These questions might seem a little off but stay with me. Also please only answer if you are uncut. First is do you drink coffee? How much? Now if you do do you find that it affects your erection strength at all or your flaccid size and hang at all? Next is do you swim alot and if so does that dry out your glans?
Don't drink coffee.... I'm one of the very few people that has an incredibly low blood pressure, and can't stand it when coffee sends it though the roof! But, it DOES affect erection strength and flacid hang.... I find that blood just doesn't get down there!

Swimming drying out the glans? Nope! That's what a foreskin is for... Protection! (And I've done alot of swimming... Used to swim for the country till i was about 12.... Comonnnn England!)
Jason1 said:
These questions might seem a little off but stay with me. Also please only answer if you are uncut. First is do you drink coffee? How much? Now if you do do you find that it affects your erection strength at all or your flaccid size and hang at all? Next is do you swim alot and if so does that dry out your glans?

Yes, I am uncut.
Yes, I drink coffee....a lot of coffee.
Yes, my erection strength is very weak.

My flacid size looks quite small to me. (Even though my erection is apparently on the large size in length) There is no weight to my flacid penis at all. Yet occasionally it can hang quite large and heavy on rare occasions, so I recognise the difference.

I am seeing a specialist who deals with erectile dysfunction.
I can get an erection that isn't that strong using physical stimulus, but it doesn't stay up. As soon as I let go it vanishes rather quickly.

I only recently learnt that coffee could be affecting my sexual health.
I read that certain substances can affect processes that are vital for a healthy erection.
Caffeine can affect the doapmine levels in the brain, as can nicotine. And substances that can also affect adrenaline levels could possibly have an affect too regarding blood flow to the genital area.

I intend to stop smoking and quit coffee altogether tommorrow morning.

I think that the coffee and cigarettes may well have contributed to my problem. I have probably a very weak nerve response down there in my genital area, and I need to try and correct things.
I read that caffeine can dull nerve responses a bit. Probably has a lot to do with the affect on dopamine levels or something.
Anyway, I am trying to sort things out by addressing anything that could be associated with my problem. I think I may have fried my nerves down there and I have a weak sexual response. I don't get nocturnal erections or morning wood.

By the way,..why do you ask?
And why is your question relevant to being uncut or not?
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I'd also add that I never drank coffee at all until I was 23 years old.
And it was shortly after that time when my problems started.

I feel stupid now, but I just didn't connect the two things together at the time. I just didn't have a clue. But in hindsight I feel that I should have had a clue. But it's like if someone told you that eating potatoes was the problem, how would you know if nobody at the time told you? We consume so many things that it's hard to know exactly what's doing what to you, and knowledge surrounding sexual health then was limited compared to what we know nowadays.

It was only a couple of months ago when I read one or two tiny references to coffee affecting erections when I was looking for information on stopping smoking I just came across the suggestion completely by accident.

And in the thread about Yohimbine in this forum, there is a link to a site that talks about coffee being unhelathy to sexual health.
Of course people are different (For example,..some people have an allergy to nuts and can die when exposed to them, wheras most of us don't)....but in my case I think caffeine was an unseen enemy doing it's damage without me being aware of it.
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I am uncut.
I don't drink coffee at all and my erections aren't that great, sometimes they are good and sometimes they ain't.
I don't do swimming so couldn't really tell you.
My flaccid size decreases when i drink tea(dont like coffee) but I have no trouble with erections. I don't really swim too much so I couldnt tell ya.
Laney said:
Don't drink coffee.... I'm one of the very few people that has an incredibly low blood pressure, and can't stand it when coffee sends it though the roof! But, it DOES affect erection strength and flacid hang.... I find that blood just doesn't get down there!

Swimming drying out the glans? Nope! That's what a foreskin is for... Protection! (And I've done alot of swimming... Used to swim for the country till i was about 12.... Comonnnn England!)

Same here... I have low blood pressure, too. It may be good in the sense that it promotes good cardiovascular health and wards off several common medical conditions, but when it comes down to erection strength, it may be a hinderance. You know, I never thought of it, but low blood pressure might have had a role in my occasional periods of erectile dysfunction.

To address the question: yes, I am uncut, and I usually drink about one cup of either coffee or tea a day. That's not much, so I can't say whether or not it affects my flaccid hang.
I have noticed, though, that on the rare occasions when I get lots of caffeine it tends to cause some minor shrinkage.