I don't see why Cialis or Viagra would go badly with what are nutritional boosters. But I've never relied on ED pills so I have no experience whatsoever with those under any conditions. And after PE I have not had to.
For me it seems having a large cock and a practiced generation of the hormones driving its growth, is enough to get rock hard.
take whatever you want to explore, but let your body & your results guide you.
Gallon of milk a day too. You know an overriding principle with the body?
The Goldilocks Principle
Too little, Too Much and just right
I see this elementary error & lost opportunity in people's accounts on the forum all the time.
"I am killing my dick and not getting the fastest growth!?! WTF?" --- you're overdoing it and not letting the body be at its optimum; certainly not with the recovery periods it needs to grow at its optimum rate...
"I am being so careful and ensuring I don't do anything that may surprise my cells or tax them. Why is nothing happening?" --- you're UNDERdoing it and not letting the body be at its optimum; certainly not reaching the levels of stimulus needed to incite hormonally sustained change so that the cells grow at their optimum rate...
Just Right - the ideal. What is just right for you? Whatever you did when your body was able to grow the fastest : )
Every body is different & no one can know it better than you will discover it by keeping track of your body's response.
The amount of milk your body would work optimally yields to the same principle. Milk has been shown to be an outstanding nutritional source. But even that taken too far becomes a de-optimizer not a greater optimizer of performance? You follow?
Onto Supplements>>>
Supplements are precisely that.. supplementary to what your body should be getting naturally. Think of them as cars use nitros to accelerate faster. They are boosts of chemical raw materials that your particular body may be short of on a particular day, but if there isn't a solid supply of all the other nutrients the body needs inside a well managed body free from stress and other detrimental loads, getting the right amount of sleep (6.5 to 8.5 hours) and allowing for the right unstressed recovery... then boosting the nitros in an otherwise badly managed engine and car will not get you there faster.
I'd lower the Zinc intake. I take half the amount you are taking, & split it to half in the morning and half at night.
Some of the supplements work best this way.
Some work best taken one hour before bed (hormone regulation reasons).
Some are absorbed most readily taken with food.
Some like the amino acids are best taken at least 1 hr before food with water to make certain they are not involved in any digestive process. They move through the stomach into the intestines to be absorbed into the body.
Zinc notes...
You lose all the Zinc in your body when you ejaculate... I would advise you to avoid this as much as possible, for two reasons:
1. mechanical: namely pressure in the penis is sustained - pressure will lead to alteration in the circulatory structures of the penis: arteries and veins... need I explain to you why you want larger circulatory structures in your penis for PE?
2. I find that if you edge without ejaculation or getting too close to cumming, then you maintain a high hormonal signaling state in the groin; this is when the penis reacts to adaptive signals from your sexual hormones T & DHT etc. and it is this that causes it to change.
You don't want to get to point where you feel the sperm flowing in your balls or cock shaft, that is too far into the process and may lead to pain & injury of the ducts. Learn to kegel to prevent getting to this point and rapidly shutting down the level of arousal by completely stopping stimulus, audio / visual / physical and mental.
johnny-wang;653247 said:
I'd be starting one these very soon just wanted to know what you guys think. . Safe or Not?
Btw please suggest what you think is the ideal dosage for each, especially those with question marks.
1. L-Citrulline: 1000mg Strength. Taken 1 time daily. Total = 1000mg
2. Zinc: 50mg Strength. Taken 1 time daily. Total = 50mg
3. Pygeum: 100mg Strength. Taken 2 times daily. Total = 200mg
4. Lecithin: 1200mg Strength. Taken 1 time daily. Total = 1200mg
5. L-Tyrosine: 3000mg Strength. Taken 1 time daily. Total = 3000mg
6. L-Lysine : ???? Strength. Taken 1 time daily. Total = ????
7. L-Carnitine : ???? Strength. Taken 1 time daily. Total = ????
8. L-Arginine: 1000mg Strength. Taken 1 time daily. Total = 1000mg
9. L-Glutamine : ???? Strength. Taken 1 time daily. Total = ????
Would it be safe to take Cialis/Viagra once in a while, while on these?