Overtraining on purpose for maximum gains?

@V-TAX What was the length of the pump and clamping routine you done in the past.

You may or may not know, that I made nice gains using clamping, and wrote a basic free guide.
In the past I did pumping, between 20-45 min and then 20 min clamp. Now though, I do clamping 20 min and then 20 min pumping. You did? Better gains by just using a clamp?
I think you need to change how you view women. It's not healthy, you shouldn't have harsh feeling's wanting revenge to get bigger.

This is simply feelings of inadequacy, insecure on your own part, and everyone has inadequacies or feelings of insecurity.

I've seen a few TV shows about men like that in the states who pretend to be someone else on the net to meet a woman in a location.

When they meet the woman gets slut shamed by a coward wearing a mask, all because he cannot deal with shit, and takes it out on all women because he cannot get a date.

Not saying you are this, but it's maybe a path towards it. I wish for men like that to realize the negative way of thinking, to look at themselves, the issue isn't outside but needs dealing from within.

All this about women wanting massive sizes is the minority, a fetish. Nothing wrong with it, just don't take that literally.

I wish MOS to have a section on changing men's unhealthy mindset towards women, and we should do more being entirely male here, and challenge views that seem unhealthy or going too far one way.

Put it this way. If you don't change, and do obtain the size goal (hope you do) you'll still project those feelings across onto how you see women, it'll just be something else.

Yes you are right. I let myself go too far. I’m resolving my emotional issues and a lot of crap will come up to the surface while doing kundalini yoga daily.

I am an incel and I am clearing my mind and chakras in order to advance spiritually but there’s still alot of resentment left sometimes. I shouldn’t talk bad about women. I forgot that it will lower my vibrational frequencies. Negativity and hateful thoughts are not good.

Thanks for the reminder. I apologize to women because in the end, you can’t force them to like an unattractive ugly man. They don’t owe me anything.

I’m working on it.
In the past I did pumping, between 20-45 min and then 20 min clamp. Now though, I do clamping 20 min and then 20 min pumping. You did? Better gains by just using a clamp?

That seems effective to get results.

I've done various over the years, and had gains using both ways.

The trick is consistency, but not going overboard. A fine line between too much, and not enough.
Yes you are right. I let myself go too far. I’m resolving my emotional issues and a lot of crap will come up to the surface while doing kundalini yoga daily.

I am an incel and I am clearing my mind and chakras in order to advance spiritually but there’s still alot of resentment left sometimes. I shouldn’t talk bad about women. I forgot that it will lower my vibrational frequencies. Negativity and hateful thoughts are not good.

Thanks for the reminder. I apologize to women because in the end, you can’t force them to like an unattractive ugly man. They don’t owe me anything.

I’m working on it.

I'm pleased you are working on this.
Did that contact I gave you offer anything?
You mean kegels? I`m trying to do them as much as I can every day. I saw a vid and a post from you saying they should be done as many times a day as possible. Or have you changed your mind and think I should have a routine that is a certain number of reps, sets and how long to hold each kegel?

Yes that’s exactly what I mean and I’m glad you’re doing them. Try to hold as long as you can in certain sets and in other sets go with a quick squeeze. The longer you hold a squeeze the stronger the muscles become but the more you do quick squeezes the more endurance you build.
Yes that’s exactly what I mean and I’m glad you’re doing them. Try to hold as long as you can in certain sets and in other sets go with a quick squeeze. The longer you hold a squeeze the stronger the muscles become but the more you do quick squeezes the more endurance you build.
Fantastic! Thats great to know! I`ll do even more of them now! It makes so much more sense that for the penis to grow bigger, it needs to be able to hold alot more blood! :)
This is a beautiful thing. We are able to take a soaring bird's-eye view, and look at our "troubles" from a better perspective.

We ourselves create our own happiness. The world, and all the people within, cannot force us to think or feel the way we do. We are the captains, and ONLY you, the individual have the power. It is your mindset that changes the waters from calm to choppy.

This journey is YOURS, and you must embrace the path. Move toward the horizon, keep it in your sight, but DO take in EVERYTHING AROUND YOU on the way.

