Double Long Daddy, The Guru
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DLD's Visual, Spiritual and Mental Process

THE MENTAL LEVEL OF Penis Enlargement
visualize victory

The theory is simple: visualize what you are about to do and your performance will increase. Picture doing a perfect jelq or doing an amazing set of stretches and, believe it or not, you will do it better than if you didn't visualize the act beforehand.

According to the AOA (American Optometric Association), researchers have discovered that people use the same areas of the brain when they perform and/or visualize an action in their mind. So there is "some" kind of link between the two things.

How will visualization improve your Penis Enlargement?
Your Penis Enlargement performance will increase by creating a better connection between the mind and body. The mind is, after all, connected to the body. Most actions performed in Penis Enlargement are not instinctive but rather cognitive, so connecting with what you do is important.

Visualization helps you concentrate on the task at hand at its optimal level. This is especially true in Penis Enlargement because many different thoughts may obstruct you from having the best possible session.

When you are jelqing, your strokes could be too short, the pressure could be to light and you could be unwillingly thinking about something else, thus reducing concentration on the exercise at hand. Visualization will help you concentrate on execution so that your performance is close to perfect.

"Studies conducted by J. Stanos, a professor at Harvard University in 1998, on the matter, have proven a definite link between visualization and performance. A group was taught how to use visualization and a placebo group was taught to just think about an unrelated activity. Those who used visualization before performing their task performed nearly perfectly, while the placebo group was only successful 55% of the time. "

historical evidence

Historical evidence also proves that visualization increases performance. For a long time now, Russian, Turkish and Bulgarian power-lifters have been using visualization before lifting heavy weights. Have you ever seen a powerlifter before he lugs a load three times his weight over his head?

They stand over their charge for a minute staring blankly at nothing. They are not wasting time; they are performing the act in their head from start to finish. Bulgarians aren't stronger people by nature, yet they are a superpower in weightlifting. True, they are so good at what they do because they have technique, but they also have the mind-set to back it up, and that's what matters.

Have you seen high jumpers in the Olympics before making a jump? They also visualize their attempts before performing the act, sometimes going as far as telegraphing the whole jump while standing still -- footing, leap and turn -- right then and there on television. In fact, trainers now use visualization on a regular basis around the world. It has become a standard approach to raise performance.

source unknown-sorry

How to Visualize?

I visualize in 3 steps. First I relax, then I concentrate and finally, I visualize the act.

relax max

You have to relax before you can concentrate; I sit still in a place. I get a steady breathing rhytHydromax going, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth using my stomach.

I clear my thoughts. There is no point trying to visualize a bigger penis when you are thinking of something else. Tuning out ensures you keep your level of concentration even when there are distractions around you. Some people know how to do it, some don't. Just work on it.

You need to visualize your goal...

visualize your goal

Now comes the most important part. First, start by visualizing yourself sitting just as you are, at the moment you start the visualization process. For example, if you are sitting on the toilet about to jelq, see yourself sitting down concentrating about to jelq.

Next, recreate the conditions around you in your mind to the best of your ability, as if you were there at the moment. Try to hear the sounds you will hear -- I like to let the water run, the smells you will inhale, the wet feeling of the lube as it first touches your skin, then the pressure of your penis as you grab it. Picture yourself sitting on the toilet, about to jelq. Envision yourself breathing and growing.

Finally, visualize a perfect single Jelq -- not a the whole session. Picture gripping your penis; imagine the sensation it will have. Imagine milking it and stopping at the head, imagine the blood going from the base all the way up to the tip of your head. Visualize the ultimate expansion. FEEL IT, SEE IT, BELIEVE IT.

Visualize feeling a perfect jelq, a perfect grip and a perfect expansion as you push the blood up from the base all the way up your shaft. Imagine a perfect session, with all its growth and glory, visualizing each jelq one by one, then stop imagining and do it for real. Now you will have a mind to body connection and the time has come to take full advantage of the state of mund.

After having envisioned a perfect session performed in your mind, your body will have something concrete to fall back on, and this is what improves your performance. It's all about feel.

It would not be correct to call visualization nothing more than a reminder of how to do everything correctly, but it does work on the same premise.

Visualizing might seem like a chore or something that would take too much time to execute, but rest assured, the act only takes a few seconds. Once you get used to it, visualizing will only take a moment, but the results will definitely show. This applies to many aspects of life, not just Penis Enlargement. Visualization is definitely not a myth.

Now you know how to do it too. But here's a quick rundown:

1-- Relaxation
* Loosen
* Breathe (inhale through nose, exhale through mouth)

2-- Concentration
* Clear your thoughts
* Tune out (don't let things around you distract you)

3-- Visualization
* See yourself sitting before the jelq
* See yourself getting in position
* Feel the outside sensations beforehand (smells, sounds)
* See yourself doing one full jelq

Making a Spiritual Connection.

