So was watching 300 last night ( awesome film!!!) and was thinking in a fantacy world we could incorporate the ways of Sparta BC into the world of today?
I know I'm gonna sound like a cold hearted asshole but heres my thoughts:
My first point I'll quote 300 " When the boy was born, like all Spartans he was inspected. If he'd Been small or puny or sickly or misshapen he would have been discarded"
Could we not incorporate this in modern day? I know it sounds horrible but I personally believe having a disabled child is the worst thing that could happen to a parent - the parent and the child have no real life.
If the child is premature and small - simply discard the child. Remember this actually happened in Sparta 600BC so it was common and understood. People didn't know any different.
With this type of breeding through many generations and thousands and thousands of years of strong breeding would this not lead to a stronger human?
"From the time he could stand, he Was baptised in fire of combat"
My next point is about growing up. Spartan boys at age 7 were set through the Greek training of "Agoge"
Children would become stronger, healthier. Only the strongest would survive.
Spartans were the greatest warriors at the time because of this training. Through thousands of years would we not become stronger, healthier and bigger?
Remember that this Is just a fantasy theory and is never going to happen. Although a lot Of this makes sense to me.
I know I'm gonna sound like a cold hearted asshole but heres my thoughts:
My first point I'll quote 300 " When the boy was born, like all Spartans he was inspected. If he'd Been small or puny or sickly or misshapen he would have been discarded"
Could we not incorporate this in modern day? I know it sounds horrible but I personally believe having a disabled child is the worst thing that could happen to a parent - the parent and the child have no real life.
If the child is premature and small - simply discard the child. Remember this actually happened in Sparta 600BC so it was common and understood. People didn't know any different.
With this type of breeding through many generations and thousands and thousands of years of strong breeding would this not lead to a stronger human?
"From the time he could stand, he Was baptised in fire of combat"
My next point is about growing up. Spartan boys at age 7 were set through the Greek training of "Agoge"
Children would become stronger, healthier. Only the strongest would survive.
Spartans were the greatest warriors at the time because of this training. Through thousands of years would we not become stronger, healthier and bigger?
Remember that this Is just a fantasy theory and is never going to happen. Although a lot Of this makes sense to me.