Sup Boyos.

I read tons of shit on fasting yesterday so I started water fasting today..

Btw I suggest reading this great website.

Anyway, Basically I haven't ate anything in 22hours (if you count 12 hours that i slept.. lol) But I will continue on with the fast for awhile it seems as I feel FUCKING GREAT right now! No joke, I feel as sharp mentally as ever and I have tons of energy its kind of funny actually.. I've been running up and down my stairs from the basement to the living room and not even thinking about it.. just doing it effortlessly and fast++, just feel great.

The original reason I started this was because I read fasting at least 24hrs helps your body release HGH (human growth hormone) and as some of you already know I'm a HGH whore and will whatever I can to get it... ;)

Anyway I highly recommend water-fasting so far... there is also juice-fasting but water-fasting is quicker, it rids the body of toxins quicker n shit because you literally don't digest anything, the only question is can you handle it, are you man enough?

What i've also done in case you're curious.. since Im doing this mainly for HGH reasons, but also will probably do this more with all the great things ive read about fasting.. I take arginine ethyl ester powder and glutamine amino acid powders.. also I will take some GABA powder tonight aswell. These help with HGH release. I worked out before and took 5grams of each arg and glu powders and did a hardcore 10min 100% intensity workout which boosts HGH++ especially if you take those amino acids before it..

Anyway im starting to ramble on.. since I have nothing better to do Ill post the benefits of fasting.


Purification, More Energy, Rejuvenation, Better Sleep, Revitalization, More Relaxation, Rest for digestive organs, Better attitude, Clearer skin, More clarity, mentally and emotionally, Improved senses, vision, Inspiration, hearing, taste, Creativity, Reduction of Allergies, New ideas, Weight Loss, Clearer planning, Drug detoxification, Change of habits, Better resistance to disease, Diet changes, Spiritual awareness. AND MORE!

I read Socrates, Plato and etc highly avocated fasting, not only avocated in, but if someone didnt fast for a period of days, they wouldnt talk to them and stuff because they didnt have the same mental state/clarity.

Does anyone have any experience with fasting? I'd love to talk more in depth about this stuff. Btw I have some alfalfa powder, Im wondering if I should take some or not? I'd like to..
No pun intended
What r u fasting for, sports?
who the hell told you that fasting releases HGh
How the hell can you be a Hgh whore, do you inject Hgh?

The only excercise that I read about briefly increasing hormones are
the basic squats?

Shit I want Hgh. Don't really know why but I want sum :P
blackice said:
No pun intended
What r u fasting for, sports?
who the hell told you that fasting releases HGh
How the hell can you be a Hgh whore, do you inject Hgh?

The only excercise that I read about briefly increasing hormones are
the basic squats?

Shit I want Hgh. Don't really know why but I want sum :P

How Fasting and Diet Enhance GH

Fasting can be one of the most potent natural inducers of growth hormone release. Ray Walford, M.D., a leading expert on aging and author of the 120 Year Diet, suggests a two-day-a-week fast as an efficient way to cut down calories for life extension. Other researchers have shown that limiting caloric intake by 20% or more dramatically increases growth hormone and IGF-1 levels.

Why does fasting increase longevity? Researchers believe that reduced levels of glucose in the blood triggers the hypothalamus to release GHRH, which, in turn, promotes higher growth hormone levels.

BTW im doing it for height reasons, dont know if ill do it for awhile again.. maybe only for 24hrs not 48.
velimirovich said:
Fuck im not feeling so hot anymore... bad headache and ugh.. ima go sleep.. ill end the fast tommorow.

It's been a long time since I fasted but at one time I could go 3 days.

I will tell you if it's the first time you have tried this you need to juice fast and eat HEALTHY for about a week before you try it.

Water fasting is for people who are used to it.

Also you will get a headache every time you fast. Sometimes it will not cone until the 2nd day but it will come.

Women seem to be able to handel it better than men. Also when your reading about fasting and they are talking about the level they are talking about how weak they are getting and how bad their heads hurt.

I have never been able to get past that part. From what I hear after about 3 or 4 days your body will feel great again but you will still feel faint when you stand up and things like that.

You really need to read more about it before you try again and stick with juice for your first few try.

Good luck.
Another reason to fast from what I've heard- when you fast your body needs to get energy so it eats itself. But it doesn't eat indiscriminately, it will never eat vital organs, and it starts out with the old and dying cells. From what I heard from the movie Anaconda (haha), there is a curve that shows that after a cell splits 30 odd times it will no longer split and just sit there. Those old cells that just sit there and cells that have been heavily fucked up from radiation (solar, radon, etc) or from too many cell splits will be consumed first. So it seems like it would be a good way to clear out your body and start out a bit more fresh next time. It won't totally stop the destruction of DNA but it could slow it down if the fucked up cells can't split. It proably wouldn't be a good idea to try to make any cellular gains while you're fasting though, your body can make quite a few amino acids but the rest need to be eaten. That is why people that just eat grule start to slowly die, their body can't fix anything.

