I know many of us guys get down about our dick size periodically, even the huge ones. I want to take the time to share an experience I just had with a girl to demonstrate just how ridiculous they can be abotu making exagerated size claims about their exes. The point being, never let any numbers a girl throws around bother you. This all happened exactly as I type, the only thing I will change is her AIM name to protect her privacy.
I started talking to this girl online. She is 16 years old and I really just talk to her for shits and giggles although I get teh feeling she has sort of a crush on me and wants to meet, but anyway we get on the topic of sex one night. She explains that she's never had sex or given a blow job, but has seen a few dicks before and given hand jobs. I press her to find out how many different guys she's given hand jobs to and she said 8. So eventually size comes up, she said "none were small, all were at least 5 inches" and I ask how big the biggest one was. She says 8.5 inches and that it was crazy and she couldn't believe it when she saw it. Of course I ask her if she measured with a ruler and she says no she used her hand. And no, the guy didn't give her the 8.5 claim, I asked her about that too.
Many of you have seen my picture, I am 7.5 inches bone pressed. I was feeling cocky and when she (inevitably) asked me how big I was I told her that I don't like to brag, and that I also dont like throwing around numbers but I would send her a picture. I DID mention that I would give mr. 8.5 inches a run for his money. I had some technical difficulties that night, couldn't get the picture to send, finally I got DLD to help me get it converted into an emailable file and I sent it to her as we were talking on AIM. Below is the convo and I didn't change a word except for HER name as I said.
***ientkkiks2114: OMG
Willyc8934: theres that from the otehr day
Willyc8934: omg?
***ientkkiks2114: WHOA!!
***ientkkiks2114: that would hurt...:-\
Willyc8934: do I have the otehr guy beat?
***ientkkiks2114: Hydromaxm definately
Willyc8934: thats nice to know
Willyc8934: : )
***ientkkiks2114: I'm speechless
***ientkkiks2114: haha
Willyc8934: really?
***ientkkiks2114: Hydromaxmm... yeah
***ientkkiks2114: that baby need some using;-)
Willyc8934: it does
Willyc8934: it really does
***ientkkiks2114: I bet...
Here is my picture thread for you to view the very same pic that I used.
The point I am trying to make should be obvious. For some reason it has become commonplace for people when hearing a testimony from any girl who has been with a guy to take any comment she makes about dick size as being "The Gospel." I'm not kidding, I hear girls make claims like "my bf is the largest I've ever had, a solid 9.75 inches." If I "had the 8.5 inch guy clearly beat" that would make me AT LEAST 9, so this girl who has seen as many dicks as most girls who aren't overly slutty can't even estimate my size within 1.5 inches.
Guys: Don't let the media and "big dick rumors" fuck with your head. Forget about adult entertainment, forget about "so-and-so's 10-incher." I denied what DLD has been telling us all along for years, but I'm learning more and more that he has been right all along. The elusive horse cock is rare. Sure a few lucky bastards get to be born with one, but only a few. Out of millions of men. Most dicks are between 5 and 7, plain and simple. Any number you hear over 7 and it's probably horseshit. I truly believe it, the majority of women have never seen, in person, a dick over 7 inches. I rest my case.
I started talking to this girl online. She is 16 years old and I really just talk to her for shits and giggles although I get teh feeling she has sort of a crush on me and wants to meet, but anyway we get on the topic of sex one night. She explains that she's never had sex or given a blow job, but has seen a few dicks before and given hand jobs. I press her to find out how many different guys she's given hand jobs to and she said 8. So eventually size comes up, she said "none were small, all were at least 5 inches" and I ask how big the biggest one was. She says 8.5 inches and that it was crazy and she couldn't believe it when she saw it. Of course I ask her if she measured with a ruler and she says no she used her hand. And no, the guy didn't give her the 8.5 claim, I asked her about that too.
Many of you have seen my picture, I am 7.5 inches bone pressed. I was feeling cocky and when she (inevitably) asked me how big I was I told her that I don't like to brag, and that I also dont like throwing around numbers but I would send her a picture. I DID mention that I would give mr. 8.5 inches a run for his money. I had some technical difficulties that night, couldn't get the picture to send, finally I got DLD to help me get it converted into an emailable file and I sent it to her as we were talking on AIM. Below is the convo and I didn't change a word except for HER name as I said.
***ientkkiks2114: OMG
Willyc8934: theres that from the otehr day
Willyc8934: omg?
***ientkkiks2114: WHOA!!
***ientkkiks2114: that would hurt...:-\
Willyc8934: do I have the otehr guy beat?
***ientkkiks2114: Hydromaxm definately
Willyc8934: thats nice to know
Willyc8934: : )
***ientkkiks2114: I'm speechless
***ientkkiks2114: haha

Willyc8934: really?
***ientkkiks2114: Hydromaxmm... yeah
***ientkkiks2114: that baby need some using;-)
Willyc8934: it does
Willyc8934: it really does
***ientkkiks2114: I bet...
Here is my picture thread for you to view the very same pic that I used.
The point I am trying to make should be obvious. For some reason it has become commonplace for people when hearing a testimony from any girl who has been with a guy to take any comment she makes about dick size as being "The Gospel." I'm not kidding, I hear girls make claims like "my bf is the largest I've ever had, a solid 9.75 inches." If I "had the 8.5 inch guy clearly beat" that would make me AT LEAST 9, so this girl who has seen as many dicks as most girls who aren't overly slutty can't even estimate my size within 1.5 inches.
Guys: Don't let the media and "big dick rumors" fuck with your head. Forget about adult entertainment, forget about "so-and-so's 10-incher." I denied what DLD has been telling us all along for years, but I'm learning more and more that he has been right all along. The elusive horse cock is rare. Sure a few lucky bastards get to be born with one, but only a few. Out of millions of men. Most dicks are between 5 and 7, plain and simple. Any number you hear over 7 and it's probably horseshit. I truly believe it, the majority of women have never seen, in person, a dick over 7 inches. I rest my case.