This is another area of growth that I find very important. After having the best exercise routine I can possibly have I thank GOD. GOD is my higher power, use your own. Thanking a power greater than yourself will keep you humble and thankful for all you are gaining. It is very easy for a man to become egotistical and un-humble, but putting your trust and appreciation in a higher power really helps to keep me humble. I never pray for gains, I only thank God for the gains I get. I also pray for my fellow brothers in Penis Enlargement. For me prayer is very powerful. Whether you pray to God, Jesus, RB, or just a higher sense of yourself...having this connection will help you to not go it alone.

The Mental Process of Gains:

I have always tried to make a mental connection to the gains I want. For instance, for a very long time I was stuck at 9.5"...I could not see myself beyond this point...I truly did not believe it was possible. My physical connection to going beyond this was BIGGER (Bib) I saw he went beyond this mark and I finally believed I could too. At this point I needed a mental connection to make these gains...In my case I used a paper towel roll. The paper towel roll represented the 11" I wanted so badly...Everyday I would stare at this and really try to picture myself with this...over time a funny thing happened...I started to believe I had it before I even did...I could picture this in my mind...I REALLY PICTURED IT...Me with 11"...I had this vision stapled in my brain...Nothing else would do. The 11" came with ease once I truly believed. I do the same thing now with a larger object. It really helps.

I am not sure what else I can say about this process but I believe it works. I really hope this helps some people out there.

Moved to this forum for it'sElectric. This may help with your motivation.
Originally posted by ItsElectric
Thank you VERY much DLD, this is really helpful! :D


No problem. Penis Enlargement requires much more than just physical application. It requires a level of mental and spiritual exercise too. These are some of the techniques that have kept me going strong for over 2 years.
Originally posted by rain

The power of postive thinking is a must.



Please read!...you know who:)
I agree with this 100%, and I think these techniques might be what separates success from failure.
Arnold Schwarzenneger said he used to visualize what he wanted to be like every day since he began bodybuilding at 15. He said he would envision his biceps as mountainous peaks before training them. He also went on to win 6 Mr. Olympias rofl
Great post DLD. I've been visulizing for years, I learned how through sports, it is very powerful, it is also very helpful in overcoming your fears!
Absolutely in agreement with visualization theory. I sometimes imagine the corpora as tunnels that are expanding to immense size.
Building a film strip is a very good technique for visualization.

See each step in your whole routine as a series of still photographs, progressing to a perfect exercise.

See yourself from afar outside looking at yourself, then go through again looking through your eyes.

Then see your huge penis as a result.

It empowers each workout.
Can anyone think of an object that is 8''x6'' that one could use as their version of the "paper towel roll." rofl I think its a little too much to go straight from a normal dick to an 11inch cylinder.
gishdu;480069 said:
Can anyone think of an object that is 8''x6'' that one could use as their version of the "paper towel roll." rofl I think its a little too much to go straight from a normal dick to an 11inch cylinder.

Just cut one down:)
Motivational thread that anyone dealing with motivation issues should read.
The method of visualization is used by MANY TOP CLASS athletes! I have read a lot on this and it seems like this turns out to be an INCREDIBLE method for success. I think we should all try this and give this old thread a good read :).
Zambrodom3;619056 said:
The method of visualization is used by MANY TOP CLASS athletes! I have read a lot on this and it seems like this turns out to be an INCREDIBLE method for success. I think we should all try this and give this old thread a good read :).

Visualization is a critical part of PE and will bring a man to his goals so much faster than not using at all. Once a goal is visualized in the mind it produces the feelings of it being here already. This is where it becomes attainable to us in the quickest way because once we are on the wavelength of the things we desire we magnetically draw them to us.
doublelongdaddy;619106 said:
Visualization is a critical part of PE and will bring a man to his goals so much faster than not using at all. Once a goal is visualized in the mind it produces the feelings of it being here already. This is where it becomes attainable to us in the quickest way because once we are on the wavelength of the things we desire we magnetically draw them to us.

I know it is an advanced PROFESSIONAL athelete technique. I find no difference between PE and sport. So I see it would apply perfectly.
Zambrodom3;619131 said:
I know it is an advanced PROFESSIONAL athelete technique. I find no difference between PE and sport. So I see it would apply perfectly.

PE is a sport!:)
i love you dld <3 thankyouuuuuuuuuuuu, 10/6.5 here i come , visualtion mind body connection is my expertise and what im going to apply here is gonna be ground breaking
If you can truly see it with clarity in your mind it is truly attainable. The best way to get there is to reverse engineer the goal. Imagine yourself with the accomplishment now and think of how you would have done this in reverse, following these steps to actually get there.
samuriajack;619434 said:
6 month from now im gonna be a changed man

That is the way to visualize! I hope you can make this a reality!
Zambrodom3;619700 said:
Creative visualization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here it described as a technique to enhance one's performance (whether you are an athlete, PE-er or whatever). :)

It is amazing how when they run neurological testing on athletes who are only doing the exercises in their mind they have the same muscles fire as if they were really doing it. This shows that the mind does not need things to be physical to be a reality. Now if we could gain size by simply visualizing it would be huge!
doublelongdaddy;620496 said:
It is amazing how when they run neurological testing on athletes who are only doing the exercises in their mind they have the same muscles fire as if they were really doing it. This shows that the mind does not need things to be physical to be a reality. Now if we could gain size by simply visualizing it would be huge!

