In dld's newbie ruitine he says that jelqs should be done palm down with an ok sign grip. Does that mean that your hand should be blocking your view of your penis? I have been doing them like that and it's hard to see whether I'm getting any effect from it. ?:( Would it be ok to do it the other way with my hand under my penis so I could see any effects that are happening?
Thank you!
I do mine with my hand under my penis, I just seem to get a much better workout that way. I can't do that overhand grip jelq. Don't know why, I'm just used to the other way.
Use a mirror. I always do my routine in front of a mirror, not because I like the way I look (brrrrr!) but because I can see my penis and gauge flaccid hang, check for injuries, whatever...
Either way to Jelq is okay. The issue is that you will pull one way, giving an upward curve if you have one way and straight the other way. Watch the way that you pull and give your penis a turn or curve. Over a period of time you will put a curve into it if you do it a certain way. With the hand covering the penis, thumb to the body you will tend to keep it straighter. GS
The overhand style also feels kind of uncomfortable for me. However, it does seem to be more effective (to me anyways). So I try to do 100 or so jelqs overhand until it begins to feel annoying then move to the underhand style
Great advice kelli, I never tried jelqing that way. We should call this one the "See My Pics" jelq method... because I know you aren't littering the forum with spam...
I was also wondering about dld's blasters. How exactly do you do them? Are they done during streatching. If you can give me a link to the thread explaining them I would be very thankful. I'm trying really hard to make this pe thing a habit and hopefully see some gains, even though I do not currently have access to a ruler...
tradeguy said:
I was also wondering about dld's blasters. How exactly do you do them? Are they done during streatching. If you can give me a link to the thread explaining them I would be very thankful. I'm trying really hard to make this pe thing a habit and hopefully see some gains, even though I do not currently have access to a ruler...

DLD Blasters
I just want to make sure I'm envisioning what you are saying here... your grip is over or below the penis? With the thumb to the body?

I don't know if I'm doing it correctly, but what feels the most comfortable for me, is basically a jerking-off position (thumb and index finger farthest away from the body, while middle finger, ring finger, pinky are closer to body). My thumb is matched by the combination of middle finger and index finger (thumb is fat, and I get a better grip this way). My palm is around the side of the penis, thumb over top, and middlefinger+index finger underneath. Of course, this position seems to flatten my penis, but any other position (and I generally twist my wrist during the session to alternate positions) isn't as comfortable. Palm over top or underneath just don't allow me to get as much squeeze.

Am I doing this wrong? Is there a better way?
I always jelq with my palm facing at a 90 degree angle. Its most comfortable, and if you're putting the correct amount of pressure on your penis, the jelqs will be equally as effective.