Bless'ed Love. ..
Fantastic! Thats great to know! I`ll do even more of them now! It makes so much more sense that for the penis to grow bigger, it needs to be able to hold alot more blood! :)

It’s kinda like the gym you lift heavy weight to build muscle which would long Kegels, even better weighted long Kegels. Some do towel raises to build muscle too. Think of quick Kegels over a long period as the exercise bike for endurance.
It’s kinda like the gym you lift heavy weight to build muscle which would long Kegels, even better weighted long Kegels. Some do towel raises to build muscle too. Think of quick Kegels over a long period as the exercise bike for endurance.

True kegels are real,when I jerk off takes more than the usual to shoot my load
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Kegels are the only ESSENTIAL exercise I am lacking. Need to find a way to get motivated, and also reminded to do them. I mean, I kegel during expansion exercises, but not to the point of PF fatigue.

Definitely take @DLD advice, and incorporate them frequently.
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Kegels are the only ESSENTIAL exercise I am lacking. Need to find a way to get motivated, and also reminded to do them. I mean, I kegel during expansion exercises, but not to the point of PF fatigue.

Definitely take @DLD advice, and incorporate them frequently.

Thanks my brother!
It’s kinda like the gym you lift heavy weight to build muscle which would long Kegels, even better weighted long Kegels. Some do towel raises to build muscle too. Think of quick Kegels over a long period as the exercise bike for endurance.
A week ago I started doing PE every day as you said, and in the past 3 days, my expansion has decreased after the sessions by 0.4 inches in girth. Is this a bad sign DLD?
A week ago I started doing PE every day as you said, and in the past 3 days, my expansion has decreased after the sessions by 0.4 inches in girth. Is this a bad sign DLD?

No that’s not a bad sign it’s a sign that your EQ needs rest. When you find yourself in this state is simply means you need to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.
No that’s not a bad sign it’s a sign that your EQ needs rest. When you find yourself in this state is simply means you need to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.
So i need to do more kegels?? And OMFG, my expanison is even lesser now, and my expansion dissipates almost immedatley after my session, its dropping away super fast and it has never done that before!!! My expansion always last all day, from 70-95%!!. Do I need a break....?
How Long are your session(and what exercice for) ? And usually how many kegels did you do a day ? Cause as DLD said if your pelvic floor muscle is not strong enough you just won't be able to get strong erection wich translate to be able to hold more blood even in a rest state
Another question could be : have you recently gotten an injury or something that could hurt a lot your EQ ?
Also what where your rythm before going evry day PE ?
How Long are your session(and what exercice for) ? And usually how many kegels did you do a day ? Cause as DLD said if your pelvic floor muscle is not strong enough you just won't be able to get strong erection wich translate to be able to hold more blood even in a rest state
Another question could be : have you recently gotten an injury or something that could hurt a lot your EQ ?
Also what where your rythm before going evry day PE ?

1. How Long are your session(and what exercice for) ? - 45 minutes of clamping (15 min x 3) then 30 min pumping.

2. And usually how many kegels did you do a day ? - I dont count, i just do them. I have always maintained my expansion all day, everything from 60-95% through the entire day. wheter i do kegels or not. So these last days are new to me, that my expansion just goes away and is SO much less expansion.

3. have you recently gotten an injury or something that could hurt a lot your EQ ? - Nope

4. Also what where your rythm before going evry day PE ? - I`ve done PE every day now for 1.5 weeks now, and I have never done this before. Before I started on this, I did my routine above on point 1, every other day. and on the other day, I did only pumping, which never resulted in what im experiencing now and these past days.

I will and must do more kegels, I have realized now i need to do even more!
1. How Long are your session(and what exercice for) ? - 45 minutes of clamping (15 min x 3) then 30 min pumping.

2. And usually how many kegels did you do a day ? - I dont count, i just do them. I have always maintained my expansion all day, everything from 60-95% through the entire day. wheter i do kegels or not. So these last days are new to me, that my expansion just goes away and is SO much less expansion.

3. have you recently gotten an injury or something that could hurt a lot your EQ ? - Nope

4. Also what where your rythm before going evry day PE ? - I`ve done PE every day now for 1.5 weeks now, and I have never done this before. Before I started on this, I did my routine above on point 1, every other day. and on the other day, I did only pumping, which never resulted in what im experiencing now and these past days.

