Hey @Super ,Excellent report on the SS 2.0 with your Vid and Pics.Just wondering on your first pic under your video I noticed something White just above the Silipad.It looks like Kleenex.Do you put Kleenex or some Cotton on top of the SP for extra cushion.Just curious on what it was.I used cotton from a pill bottle before the silipads came out and it helped alot in protecting the tip of the glans area.
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I am wearing the Silistrap a little different and it feels more comfortable to me.

I put the Silistretcher on, then clip the Silistrap on, bring it around neck and down the back and under the arm pit down the side and clip to the Silistretcher.

This feels pretty comfortable for ADS wear.
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I am wearing the Silistrap a little different and it feels more comfortable to me.

I put the Silistretcher on, then clip the Silistrap on, bring it around neck and down the back and under the arm pit down the side and clip to the Silistretcher.

This feels pretty comfortable for ADS wear.

This is a very comfortable method indeed. We will get some pictures up soon of this position for all to see. I, myself like this method.
The entire hardcore ADS set will be $49.95 for current SiliStretcher owners.

The entire set consists of
One multiple hard attachment ADS waist belt
One (two piece) hard attachment knee/calf belt
One hard attachment ankle/foot belt
One adjustable hard tension cord with zero slippage

We also have a new hardcore shoulder strap coming as well that will be optional.

We will have pictures up this week.
The entire hardcore ADS set will be $49.95 for current SiliStretcher owners.

The entire set consists of
One multiple hard attachment ADS waist belt
One (two piece) hard attachment knee/calf belt
One hard attachment ankle/foot belt
One adjustable hard tension cord with zero slippage

We also have a new hardcore shoulder strap coming as well that will be optional.

We will have pictures up this week.
Can’t wait to see it.
This is a very comfortable method indeed. We will get some pictures up soon of this position for all to see. I, myself like this method.
@Lightning one thing I noticed is if while using the shoulder strap method and you clip to the Silistretcher ring with both clips then the Silistretcher is pointed up but at more to the right or left depending on shoulder being worn.

If you attach the clip to the Silistretcher ring and the other clip to the clip attached to the Silistretcher ring then you will still be pointed up and won’t be as much of and angle left or right.

Just some minor observations.
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@Lightning one thing I noticed is if while using the shoulder strap method and you clip to the Silistretcher ring with both clips then the Silistretcher is pointed up but at more to the right or left depending on shoulder being worn.

If you attach the clip to the Silistretcher ring and the other clip to the clip attached to the Silistretcher ring then you will still be pointed up and won’t be as much of and angle left or right.

Just some minor observations.

Try attaching one SiliStrap clip to the ring of the other SiliStrap clip and use one SiliStrap clip to attach to the SiliStretcher eye hook.

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SIliStretcher2 users, we would love to hear some updates. They say no news is good news but still would like to hear some feedback.
@Lightning so I tried some paper tape like you mentioned for fluid build up on the top of the glans closest to the shaft not the tip of glans.
It worked great!
Instead of putting the tape directly on the glans though, I put the Silicap on then I applied once around the paper tape around the Silicap.

Went 2 hours and no fluid at all.

One thing I am doing a little different now is that I am turning the Silistretcher piston all the way to the top and only dialing back 1/4 to 1/2 turn.

The grip with the short wide duro has really been good once it broke in after a couple of uses and I found a good way of putting it on.

This is the method I use to put it on.

Back into PE regular routine starting today. Had to take some time off so was hit or miss.
I did a hot pumping session and noticed "1/4" longer pump again when using the MOS Red. Will continue to test this. Second session was hanging with the SiliStretcher and the Duro Sleeve did 10lbs for an hour. Really felt the ligs today. everything worked great. Didn't notice any fluid buildup. Wore the SiliStrecher for 4 hours for healing after the hanging. Still no fluid buildup. This was the SiliStretcher 2.0 with the new silipad. Very comfortable!
Back into PE regular routine starting today. Had to take some time off so was hit or miss.
I did a hot pumping session and noticed "1/4" longer pump again when using the MOS Red. Will continue to test this. Second session was hanging with the SiliStretcher and the Duro Sleeve did 10lbs for an hour. Really felt the ligs today. everything worked great. Didn't notice any fluid buildup. Wore the SiliStrecher for 4 hours for healing after the hanging. Still no fluid buildup. This was the SiliStretcher 2.0 with the new silipad. Very comfortable!

Love the feedback! Great to hear we are counteracting fluid retention with the New SiliPad2.

