Firstly I do pe because I have a complex about size. Plain and simple. I’ve searched my past and know its roots well. Not that this cures it, it just makes it manageable.

I’ve realized recently that one of my biggest problems or fears about pe, is I have an underlying feeling of guilt in regards to actually doing pe, and about the gains I have gotten from it. No one knows of my secret obsession, not even my best friends, and if they did how would they view me? Deep down I felt dirty, like a weirdo. What if they knew I have become totally obsessed with the size of my penis, and that I devote so many hours to making it bigger? Tugging away at the ever expanding wade of tissue between my legs. What if my friends knew I had a big(er) dick? I would hate that. I hate my buldge showing. (I am pretty short.+Tight pants=Not good.) This part of me isn’t who I am in public. This isn't my sense of humor, or my warm, accepting friendly personality.

If people knew I spent hours sometimes, searching the net for big cock adult entertainment just for a fresh dose of motivation? Now, if the guy is less than 8 inches, I’m just not interested. Not A grade stuff. At times I have (and still do) have a slight paranoia that people i know, know i have a size complex and talk about it behind my back. Or that an ex-girlfriend might talk about my fears I let lose to her, to her friends/boyfriends. –Then again the new boyfriend may well get an answer he doesn’t want to hear late at night when he’s asking her strange questions. (That I would enjoy though:).) I find I now live a life of too me's, the one around others, and the one when I’m alone.
But with my gains came glory, the lady’s started to give good comments. Certain ones truly believed I was over 8 inches. Ahh, good times. To be the big dick guy in the throws of a woman who just doesn’t know any better. Its just glorious. Sensational. The feeling of power is awesome.

The shame of my complex, boils down to my respect for others feelings. I wouldn’t want to elicit any complex in them, that has such a firm grip over me. (I am a firm supporter of pe staying deeply underground. I believe it becoming mainstream will put us even more into the masculine “GQ/Cosmopolitan/Perfect Male” mind set.)
We should stand proud as pure men, as who we are, and just behold woman, and never allow one another or at least any women to devaluate from our character or self esteem. (They are learning how deep this goes, and who to push our butons. Just take a look at We should not seek to intimidate them, not to seek approvable from them -or anybody else. That in its self is a weakness and it detracts from the very essence of what makes us men. It is an archetypal feminine complex –to judge ourselves based on others opinions. I feel we should have nothing of it whatsoever. Giving up our power as individuals.
That said, what I have come to realize is, that most men aren’t obsessed with size as I am, and some of us here are. They are obsessed with woman. And they should be. Our sons, and their son’s should, never have to feel less than enough, and practice self validation and acceptence, not sacrifice their bodies, minds, for any reason other than personal gain. Personal gain.

A big penis is my fantasy. Good clothes, good body, good income is my fantasy. Its not a dream, it’s a fantasy that I crave. Totally alien from anyone else. This is my fetish. And I choose to share its fruits with one person. My lady.
So, with my penis complex in hand, I now deal with, it in the most constructive, and personally gratifying way I know possible.
Penis Enlargement.

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Having shame about your penis enlargement activity is not necessary. I can think of many other penile activities that a far more shameful. We are taught at a very early age that the penis is dirty and something to be ashamed of. I have fought long and hard to abolish this line of thinking as, in my opinion, is the root of many evils in the world. Rape, low self-esteem, controlling, and other negative behavior can be traced back to shame and guilt around our sexuality. The creator weather you believe in the big bang or GOD would not give us a body part that was meant to be shameful. We are meant to make the best of ourselves be it exercise, mental health, kindness, etc, and yes, sexuality. I would be considered the biggest sinner if this was indeed a sin. Love yourself, love your dick, work toward those goals in monetary, physical and mental betterment. When I stand before my judge in the end I want to show that I did everything I could to better myself and make the most of the life I was given.
doublelongdaddy said:
Having shame about your penis enlargement activity is not necessary. I can think of many other penile activities that a far more shameful. We are taught at a very early age that the penis is dirty and something to be ashamed of. I have fought long and hard to abolish this line of thinking as, in my opinion, is the root of many evils in the world. Rape, low self-esteem, controlling, and other negative behavior can be traced back to shame and guilt around our sexuality. The creator weather you believe in the big bang or GOD would not give us a body part that was meant to be shameful. We are meant to make the best of ourselves be it exercise, mental health, kindness, etc, and yes, sexuality. I would be considered the biggest sinner if this was indeed a sin. Love yourself, love your dick, work toward those goals in monetary, physical and mental betterment. When I stand before my judge in the end I want to show that I did everything I could to better myself and make the most of the life I was given.