I will and must do more kegels, I have realized now i need to do even more!
If after 2 weeks weak EQ is still here and you still can't keep your expansion Maybe just go a bit smoother on the daily basis while getting a stronger prlvic floor muscle and gradually get back to your max intensity, don't rush yourself brother
It could takes weeks or even a month or two before you'll be able to do that level of workout while having that "expansion" afterward
But you'll make it

Remember PE is a marathon ?

Myself Before fetting to this much of volume it took me 6 month (going from one 15 minutes a day then 20 then again 15 but twice ect ect of pumping to 3 monstruous hours a day for more detail I'll let you be curious of my routine and my journey)

With that said : May your journey lead you to a massive dong (or in my case a huge Boner ?the femur type one)
If after 2 weeks weak EQ is still here and you still can't keep your expansion Maybe just go a bit smoother on the daily basis while getting a stronger prlvic floor muscle and gradually get back to your max intensity, don't rush yourself brother
It could takes weeks or even a month or two before you'll be able to do that level of workout while having that "expansion" afterward
But you'll make it

Remember PE is a marathon ?

Myself Before fetting to this much of volume it took me 6 month (going from one 15 minutes a day then 20 then again 15 but twice ect ect of pumping to 3 monstruous hours a day for more detail I'll let you be curious of my routine and my journey)

With that said : May your journey lead you to a massive dong (or in my case a huge Boner ?the femur type one)

Excellent advice! I thank you so much for your reply. The only thing I would like to add is when you find yourself in a state of complete fatigue do not waste it, the best time to stretch this during this period.
1. How Long are your session(and what exercice for) ? - 45 minutes of clamping (15 min x 3) then 30 min pumping.

2. And usually how many kegels did you do a day ? - I dont count, i just do them. I have always maintained my expansion all day, everything from 60-95% through the entire day. wheter i do kegels or not. So these last days are new to me, that my expansion just goes away and is SO much less expansion.

3. have you recently gotten an injury or something that could hurt a lot your EQ ? - Nope

4. Also what where your rythm before going evry day PE ? - I`ve done PE every day now for 1.5 weeks now, and I have never done this before. Before I started on this, I did my routine above on point 1, every other day. and on the other day, I did only pumping, which never resulted in what im experiencing now and these past days.

I will and must do more kegels, I have realized now i need to do even more!
Over training girth, i've done this many times. it's just your dick telling you to chill for a bit. i've literally freaked myself out thinking about it aswell, to the point i couldnt get hard at all, like a semi cocked noodle, but after a week i was fine. you're fine, just need rest. you were massively training expansion.
Over training girth, i've done this many times. it's just your dick telling you to chill for a bit. i've literally freaked myself out thinking about it aswell, to the point i couldnt get hard at all, like a semi cocked noodle, but after a week i was fine. you're fine, just need rest. you were massively training expansion.

Yes with girth work there needs to be rest so EQ can return 100%. You will need to plan your routines around the time that you’ll need your best EQ. When EQ is suffering it’s the best time for you to stretch. You have to figure out a system that will work best for you around when you need EQ to be high.
Over training girth, i've done this many times. it's just your dick telling you to chill for a bit. i've literally freaked myself out thinking about it aswell, to the point i couldnt get hard at all, like a semi cocked noodle, but after a week i was fine. you're fine, just need rest. you were massively training expansion.
I`m so greatfull for you sharing this, I`m glad someone has experienced the same. Yeah, exactly, like an unusable noodle. Yeah I have to rest, I was freaking out, but will for sure get that expansion again and make it last once I heal and build up to it once again, just have to be weary when I get there that I do every other day instead of every day.
I`m so greatfull for you sharing this, I`m glad someone has experienced the same. Yeah, exactly, like an unusable noodle. Yeah I have to rest, I was freaking out, but will for sure get that expansion again and make it last once I heal and build up to it once again, just have to be weary when I get there that I do every other day instead of every day.
Exactly, you'll be 100% in no time at all
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You know what my thoughts are going to be LOL the more the better in my opinion. I got to where I got to because I trained every day for 12 hours. I never took a day off and I was always pushing intensity creating new exercises or tools or some other angle to increase my ability to gain.
12 hours! Shit! That's why those gains. I'm trying to do what you did but with the very best gear and supplements available now. I believed you reaping what you were sowing I want to gain fast also. I don't know about 12 hours though. I'm not saying I won't go there however.
12 hours! Shit! That's why those gains. I'm trying to do what you did but with the very best gear and supplements available now. I believed you reaping what you were sowing I want to gain fast also. I don't know about 12 hours though. I'm not saying I won't go there however.

