>i'm interested to hear your thoughts on this as well. do the ligs really lose strength over time? how long would this take roughly? a couple weeks, a month, few months?<
SWM nailed it above. I could not have put it better.
hanging, I always tried to keep fatigue going. As little rest as possible, given my privacy time. If I did have to take time off, a day or two with no
hanging whatsoever, I feel like the collagenous tissues were stronger when I started back. But the soft tissues would be somewhat weaker. Not good.
I've experienced this exactly as you described and yes--not good. i agree, lol.
I have no experience with taking extended breaks to weaken the tissues. But I can tell you that after I would shift to the upper angles for a month or better, when I returned to the lower angles, my ligs would be deconditioned, and stretch very easily. Same thing for the inner tunica when switching the other way, going from lower angles to upper angles.
With other bodily tissues, it usually takes between a month and six weeks to atrophy and decondition. I would assume that the tissues we are concerned with are the same way.
I have heard of many guys that have had good results with deconditioning breaks of between six weeks to two months.