I'll proably fast for two days sometime in the future. I know it is a big leap but it would be the same thing if I was lost in the woods and didn't have any food. If you keep pushing I think they say you can go a week or two without food.

What I said here is a combination of things I've heard, so this conclusion I've made wasn't put together by someone with a phd-- I could be wrong.
You should read about the RAW food diet. FAST with fruit for a few days, the fruit helps. You usually stick to one fruit for the first day etc etc. Each fruit, such as an apple has a different effect on the body. Google it for more info.
I healthy Fiber diet would be good to add to the fasting routine as well so that you can further clear the body of any toxins, espeically in the digestive tract where fecal matter sticks. You should also get one of those ab trimmer's which flush's out years of fecal matter added to the digestive lining which can cause bloating, weight gain, and loss of energy.
Okay guys. Before you get to into fasting here's a little warning...

Earlier Floridabob mentioned that women can handle fasting better than men. The reason is, generally speaking women carry more fat than men. And fasting regularly will have that effect. Your body, will "learn" to fast, it will prepare for the fast ahead by storing fat.

If we look at our good friend the bear, he fasts (more or less) when he hibernates, basically ingests large meals followed by long breaks. Now if we look at a horse, who grazes all day (and therefore his body never feels the need to store energy) he is "ripped". Fasting regularly and being "ripped" dont go together.

Now that that's out of the way. Fasting is a great idea, but I would only do it to mimic how humans in our natural state would fast. That means, calorie restriction for maybe 1 week out of every 5. Eat much less and only eat seeds, berries, nuts (not legumes).

Remember: A lot of the perceived effect fasting has is just the detox your body is going through - you could just eat much better and get a similar effect.

Bottom line: Its your body so find out what works for you. I dont ever fast, ever! but I'm not against it or anything - I just love my food to much hehe.

This is old but i just saw it. When fasting The human growth hormone is released and it naturally boosts testosterone 6 fold. it can help with doing pe
Fasting is the first step in losing a lot of weight. Fasting teaches the body to survive on a minimum diet and helps you learn that food can be structured in a way to promote weight loss and increase muscle an energy. The AlphaBlade Diet I used to lose the 145 pounds I lost started with a 28 day fasting and after that a restructuring of my diet and daily routine. I was able to drop 140 pounds in about 4 months (see beach interview of me at 285 and watch BBC Interview of me at 145), this was a 4 months lapse between the two. At the BBC interview they did not believe I was the same person. Keep an eye on the [words=]SRT[/words] Thread as I will be adding my Alpha+Blade diet and routine to the thread.
doublelongdaddy;455485 said:
Fasting is the first step in losing a lot of weight. Fasting teaches the body to survive on a minimum diet and helps you learn that food can be structured in a way to promote weight loss and increase muscle an energy. The AlphaBlade Diet I used to lose the 145 pounds I lost started with a 28 day fasting and after that a restructuring of my diet and daily routine. I was able to drop 140 pounds in about 4 months (see beach interview of me at 285 and watch BBC Interview of me at 145), this was a 4 months lapse between the two. At the BBC interview they did not believe I was the same person. Keep an eye on the [words=]SRT[/words] Thread as I will be adding my Alpha+Blade diet and routine to the thread.

DlD, Did you notice a change in your erections after the weightloss, which is awesome, saw your beach interview not the bbc one though. being over weight, you have more blood vessels through out the body which effects the penis, at least thats what i have read and heard about. I'm a big guy and I've noticed it, was just wondering if its just me or if other guys have noticed it. I can still get erect, just doesn't feel as hard or as full as it should be.
Axela;469530 said:
One of the great myth fasting is best for weight lose. According to my personal experience fasting is not the solution for weight lose. For weight lose we should eat the food according to the diet plan and do the exercise regularly.

Have to disagree with you. plenty of people have fasted for a matter of time to not only lose weight but help with food addiction and many other problems and have gone on to keep the weight off. Diets do not work, it is all about life style change and fasting if water or juice fasting to give them the kick start they need. Some people do it just for the fast weight loss because other stuff hasn't worked for them. A long the way they get a different look at them selves and a understanding of the relationship with food.
I will explain the proper way to fast today or tomorrow...please wait!