterosexual males of a certain age. No offense to those of early or advanced age, but I dont really care what a teenager or 70 year old. Same with gays, asexuals,etc.I would guess my competition would be mostly between the ages of approx 22-28, perhaps 20-50years old at the most. I wonder what those populations would be.
bigbutnottoo said:
Ok, I have to disagree with you here some. Though I could be wrong on the first part and maybe not completely accurate on the rest but......

1. Everything I have ever read on Kinsey over the past 10-12 years in numerous books, online ,etc said that the measurements were from college aged men who measured themselves with an index card and marked it.

2. Your stats I will take on faith. Though I had always read 90% between 5-7" and 5% over and 5% under with around 2% over 7.5" and 1% or less over 8"( wihtout nbp or bp being specified, but I assumed a measure in the middle of the 2).

3. I am wondering where you are getting this 120 million men number from. Not saying its wrong, but just asking. What age range et all are you using? Are you counting kids, elderly, impotent,etc? Because if I am looking at my competition, I am only really interested in sexually interested heterosexual males of a certain age. No offense to those of early or advanced age, but I dont really care what a teenager or 70 year old. Same with gays, asexuals,etc.I would guess my competition would be mostly between the ages of approx 22-28, perhaps 20-50years old at the most. I wonder what those populations would be.
I actually read 2 different accounts of the Kinsey measuring - that the researchers measured them & that the researchers oversaw the subjects measuring themselves (perhaps it was a combination of the two as the survey progressed).

As for the 120 million men, the latest census figures I read were 262 million Americans, 1/2 = 131 million, I took a figure of about 120 million. I didn't know we were factoring "competition" or sexual orientation - just dick size.

Also, I find it odd how many guys are quick to jump to the conclusions of some 16-year-old girl on the internet. If I remember correctly, she jerked a total of 8 guys - yet the Kinsey report indicated that about 1 in 12 were over 7" NBP; so, how her opinion became authoritative & "convinced" so many guys is beyond me.

Second - and I should have mentioned this in my first post - Gandolf, you are taking an outrageous risk by emailing photographs of your penis to a minor. I don't care if she's a skank or not, the law does not differentiate. If she reported you, or her parents reported you, you would be prosecuted as a sexual offender and have to register with the local police - under Megan's Law - for the rest of your life. If she lives in another state, the Feds would be called in. Either way, you could be facing a several years in prison & a lifetime of shame - not to mention any professional opportunities that could be closed to you in the future, in the event of such a conviction.

And to the guy who is 8.5 NBP - yes, that's a huge dong. It puts you in very rarefied company.
REDZULU2003 said:
I gotta ask lol where does my 7.5+ girth stand among the millions?
Anything over 7 in girth is so rare that it probably can't be estimated with any reliable measure of certainty. If one out of, say, 10,000 men is that thick, you would need a sample size in the 100,000's to even estimate. You got nothing to worry about, lol.
WaxN said:
A Good post. And I would agree with you in principle – but I would haggle over the numbers. I know that women are notoriously unreliable when it comes to this subject. Back when I was a hardcore gym rat, every bitch I met had a brother/uncle/ex-boyfriend who was “twice my size” (40” arms, 108” chest, LOL), and was benching 500, 550, 600 lbs, etc. Yet, oddly enough, I never met even one of those “Incredible Hulks.”
Yeah, no point haggling over the numbers, that's the entire point of my thread man. Your benching analogy is exactly what I'm talking about. Sure, the big 7-8 inch non bone pressed dick is out there, I really DON'T think the 9 inchers are out there in a large enough proportion to worry about. However, these big guys are not the norm and it seems EVERY girl or woman has at least one story of a monster cock and it really can't be true.

My main point was to not take women and their ridiculous size claims seriously. As guys, we tend to hear women throw a number like "10 inches" around and get nervous. I will not lie, when this bitch said she had a bf who was 8.5 it initially freaked the hell out of me. Sending her my pic really made me feel better and showed just how wrong females can be with this subject.
One thing about the Kinsey study. Were men allowed to, you know, "bow out" of the study? I mean, men had to agree to participate, right? I would think that would tend to eliminate at least some of the smaller men - and consequently raise the average.