Very well put.
O'RileyColt said:
Firstly I do pe because I have a complex about size. Plain and simple. I’ve searched my past and know its roots well. Not that this cures it, it just makes it manageable.

I’ve realized recently that one of my biggest problems or fears about pe, is I have an underlying feeling of guilt in regards to actually doing pe, and about the gains I have gotten from it. No one knows of my secret obsession, not even my best friends, and if they did how would they view me? Deep down I felt dirty, like a weirdo. What if they knew I have become totally obsessed with the size of my penis, and that I devote so many hours to making it bigger? Tugging away at the ever expanding wade of tissue between my legs. What if my friends knew I had a big(er) dick? I would hate that. I hate my buldge showing. (I am pretty short.+Tight pants=Not good.) This part of me isn’t who I am in public. This isn't my sense of humor, or my warm, accepting friendly personality.

If people knew I spent hours sometimes, searching the net for big cock adult entertainment just for a fresh dose of motivation? Now, if the guy is less than 8 inches, I’m just not interested. Not A grade stuff. At times I have (and still do) have a slight paranoia that people i know, know i have a size complex and talk about it behind my back. Or that an ex-girlfriend might talk about my fears I let lose to her, to her friends/boyfriends. –Then again the new boyfriend may well get an answer he doesn’t want to hear late at night when he’s asking her strange questions. (That I would enjoy though:).) I find I now live a life of too me's, the one around others, and the one when I’m alone.
But with my gains came glory, the lady’s started to give good comments. Certain ones truly believed I was over 8 inches. Ahh, good times. To be the big dick guy in the throws of a woman who just doesn’t know any better. Its just glorious. Sensational. The feeling of power is awesome.

The shame of my complex, boils down to my respect for others feelings. I wouldn’t want to elicit any complex in them, that has such a firm grip over me. (I am a firm supporter of pe staying deeply underground. I believe it becoming mainstream will put us even more into the masculine “GQ/Cosmopolitan/Perfect Male” mind set.)
We should stand proud as pure men, as who we are, and just behold woman, and never allow one another or at least any women to devaluate from our character or self esteem. (They are learning how deep this goes, and who to push our butons. Just take a look at We should not seek to intimidate them, not to seek approvable from them -or anybody else. That in its self is a weakness and it detracts from the very essence of what makes us men. It is an archetypal feminine complex –to judge ourselves based on others opinions. I feel we should have nothing of it whatsoever. Giving up our power as individuals.
That said, what I have come to realize is, that most men aren’t obsessed with size as I am, and some of us here are. They are obsessed with woman. And they should be. Our sons, and their son’s should, never have to feel less than enough, and practice self validation and acceptence, not sacrifice their bodies, minds, for any reason other than personal gain. Personal gain.

A big penis is my fantasy. Good clothes, good body, good income is my fantasy. Its not a dream, it’s a fantasy that I crave. Totally alien from anyone else. This is my fetish. And I choose to share its fruits with one person. My lady.
So, with my penis complex in hand, I now deal with, it in the most constructive, and personally gratifying way I know possible.
Penis Enlargement.


