Congratulations on the gains. You have proven that your current routine is working, so stick with it for now. I would suggest that you measure again in 6-8 weeks to see if you are still profiting from what you are currently doing. I predict that you still have at least a half inch or so of fairly easy gains. When gains slow down, the ruler will confirm it, and at that point you will either need to increase the intensity, or time under traction, or both, in order to see results. You are on the right track. Again, congratulations!

Thank you.
Indeed the broomstick routine is working great. I will take your advice into consideration. Didn't know there existed easy and hard gains? Okey 0.5" left of easy gains you say. 🤔 Then I will be ~ 5.9" almost 6".

I will keep my intensity and discipline and I will be at 8" in the future.
Thanks for your advice and help.
Thank you.
Indeed the broomstick routine is working great. I will take your advice into consideration. Didn't know there existed easy and hard gains? Okey 0.5" left of easy gains you say. 🤔 Then I will be ~ 5.9" almost 6".

I will keep my intensity and discipline and I will be at 8" in the future.
Thanks for your advice and help.
The reason I say that, is because 1 inch of newbie gains is fairly common. A lot of guys reach the one inch mark. But I cannot know for sure, every guy is different, so there are no guarantees. Statistically speaking, the odds of you reaching 6" within the next few months or so are very much in your favor. The so-called easy gains happen when you first start out, within the first six months. After that, it becomes more of a challenge, you will need to refine your routine, but it is absolutely doable provided you have the discipline to stay in the game and do what is required to continue to see results. I have not helped you at all. You did it all yourself.
Good luck in your journey.