New guy here. HI!



Hi all, I've been a lurker for the past year or, but recently decided to make the commitment to PE safely and properly. First off I am 28 5'7'' 160 lbs with 7" EL 5" MEG. I had one previous attempt at PE about a year ago and discontinued after 2-3 weeks due to blister looking spots around my urethra. I'm fairly certain these spots were created from stretching far too hard and jelqing with force. I am fairly happy with my starting size, in fact I've always been the largest one in my school classes, job, and sports teams throughout the years. My reasoning behind starting PE is I had a bad experience sexually when I was young with a much much older woman. I was so intimidated by this woman's age and experience that I couldn't maintain an erection and since then have always had this on my mind with new partners thus creating a form or sexual anxiety for me. If you were to know me personally you would have a hard time believing that since I'm very outgoing, bold, opinionated, jokester, and to top it all off work as a firefighter, so I'm always in constant contact with new people. The moment I know that I'll be undressing for a lady I shrivel up to my extreme smallest. Almost so blood deprived it's "firm" but flaccid. Oddly enough this is only for women, with my guy friends I can drop drawers in the locker room and proudly hang out with no repercussion. And yes.... I'm positive I'm not gay nor Bi.

I have recently decided not only to commit to PE but also challenge myself to no masturbation, starting on Feb 22 and no adult entertainment starting March 4th. My reasoning behind this is I believe I have become desensitized to a woman body. I have gotten to the point where simply seeing a woman nude, even in the most sexual way possible wouldn't turn me on until I started to receive a BJ. Even during actual sex I'll lose my erection after a few minutes due to me pressuring myself to maintain. I believe adult entertainment is to blame but also partly me programming myself not to achieve an erection when someone is nude because this is a fairly common occurrence at my job (paramedic also).

Finally, as stated I started PE on 2/22/2015. My routine for the last 18 days has been 10 minute warm up in bath tub, 30 sec stretches out, down, left, right, A and V stretches. Next I would regain blood flow and Jelq 100 reps each hand. Meaning If I start with my right hand I wont count the rep until the left has completed it's stroke. Next I went and bought a [words=]Penomet[/words] standard, which I received and started on 3/12. Mr routine stayed the same aside for pumping with the [words=]Penomet[/words] (2) 5 minute sessions after my first and last 50 jelq's. These sessions take place on 2 days off 1 day.

I have yet to see any gains, but I expect that as it has only been 20 days. I find it hard to get an accurate measurement in the first place because as soon as I stop being manually stimulated I start losing my erection. I actually find it quite rare for my head to "inflate" as much as it used to. Previous GF's used to joke about me having a "mushroom" head but now its more common to see it as a "helmet". My glans and my last 1/3 of my Corpus spongiosum are the first things on me to go flaccid, with the CS almost looking flat against the CC.

As far as the [words=]Penomet[/words] goes It feels great and is made well. Only problem is that my right testicle gets sucked in and hurts like hell. I have Vericocele in my left testicle so it hangs out of the way much lower and doesn't pose a problem. My girth in the pump looks huge but only stretches me to 7 1/4 if i go in hard and 7 on the dot if I go in soft. Oddly enough I am smaller after PE than before for a few hours. Not sure why though. Looking forward to making some gains, improving sexual confidence and challenging myself. Wish me luck!