Well said .
I find a lot of posters on the forum can be very aggressive.
I wonder if they would be so combatitive in a face-to-face situation ?
I doubt it.
Small man syndrome perhaps.
A lot of the people who post on this web-site seem only to eager to put down or attack others.
Funnily enough, the members of the LPSG have a least, got a sense of humour and are not too angst filled.
Teenage boys, eh ?
Thanks for the replys guys. Ive thought this whole stupid thing over and im feeling better about my situation. Now Im just doing thing, -like any guy would.
Personally, I think any form of self improvement is to be applauded. Especially pe. I mean pe won't do a damn thing for anyone unless you put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into it. When you make gains that's the tangible reward you see manifested for all the work you have put in. Parade that bulge man, you earned it! rofl The points DLD brought up about our inherent sexual nature as a fact of life and not anything to be ashamed of, that is so true. Living abroad and then returning to the states I can honestly say we are such fucking prudes over here, for the most part anyway. It says a lot about you that you have such a drive to pursue pe and it's all good.
I live this same life. No one knows about my obsession except for my ex. For a time, she was cool about it, then she thought I was too obsessive. The fact was, she didn't really care about my size. I'm average and she thought that was good enough. There were more important things to her then penis size. She thought it was a waste of time.

Knowing this made me doubt myself. Why should I care then? I realized the fine point of it long after I lost her. Why do some of us exercise, lift weights, read, study, pursue a career? The same reason can be said for Penis Enlargement, to advance ourselves and to be happy with ourselves. Penis Enlargement is not to be ashamed of or evil; for if anything, it is another factor in the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. It is a discipline and I believe their are many benefits to be had besides a bigger penis. Even though Penis Enlargement is in a stage where it could be embarrasing if your friends found out, your probably bigger and healthier then they are!

In a 100 years, none of us will be here. Most of the people here will not exist anymore. All we can do is find happiness with the time that has been given to us. If Penis Enlargement is one of those things, then tug away!
O'RileyColt said:
Thanks for the replys guys. Ive thought this whole stupid thing over and im feeling better about my situation. Now Im just doing thing, -like any guy would.

You have the right attitude.
When we are very young (teenagers) we worry about our acne spots, weight (too fat or too thin), too hairy (not hairy enough).
As you get older (and everything slips down South) you realise there are more importance things to worry about.
Learn to like (or love yourself) !
I actually told a friend I do Penis Enlargement.. 2 actually.. we talk openly about masturbation and all kinds of shit, very close friends.

They find it weird and one of the guys is a 'bodybuilder' and hes like you spend 1 hour doing exercises on ur dick blabla.. im like.. dude, you spend 1 hour in the gym working on your body.. its the same thing.. and hes just like.. yeah but its ur dick man blabla.. size doesnt matter (hes 6.5inches btw) he says why would it matter etc but I know deep down he knows and hes just too lazy to start doing Penis Enlargement.. he also asked me how to do the exercises etc./
I had a sort of "taboo" thing going for me whenever I started. Kept it a big secret sort of thing and don't want anybody to know and knkow that you would die if somebody found out. Then I came to realize I was actually trying to better myself as a person and was actaully sticking to it (as opposed to all the times I started an exercise program and stopped). Suddenly I realized that it really wasn't a bad thing, in fact a good thing. I mean come on, I'm doing this to please the women! ( and boost my self confidence lol) Now its not like I go around telling everybody about it. In fact only a couple of my closer friends know, but its not such a hidden thing any more. I think to truly make gains in Penis Enlargement you have to have a positive outlook on it and an open mind.
doublelongdaddy said:
We are meant to make the best of ourselves be it exercise, mental health, kindness, etc, and yes, sexuality. I would be considered the biggest sinner if this was indeed a sin. Love yourself, love your dick, work toward those goals in monetary, physical and mental betterment. When I stand before my judge in the end I want to show that I did everything I could to better myself and make the most of the life I was given.
That should sum up what life is, at least in my eyes. It is all about you bettering yourself in turn bettering everyone. Damn! that is one hell of a quote. I stand to live by it! If I were to choose millions of dollars versus self improvement, self improvement hands down, it is something that can't be taken away from you! read my money has its thrills...
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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