Just do what is you are capable of. The moat important thing is consistency.
12 hours! Shit! That's why those gains. I'm trying to do what you did but with the very best gear and supplements available now. I believed you reaping what you were sowing I want to gain fast also. I don't know about 12 hours though. I'm not saying I won't go there however.

Probably a lot more than I needed but I was obsessed with getting as big as possible as fast as possible.
I have tried a few light to medium workouts since i stopped, but my penis is completely annihilated, I can hardly get an erection... I just have to be patient, even though I hate being patient.

What have you been doing to help with these EQ issues?
What have you been doing to help with these EQ issues?
DLD, do you agree with this? its from a big girth gainer, aristocane from Thund3rs Pl@ce:

question from some user:
I believe you stated in your post that you don’t believe in taking breaks for healing, does that mean your “member” was always in semi-fatigue or soreness mode?

answer from aristocane:
The longer you wait between sessions or even sets in a session for that matter, the more time you give the tunica to retract back to its normal size. Bottom line, you’ve gotta keep your penis in a constant expanded state PAST its normal size. If you’re back to your exact same size come the next session, its like the first session was moot and never counted.
DLD, do you agree with this? its from a big girth gainer, aristocane from Thund3rs Pl@ce:

question from some user:
I believe you stated in your post that you don’t believe in taking breaks for healing, does that mean your “member” was always in semi-fatigue or soreness mode?

answer from aristocane:
The longer you wait between sessions or even sets in a session for that matter, the more time you give the tunica to retract back to its normal size. Bottom line, you’ve gotta keep your penis in a constant expanded state PAST its normal size. If you’re back to your exact same size come the next session, its like the first session was moot and never counted.

I agree to a certain extent. The Tunica can be stretched at any point so you don’t need to be in a constant state of tunica stretch since it can be reached so quickly with Bundled stretches. The place I agree is we want to find the best schedule for ourselves and those that can do training every day will keep your tunica in a stretch state but you will also be in a constant state of fatigue. So if you’re going to go every day I suggest that you work your schedule around your sex. You need to find out how long of a rest you need before fatigue is gone and you can have sex.
I agree to a certain extent. The Tunica can be stretched at any point so you don’t need to be in a constant state of tunica stretch since it can be reached so quickly with Bundled stretches. The place I agree is we want to find the best schedule for ourselves and those that can do training every day will keep your tunica in a stretch state but you will also be in a constant state of fatigue. So if you’re going to go every day I suggest that you work your schedule around your sex. You need to find out how long of a rest you need before fatigue is gone and you can have sex.
I see your point, I did try working out every day and that turned my dick unusable for a long time, so that doesnt work, I think I pumped with way much pressure, it has to be the cause.. So I have to workout every other day as I did, or every day buy will much less intensity. But from what Ive heard, the best results from big girth gainers are every day or every other day.
Inducing a slight bit of overtraining at the end of a cycle before a layoff break can be beneficial. It makes for more profound "rebound" gains.
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I agree to a certain extent. The Tunica can be stretched at any point so you don’t need to be in a constant state of tunica stretch since it can be reached so quickly with Bundled stretches. The place I agree is we want to find the best schedule for ourselves and those that can do training every day will keep your tunica in a stretch state but you will also be in a constant state of fatigue. So if you’re going to go every day I suggest that you work your schedule around your sex. You need to find out how long of a rest you need before fatigue is gone and you can have sex.
DLD!! I`m finally getting testosterone injections! I`ve had low sex drive and mild to severe erectile dysfuntion since 2011-12. I`m so happy!! Since my T levels are low, I think injections will really help me and give me my life and erections back. Maybe it will even help my penis grow bigger, I believe so! Since hormones controll growth. I have to cross my fingers but I truly believe it will make my penis grow bigger and faster!!
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DLD!! I`m finally getting testosterone injections! I`ve had low sex drive and mild to severe erectile dysfuntion since 2011-12. I`m so happy!! Since my T levels are low, I think injections will really help me and give me my life and erections back. Maybe it will even help my penis grow bigger, I believe so! Since hormones controll growth. I have to cross my fingers but I truly believe it will make my penis grow bigger and faster!!