We are currently working on a deeper SiliPad as well. Eventually the SiliPad will act as a SiliCap formed for use with the SiliStretcher2. So you basically will slip the new deeper SiliPad over your penis and then insert into the SiliStretcher2 and apply vacuum. This will counteract fluid retention through the entire top of your penis by filling the voids that would normally cause any fluid retention. The DuroSleev will keep compression on the rest of the penis attached to the SiliStretcher to eliminate fluid retention as well.
@Lightning so I tried some paper tape like you mentioned for fluid build up on the top of the glans closest to the shaft not the tip of glans.
It worked great!
Instead of putting the tape directly on the glans though, I put the Silicap on then I applied once around the paper tape around the Silicap.

Went 2 hours and no fluid at all.

One thing I am doing a little different now is that I am turning the Silistretcher piston all the way to the top and only dialing back 1/4 to 1/2 turn.

The grip with the short wide duro has really been good once it broke in after a couple of uses and I found a good way of putting it on.

This is the method I use to put it on.

Awesome to hear! As mentioned above, we are working on a new deeper SIliPad that will act as a SIliCap to cover the entire penis and form inside the SIliStretcher2.
Back into PE regular routine starting today. Had to take some time off so was hit or miss.
I did a hot pumping session and noticed "1/4" longer pump again when using the MOS Red. Will continue to test this. Second session was hanging with the SiliStretcher and the Duro Sleeve did 10lbs for an hour. Really felt the ligs today. everything worked great. Didn't notice any fluid buildup. Wore the SiliStrecher for 4 hours for healing after the hanging. Still no fluid buildup. This was the SiliStretcher 2.0 with the new silipad. Very comfortable!

Awesome to hear my brother I’m so glad everything is working out. We appreciate the feedback.
I was wearing the Silistretcher this morning with Silistrap in the up position and low tension maybe 2 lbs.

When I was close to hitting the 2nd hour of stretching I started feeling a slight burning sensation at the base of the shaft where the fat pad meets the shaft.

One thing I noticed is that I was holding out from taking a piss for about 15 minutes or so before and had been holding a steady kegel.
Does this mean I may have been overworking the ligs somehow.

When I hit the 2 hour mark I took the Silistretcher off and took a piss.
I did a few helicopter shakes and by then the burning/ pinching feeling had gone away.

The rest of the penis felt fine by the way when I was feeling this certain sensation.

Any thoughts?
Just curious when Hanging is it best to have the Duro SIliSleeve length long all the way up to the base,3/4 ways,or mid shaft.What length would give the best stretch would you think on the penis,or does the length of the sleeve even matter.Or is different sleeve length good for various weights.Long length for heavy weight and mid length for lighter hanging weights.The reason I am asking this is when I hang with the SS 2.0 using a long Duro sleeve at 12 lbs the weight felt normal to me during my 1 hr hang with the sleeve all the way to my base.Today I did my 1 hr morning hang with a shorter Duro sleeve that went about mid shaft and it felt that I was getting a better stretch at mid shaft compared to up at the base.Has anyone ever had this feeling when hanging with different sleeve lengths.I seemed to get fatigue hanging sooner with the mid shaft sleeve.Any thoughts.
Everyone has a preferred method that works best for them. This is why we include different length DuroSleevs so they can be used as is or cut to size.

A longer sleev will yield more stretch of the entire penis. If you are hanging heavy weight, the longer sleev is preferred for comfort. I personally prefer the longer sleeves covering most the shaft.

I think it is best to alternate through different lengths to focus on different areas of the penis over the course of time.
Yep.I think the same thing too.The longer one is definitely more comfortable and my shorter one I can feel more of the pull,no pain,you can feel the weight with that one more so..Darn good idea too Lightning like you mentioned to alternate with different lengths of Duro's to focus on different areas of the penis.Excellent.I will do my morning 1hr hang with the long sleeve and my evening hang with the short mid lengh one for a while and see how it goes.
Here are some shots of the new ADS hard core attachment system. The tension is variable up to 10lbs on the light cord and variable up to 20lbs with the thick cord. There are multiple hook up points on the padded waist belt. There is a foot/ankle attachment and a calf/knee attachment as well fro downward stretches.

The quick lock and release hooks are adjustable at both connection points for easy adjustment and this system does not slip. You can double up the cords for more tension.

Shots below are demonstrated with the SiliStretcher2 andthe SiliPad2.

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Here are some shots of the new ADS hard core attachment system. The tension is variable up to 10lbs on the light cord and variable up to 20lbs with the thick cord. There are multiple hook up points on the padded waist belt. There is a foot/ankle attachment and a calf/knee attachment as well fro downward stretches.

The quick lock and release hooks are adjustable at both connection points for easy adjustment and this system does not slip. You can double up the cords for more tension.

Shots below are demonstrated with the SiliStretcher2 andthe SiliPad2.

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When is it available for purchase?
Ah, COME ON!!!! Okay Dong, calm yourself. Christmas is coming, just breathe....