The power of our brain is unlimited I believe, I don't know to what extent it can be unlocked, but we sure are capable of great things! When I visualize I have achieved something- I feel exactly like if I really achieved it... strange, but this is powerful! This is something that was a HUGE interest of mine- learning how to control my mind and concious better. It is much harder than most people think it actually is. I was looking for books on that topic, but couldn't find any... The only way I have discovered is meditation I think....
sex is for the spiritual if you have the smallest penis in the world or the biggest it can feel the same if you connect to the higher plane . a man with a huge penis that treats a women like crap will not turn her on but a small guy who treats her great will drive her crazy :) don't get a bigger penis to satisfy others do it for yourself its just fun and games no need to worry the true greatness in life is yet to come be patient and have faith <3333333 love love love have fun everyone
doublelongdaddy;620496 said:
It is amazing how when they run neurological testing on athletes who are only doing the exercises in their mind they have the same muscles fire as if they were really doing it. This shows that the mind does not need things to be physical to be a reality. Now if we could gain size by simply visualizing it would be huge!

visualization being turned into real tangible results:)
doublelongdaddy;620496 said:
It is amazing how when they run neurological testing on athletes who are only doing the exercises in their mind they have the same muscles fire as if they were really doing it. This shows that the mind does not need things to be physical to be a reality. Now if we could gain size by simply visualizing it would be huge!

A while ago I heard about a study, where they split people into two groups one was going to the gym and lifting weights and the other group imagined doing that AND both groups built muscles
doublelongdaddy;619429 said:
If you can truly see it with clarity in your mind it is truly attainable. The best way to get there is to reverse engineer the goal. Imagine yourself with the accomplishment now and think of how you would have done this in reverse, following these steps to actually get there.

This reminds me to start meditating, thanks for the bump munto
Munto;686444 said:
You're welcome :).

Do you mean meditation or visualisation?

Pretty much the same thing. Quiet the mind and allow yourself to spend some time in a place you really want to be. Really feel it as if it was real (remember, the mind can't tell the difference). So I guess you could say that you want to meditate on your visualization or you could visualize yourself meditating :)
Munto;686471 said:
I see.
But I see visualisation also as a great tool for PE.
So why not do both?

Really need to focus on clearing my mind at the moment, better to go at these things from a neutral mind point with a clear mind
doublelongdaddy;686510 said:
Pretty much the same thing. Quiet the mind and allow yourself to spend some time in a place you really want to be. Really feel it as if it was real (remember, the mind can't tell the difference). So I guess you could say that you want to meditate on your visualization or you could visualize yourself meditating :)

Well to me meditation is silence and maybe some mantra like Ho’oponopono.

While with visualisation you imagine pictures or movies with your imagination and see that in front of your mind and let your subconscious mind get you there - let the power of your mind do the work.
Munto;686543 said:
Well to me meditation is silence and maybe some mantra like Ho’oponopono.

While with visualisation you imagine pictures or movies with your imagination and see that in front of your mind and let your subconscious mind get you there - let the power of your mind do the work.

True but both can be used in conjunction with one another and we can call this Medivisualization :)
doublelongdaddy;688162 said:
True but both can be used in conjunction with one another and we can call this Medivisualization :)

YOu can use a mantra to relax and do visualisation right after that :)
Munto;688280 said:
YOu can use a mantra to relax and do visualisation right after that :)

I rock it all my Brother. I spend so much time in a very special place that brings me great joy, a place only I can go and spend time with my Creator.
Nerd-Since-92;712250 said:

- - - Updated - - -

Did you visual your ultimate end goal? Or did you focus on making small gains over time?

I pretended to have the size I wanted until I got it. I visualized everything. I found much of my success in my ability to manifest that which I desire. The visualization piece in PE is just as important as the exercises. If you can believe it to be so, it can certainly be so. But if you think it is not possible, well, it will not be possible.
doublelongdaddy;712337 said:
I pretended to have the size I wanted until I got it. I visualized everything. I found much of my success in my ability to manifest that which I desire. The visualization piece in PE is just as important as the exercises. If you can believe it to be so, it can certainly be so. But if you think it is not possible, well, it will not be possible.

Demanding your body what you want will always help. It's only partial strength of humans. When I've been getting internal pains for some odd reason on any part of my body I mentally demand my body to deal with it and to prioritize healing it for a short amount of time other than any other body processes and it works. The pain stops
As a child we all manifested everything we wanted, we pretended as if we had it before it was there. I remember sitting in a cardboard box with holes cut out for windows and my friend and I spent the day in space, flying through the stars and planets and it was as real as the real thing. We forget to pretend as we grow big, we are told it is foolishness and we should grow up. I say, never grow up, remain small and creative. Pretend that which you desire to the point of manifestation. If you believe it is possible than it is, if you believe the opposite than that is what it is. If you want a ten inch cock, tell the world you have a ten inch cock and believe it to be true, all you need to do then is prove it :) How to prove it? Make it happen. How to make it happen, revert to the above :)