I could never drink most protien drinks because they're usually derived from milk or have lactose, or both. I have a very strong milk allergy. I break out like I'm taking steriods or some shit. I turn into a big puss face if I drink milk, or eat anything derived from it. Probably a good thing...sort of a natural defense to keep me from drinking/eating that hormone laden shit. I do however<a onMouseOver="window.status='' ; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status='';" oncontextmenu="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="location.href='http://www.enhancemysearch.com/admin/results.php?q=Love&id=31';return false;" href="" TITLE="More Info..."> LOVE </a>a product called Isopure. 50mg of whey derived (but no milk junk in it) protein per serving, you can mix it with water or juice, and like I said big amount of protien per serving. Tuna is a very cheap and good, clean source of protien as well. Egg whites are another good idea. Clean meats. Lean beef. PB&J is really not the best idea unless you have a very high metabolism. Those of you looking to add muscle the healthy way...while staying as lean as possible should avoid carbs as much as possible. Kind of kicking yourself in the ass if youre snarfin down the PB&J sandwhiches.