So, since January 11th I have been following a routine that looks like this:

Any possible day (no complete rest days aimed for, but some taken usually once a week)

Wake up:

3X40 second stretches each direction (up, down, left, right, BTC) and 1 set of rotary cranks x 25
[words=]Extender[/words] for 1.5 hours

1X40 second stretch each direction before another:

1.5 hours extending

(Going for 6 hours extending a day if possible, usually getting anywhere from 1.5 to 6, once even 8, alot of times 3 or 4.5 hours daily. It all depends on my schedule.)

Jelqing 2 second strokes x 300 every night

Scrotum Stretch x 60 every night

Kegels 1 second x 100 every night.

I wear the Static Stretcher Light Wrap every moment I am not extending or doing manual exercises. Notice a big difference in flaccid and the [words=]SRT[/words] theory is something I am pursuing, it makes sense to me.

After a month and a half I have logged 138 hours in the [words=]extender[/words] and have gone from 6.25-6.5'' to a solid regular 7'' NBPenis EnlargementL and from a 7-7.25'' BPenis EnlargementL to a 7.5'' BPenis EnlargementL. Girth I will measure soon.

Some tips I would like to give:

If you wear an [words=]extender[/words] straight down and notice pressure/pain building up at the bottom edge of the base where your sack meets your shaft, put an ankle sock in that space to cushion it.

If your penis is sensitive and the head hurts rubbing against the inside of shorts or pants while extending, put another ankle sock around the whole assembly.

Its easier to strap in after you stretch (obvious).

Get a head swell going before strapping in. If you wrap, like I do with a silicone sleeve, you can get it tight and kegel/squeeze blood into the slightly restricted head where it will stay for a bit before strapping in and really trapping blood.

Get to know your devices.

Log your hours and length progress so you can know what works and what doesnt and measure once a month.

Now a question I have:

I would like to incorporate expressive stretching and I own a [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words]. I cant seem to figure out based on forum posts how to do expressive stretching with the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words], but I know it is one of the main tools used for it. Can anyone give a descriptive explanation of expressive stretching with a [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] or bare hands?

Thank you and I hope some of my tips have been helpful.

It is definitely getting bigger and the results are so worth the effort!

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Just follow DLD's instructions. When you feel the dull, pull and stretch you'll know. You have to grab the penis and scrotum with whatever grip feels most comfortable for you and just pull. That's with hands. The [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] is quite the same and different. Put your penis and scrotum through the hole, grab both with one hand and pull down while pulling the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] up with the other simple. It shows drawings in the thread on how to do it.
Thanks for the post some helpful tips . First I've read about static stretch light wrap keen to find out more .Nice to read you have gains in such a short time . Great motivation thanks
Don't know about short time but as long as you will it and continue your education on Penis Enlargement and apply it to yourself, you'll be golden. Just try what you want and if it doesn't work, there is gobs and gobs more to try man. Good pulling adventures man. Keep it up.
Nice progress Brother! (Good routine too :D)

I am no expert by any means on "expressive" stretching, as Mike has given the best info on the forum in my opinion, so that is where to read about it. :D

But from my limited experience, I can say what "feels" most expressive to me. Given any particular stretch of the penis, I can get the most "feeling"-wise expressive, or internal stretching in this manner:

After being stretched to comfortable limit with a normal stretch, grab around base of shaft and move, (up, down, left, or right), away from or opposed to particular stretch being used. When I do this, I can definitely feel internal stress not felt while doing "normal" stretches. And right or wrong, I feel the most internal stretch when I move the base of the shaft upwards for what that is worth. (Note: none of this is really different than standard v stretches or anything, I just make the "fulcrum" as close as possible to the body is all. :D)

Perhaps after you are in your [words=]extender[/words] of choice you could try to stretch the base of your penis upwards or downwards while the [words=]extender[/words] keeps your glans stationary. Not sure how much room you have available to do so as I don't use an [words=]extender[/words] yet.

Thanks everyone for the help! When I do the "Total Package Stretch" I feel a dull pain throughout my abdomen. I think this is the correct sensation, that inner "tug" feeling in the stomach. Does anyone else feel this?

I've been trying different non-expressive stretches too, most notably the V and A stretches. For the A stretch I take an old vacuum extension tube and lay it across my legs and stretch over that pulling over the tube and straight down.

I think I will try just grabbing way down at the base and doing my normal stretches, not focusing on the shaft but on pulling more shaft out...when I get home haha.

Again, thanks for the help. I've been trying to rip this thing off.
If you rip it off, better have a box of ice handy. Short window to put it back on. Hahaha. Your right with the "tugging" sensation. Ease in and out of it. If you don't like that way, slap a clamp on it, get erect, grab the base and head then pull in all directions. Same feeling just with more blood. Get some girth with it also.
Do the same with the V-stretch. Put the tube under your legs and pull your penis up. That way you use your hands to pull up and your legs to push the piupe down. Good stretch there. Use the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words]. It is the most perfect tool for those stretches. Put penis through the hoop, slap on the attachment, put legs over or under, put attachment top or bottom, lean back and push with legs. It's so easy with the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words]. No hands needed. Can watch tv, type, txt whatever. Good luck man.