This is awesome! Every single brother here needs this! The PE tool belt, brilliant!
Here are some shots of the new ADS hard core attachment system. The tension is variable up to 10lbs on the light cord and variable up to 20lbs with the thick cord. There are multiple hook up points on the padded waist belt. There is a foot/ankle attachment and a calf/knee attachment as well fro downward stretches.

The quick lock and release hooks are adjustable at both connection points for easy adjustment and this system does not slip. You can double up the cords for more tension.

Shots below are demonstrated with the SiliStretcher2 andthe SiliPad2.

View attachment 1823117
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Wow this thing looks great!
That is a great setup with different points of connection.
Does anyone have a solid length routine for beginners with the bathmate Hydrimax XX40 (pumping) and the Silistretcher (for weight hanging & ADS)? Your help is much appreciated!

Check out the SRT routine and you’ll find the best routine for making the growth you desire. Please read through it let me know what you think and if you need any help we’re here to help you.
View attachment 1820388

With over 15 years of research and development, MOS is proud to bring you our exclusive stealth silistretcher for all day penis stretching and weight hanging.

The silistretcher is a simple yet effective fool-proof vacuum piston ASD/Hanger system that is self contained and requires no external pumps or attachments. No fancy bells and whistles, no fancy packaging, just a hard-core system that works.

The silistetcher can be worn as an all day stretcher in stealth mode under your clothes while you are at work or out running around. When you are at home, you can use the silistrecther for your weight hanging sessions.

The vacuum and silisleev combination provides the ultimate in comfort with no blistering or fatigue as in standard vacuum hangers and ADS systems. The silistretcher and silisleevs come with a lifetime warranty from MOS even if you break them (which is nearly impossible).

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ADS belt for strapping to waist or leg
2.5lb starter weight set and arbor
Four SiliSleeves (two long and two regular) and one silicap
Discrete carrying bag
Lifetime warranty (even if you break it!)

Optional inline SiliScale to monitor constant tension up to 55lbs/25Kgs

How to size your SIliStretcher

Troubleshooting the SiliStretcher

Maximizing Vacuum on the Silistretcher

How to use
  1. Apply a siliscap to the head of your penis to prevent fluid retention and reduce sensitivity.
  2. Put the head of your penis into the silistretcher,
  3. Unroll the silisleeve over your shaft
  4. Give the silistretcher vacuum knob a couple of twists (clockwise).
  5. Your penis will be safely and securely pulled into the silistretcher.
  6. Begin your session
To release vacuum, give the SiliStretcher vacuum knob a couple twists (counter clockwise).

When you receive your SiliStretcher, you may notice a small amount of translucent lube inside the SiliStretcher vacuum bulb behind the piston. This is a food grade lube that provides years of use and ease of piston motion.

The piston valve is designed to come out for maintenance. If you over extract the piston valve, push it back in with your finger and twist the vacuum knob to re-engage it.

For the most effective vacuum sessions with the SiliStretchers and SiliSleevs, follow this guide below.

Make sure your entire penis is shaved clean of hairs

Hairs will create loss of suction with SiliSleevs and the SiliStretcher .

Make sure your penis is clean, dry and free of oil
If you put lotion on your skin, this will cause loss of grip . Your skin also has a natural oil that can cause loss of grip. Sweat causes loss of grip. We strongly recommend cleaning and drying your penis then using MOSGrip to remove all the natural oils of your skin and create a tack for maximum grip. MOSGrip also helps eliminate sweat under the SIliSleev .

Make sure your SiliSleevs are clean, dried and powdered with MOSGrip
Dirty oily SiliSleevs with pubic hairs in them will cause loss of suction/vacuum /grip . You want to clean your SiliSleevs before each use

Make sure you do not have a pin hole in your SiliSleev from excessive use
Pinholes are easiest to find if you blow up the SiliSleev with a little air from your mouth. Don't blow them up In a big balloon. Pin holes are like a slow leak in a tire.

View attachment 1820404

@PE-bob, this is the thread and post that i was telling you about.
@Lightning I just received my hard ads belt kit yesterday.
I will provide feedback as soon as I have a chance to try it.
Right out of the box this thing looks heavy duty and well made.
I also just received Siliscap2, so I will see how this longer cap works out as well.
@Lightning I just received my hard ads belt kit yesterday.
I will provide feedback as soon as I have a chance to try it.
Right out of the box this thing looks heavy duty and well made.
I also just received Siliscap2, so I will see how this longer cap works out as well.

Cool, your SiliCap2 should have a noticable hole in the tip.
@Lightning I just received my hard ads belt kit yesterday.
I will provide feedback as soon as I have a chance to try it.
Right out of the box this thing looks heavy duty and well made.
I also just received Siliscap2, so I will see how this longer cap works out as well.

Thanks boss!
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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