I am also interested in where the girth was measured. Midshaft? Base? Or simply wherever it was largest?

The results don't bother me terribly, because my measurements still look good regardless, so I'm not looking to adjust the figures to something that makes me feel better about myself.
WaxN said:
As for the 120 million men, the latest census figures I read were 262 million Americans, 1/2 = 131 million, I took a figure of about 120 million. I didn't know we were factoring "competition" or sexual orientation - just dick size.


Yeah, but I didnt know we were factoring the dick size of infants or schoolchildren unless we are into women like those teachers who fuck their middle school students :)
"When Alfred Kinsey did his groundbreaking research in the mid-1940s, researchers simply gave men stamped postcards. Each one simply held a postcard against his erect penis, marked how long it was, and slipped the results in the mail.

"They never had to hold a ruler against themselves," says Kinsey spokesman Jennifer Bass.

Measuring an erect penis is no easy matter. Kinsey, Masters and Johnson, and various urology groups have been satisfied with either letting the men do it themselves or with surveys of a few dozen volunteers.


Metal Ed said:
One thing about the Kinsey study. Were men allowed to, you know, "bow out" of the study? I mean, men had to agree to participate, right? I would think that would tend to eliminate at least some of the smaller men - and consequently raise the average.

I am also interested in where the girth was measured. Midshaft? Base? Or simply wherever it was largest?

The results don't bother me terribly, because my measurements still look good regardless, so I'm not looking to adjust the figures to something that makes me feel better about myself.

Ed, I've heard that point a lot about bigger guys responding to those surveys & smaller guys avoiding them - but the numbers seem to suggest otherwise. Consider: 83% were between 5-7" NBP. About 8% were > 7" NBP, but even more - 9% - of the respondents were < 5" NBP.
So, while the majority were 5-7", more guys < 5" showed up than there were guys > 7 inches.

As for girth, I'm not sure which criteria was used for measuring.
>>>>Ed, I've heard that point a lot about bigger guys responding to those surveys & smaller guys avoiding them - but the numbers seem to suggest otherwise. Consider: 83% were between 5-7" NBP. About 8% were > 7" NBP, but even more - 9% - of the respondents were < 5" NBP.
So, while the majority were 5-7", more guys < 5" showed up than there were guys > 7 inches.

But this does not necessarily mean that the smaller guys are not dropping out of the study. If, say, the real figures in the general population were (for the sake of argument) 12% of all men below 5" NBP, then smaller guys are bowing out more often.

I'm not saying that 12% is the right number - just pointing out that the numbers given above don't necessarily prove what you're suggesting. The distribution of penis lengths may not be a symmetrically shaped bell curve, after all. It could be skewed.

In fact, I bet it IS skewed to the right. If we consider that the average length is about 6", and that there do exist (in rare numbers, but they do exist) actual 12" and 13" penises, then the bell curve of penis size couldn't possibly be symmetrical. Because if it were, that would mean that there would be men with penis mesurements of 0" and -1", which is impossible. Probably the curve has a long right tail. There would HAVE to be more men below the average of 6" than there are men above the average of 6", because we can't have dick sizes more than twice the average size and still keep a symmetrical bell curve.

Metal Ed said:
>>>>Ed, I've heard that point a lot about bigger guys responding to those surveys & smaller guys avoiding them - but the numbers seem to suggest otherwise. Consider: 83% were between 5-7" NBP. About 8% were > 7" NBP, but even more - 9% - of the respondents were < 5" NBP.
So, while the majority were 5-7", more guys < 5" showed up than there were guys > 7 inches.

But this does not necessarily mean that the smaller guys are not dropping out of the study. If, say, the real figures in the general population were (for the sake of argument) 12% of all men below 5" NBP, then smaller guys are bowing out more often.

I'm not saying that 12% is the right number - just pointing out that the numbers given above don't necessarily prove what you're suggesting. The distribution of penis lengths may not be a symmetrically shaped bell curve, after all. It could be skewed.

