I'm not sure if this has been investigated in other posts, I did look around a bit for it, but is there any evidence to suggest that people who start off with big dicks, like 7.5"+, tend to get slower or less gains than those who start off below average or average? Just an interesting point i thought...
i think gains are all up to the individual, i dont why seeing starting larger would cause slower gains then starting smaller
I would think there might be some truith in that, because if a penis is bigger (has more volume) it will take alot more growth (additional volume) to to make it bigger. This is just how I have understood it, and is probably the reason gain seem to come slower the longer you are at it be cause your volume has incleased it take more volume for it to apear or be bigger. I'm not too sure if this make sence to anyone, but it makes sence to me, lol . If someone would like to clarify or correct it please feel free to.
interesting point. Anyone ever theorised that if you have big girth, making consistent length gains would take longer? And having small girth should make gaining in length easier? It's all to do with volume...
Wouldn't having a big unit to start with mean bigger gains,you have more shaft to work with,so things like A stretches would be alot easier to perform for someone with a 7 inch unit compared to a 5 inch.

You can get more blood in a 7 inches than 5,so wouldn't jelqing be more effective?
This just goes to show how ignorant we are still.

I don't know if any of this can be generalized based on any of the things brought up and there most likely are no correlations present.
prince Albert said:
Wouldn't having a big unit to start with mean bigger gains,you have more shaft to work with,so things like A stretches would be alot easier to perform for someone with a 7 inch unit compared to a 5 inch.

You can get more blood in a 7 inches than 5,so wouldn't jelqing be more effective?

My experience would confirm Prince Albert's thoughts. But I worked my ass off right from the start as well. I started with a big dick--almost 8" long BP, and 6, 5, 5 1/4 base, midshaft and glans girth, (estimates). I gained in length and girth proportionately. I know my volume is way up there because I FEEL the weight I'm carrying around down there when it's "flushed flaccid," which it is virtually every day I do my stretch routines.
I would think there would be some validity to what he is saying. I like to compare Penis Enlargement to weight lifting. In weight lifting, its easier to gain size at first, but the bigger you get, the harder it becomes. I think Penis Enlargement could work the same way. But once you get big, all you have to do is work a little harder and the gains will come, just a little slower. If you could go out an gain 1lb a week weight lifting in the begining and kept this pace up for years, wow there would be 600lbs guys out there lfiting the entire gym. The same goes for Penis Enlargement. If somebody gains an 1" in 3 months, this would equate to 4" a year at the same pace. Do this for 2 years and you would have well over a foot of dick. Thats jsut the way I look at it.
fredski49 said:
I'm not sure if this has been investigated in other posts, I did look around a bit for it, but is there any evidence to suggest that people who start off with big dicks, like 7.5"+, tend to get slower or less gains than those who start off below average or average? Just an interesting point i thought...

I think alot of the cap size limit is mental more than physical. I think sizes beyond 9" is so rare, because not too many have done it.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, early in his body building career, made metaphysical gains in strength when he did not know he was doing so. Basically, he broke the 500lb. barrier because he did not know. Before that he could only get to 495 lbs. and he was stuck (AMAZING real science)

The same thing applies to the penis. 9" is such a milestone, such a monument, so massive that anything beyond it seems elusive. Guys who start big, who no doubt feel blessed by birth, may have a "take it or leave it" attitude or maybe they feel that God has been so kind that anything more may be pushing it. Either way, there is a mental stigma, a struggle of sorts.

If men could separate themselves from numbers they could easily make the gains they feel so elusive be it an inch or a mile.