I’m praying for you my brother I hope this all goes perfectly.
Thank you! What do you think? Do you think the testosterone will help my penis grow bigger faster?

The testosterone is going to clear up your EQ problem which will definitely help you gain much faster. Low testosterone can bring some very slow growth. So yes, I believe this therapy is going to work great for you.
The testosterone is going to clear up your EQ problem which will definitely help you gain much faster. Low testosterone can bring some very slow growth. So yes, I believe this therapy is going to work great for you.
I`m glad to hear that, I hope so too! Maybe I`ve had this low t all my life and never even knew before 2011-12. So maybe my penis will grow becasue of that, like my body finally gets what it needs to grow fully. My hopes are high, and during puberty testo is what makes the penis grow, so my idea is very very much plausible.
The testosterone is going to clear up your EQ problem which will definitely help you gain much faster. Low testosterone can bring some very slow growth. So yes, I believe this therapy is going to work great for you.
There is one thing that really bothers my mind. A guy named Kabous on Thund3rs Pl@ce gained 1.8 inches girth in 8 months by doing this:

Clamping 7 min 3-4 times a week, and during clamping he would push his clamp away from his body as hard as he could. And he wore a cockring 12 hours a day.

DLD, how can something like this, so little work produce SO MUCH GAINS? I cant wrap my head around that he made these gains so quick with hardly any work, it doesnt make any sense. is less MORE? What are your thoughts on all this?
There is one thing that really bothers my mind. A guy named Kabous on Thund3rs Pl@ce gained 1.8 inches girth in 8 months by doing this:

Clamping 7 min 3-4 times a week, and during clamping he would push his clamp away from his body as hard as he could. And he wore a cockring 12 hours a day.

DLD, how can something like this, so little work produce SO MUCH GAINS? I cant wrap my head around that he made these gains so quick with hardly any work, it doesnt make any sense. is less MORE? What are your thoughts on all this?

When you say “by doing this” it brings a large chasm between what he’s doing and what you’re doing. Everybody is different especially when it comes to hormones. He might be an outlier which is consistent with any study there’s always going a small percentage of men who do not have adverse effects. The best resolution to this is always personal experience. Until you try it you will not know and going on with somebody else’s experience will never give you an exact confidence than trying for yourself.
When you say “by doing this” it brings a large chasm between what he’s doing and what you’re doing. Everybody is different especially when it comes to hormones. He might be an outlier which is consistent with any study there’s always going a small percentage of men who do not have adverse effects. The best resolution to this is always personal experience. Until you try it you will not know and going on with somebody else’s experience will never give you an exact confidence than trying for yourself.
You`re right, I just have to try it myself and find out.
You`re right, I just have to try it myself and find out.

But you’re not alone in this, as you try it and you keep track thousands of brothers are going to be watching. I wish you the best of luck my friend.
But you’re not alone in this, as you try it and you keep track thousands of brothers are going to be watching. I wish you the best of luck my friend.
Thank you! Yes I have realized that, If you or no one else of the big gainers had shared then I wouldnt have found any routines and methods at all.
So I just have to pick a routine and stick to it. How long do you think I should stick to a routine before moving on to another one if it doesnt work?
Thank you! Yes I have realized that, If you or no one else of the big gainers had shared then I wouldnt have found any routines and methods at all.
So I just have to pick a routine and stick to it. How long do you think I should stick to a routine before moving on to another one if it doesnt work?

if it’s working don’t fix it?
if it’s working don’t fix it?
I mean, how long should I give a routine a chance before moving onto another one if it doesnt work? I`ve been pumping on and off for since 2016 with no results and have been clamping and pumping since this year began, with no results, so soon I will have to try only clamping. Have tried the SRT girth routine with slow squash jelqs but my dick cant handle it due to my ED, have tried it before and its not possible for me. So only clamping routine will have to be my next I believe.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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