In fact, I bet it IS skewed to the right. If we consider that the average length is about 6", and that there do exist (in rare numbers, but they do exist) actual 12" and 13" penises, then the bell curve of penis size couldn't possibly be symmetrical. Because if it were, that would mean that there would be men with penis mesurements of 0" and -1", which is impossible. Probably the curve has a long right tail. There would HAVE to be more men below the average of 6" than there are men above the average of 6", because we can't have dick sizes more than twice the average size and still keep a symmetrical bell curve.

I wasn't offering the 9% figure of guys < 5" as "proof," I was simply suggesting that a sizeable sampling of rather small men did suBathmateit to the research. Some of those guys were even 4" and less. Now if a survey came out with results showing only 3-4% of men at < 6", I would definitely suspect that the numbers were skewed.

I don't believe that the "penile bell curve" is symmetrical; however, you have to consider the 11-13" crowd to be microscopically rare. Furthermore, there are guys who literally have 1" or less (micropenis).

But the statement or assertion that smaller guys avoid those surveys is completely unscientific speculation, supported by nothing but personal opinion. We have nothing to indicate that the < 5" crowd is 12%, 15% or - in fact - the 9% that Kinsey suggested. There is nothing in the idea of a penis bell curve to logically substantiate that view either.

What can be deduced from the Kinsey study is that the vast majority of men are between the 5-7" NBP range (83%). This is pretty much what most of the guys here have generally believed anyway. Obviously, the further away you move from that range (on both ends of the continuum), the more rare those wangs become.
But the statement or assertion that smaller guys avoid those surveys is completely unscientific speculation, supported by nothing but personal opinion.

If I had a 4" penis, and I knew it was well below average, you would NOT see me enter this size survey. However, if I sported a thick 8" and knew it was well above average, hell. i'd be proud to show it. It might be unscientific, but I think it's a definite effect. Just tell me, would YOU tell a girl/friend your penis was 4" long if they ask? Didn't think so...
Dagger said:
If I had a 4" penis, and I knew it was well below average, you would NOT see me enter this size survey. However, if I sported a thick 8" and knew it was well above average, hell. i'd be proud to show it. It might be unscientific, but I think it's a definite effect. Just tell me, would YOU tell a girl/friend your penis was 4" long if they ask? Didn't think so...
But Dagger, that's you. How could you quantitatively indicate such a variable on a size survey? I have an old high school bud who must've been about 5 (nbp) x 4.5 and he would whip his pants down in front of any girl - something I wouldn't dream of doing at 7.72 (BP) x 6.2 (midshaft). So, would you have concluded that I must have less than 5 x 4.5 since I wouldn't repeat the stunt that he would frequently do?

There's a penis photo site on the web - can't remember the damn URL - but there are tons of pics of guys with teeny weenies. Some of the pics are horrifying (one guy clearly had micropenis, only about 1/2" jutted out from his pubis). Why in the hell would these guys post such pics on the Internet?

Again, all we have are surveys - the rest is all subjective (opinion or wishful thinking).
Yes, thats me. Im not saying all people with small dicks wont whip it out. But I believe it will skew the result somewhat. I just think its common sence. Why else would people lie on their size?

So, would you have concluded that I must have less than 5 x 4.5 since I wouldn't repeat the stunt that he would frequently do?

Ofcourse not. Although it would increase the probability in my mind that your dick isn't too big, not by much in this case though, since people just don't 'normally' whip it out.

Since I would not have done this survey if I had a small dick, that should already tell you that this might be a real effect. Say we did a survey on this topic. I'd wager several would choose to not expose themself to surveys/others if they had a small wang, but would if they had a big one.

I do not know how big this effect is, but I think it's there. Ofcourse, I cannot prove it, but then again, I cannot prove there are other life in the universe, but common sense says it is :)
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    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Which forum? How do I get there?
  • Quote
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    McDong is our newest member. Welcome!
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    gabrieljones is our newest member. Welcome!
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    tbean750 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    silverberg is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    thescholarjt is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    mos is our newest member. Welcome!
      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: mos is our newest member. Welcome!