Hey whats up i had to drop back in and say THANK YOU for taking ur time out to make this forum. I joined years ago after i was having issues getting it up. Ive lead a rap star life without the money lol--partied alot no hard core drugs just lots of sex orgies wit bi females-alot of weed smoking in blunts alcohol ciggerettes ect. A relative of mines that i was extremely close with passed away my gf at the time try to have sex with me a few days later n it wouldnt get up. The problem lasted for weeks and i joined this site and got my member to start working again. I actually stopped the exercises because my gf said i got to big. We broke up years passed and the only real pe i would do was stretch. I noticed whenever i did cardio after a good stretching session that my dick would always stand taller. I had sex with a female thursday it was great she came a few times but i felt like i could fill her up more. So friday we did nothing i just edged for 2 hrs on and off, i must of stopped myself from cumming 10 times. Today we had sex-man o man o man what a fucking diffrence! Her walls pressed so hard on my shaft it was almost as if i jelqued for a month n hit it again lol. Im like tell me u dont feel a diffrence she just screamed and then burried her face in a pillow lol. Edging has deepened me as a person, the dry orgasms i experience are so intense-it beats just bussing a nut by a land slide. I had to say thanks man for giving me the info i needed to make me stand as a bigger giant in the bedroom. The manual exercises have made me a bedroom bully. there are alot of non believers out there they dont think manual exercises work i tell the ones i ran into proudly they dont only work it will change ur confidence level in the bedroom tremendously. All i ever done was dry jelque no number of repitions i would do it for 5-10 min after a great session of edging. Same with stretching i would warm up doing hot wraps of course then rotary stretches, id also stretch pulling it towards my chin)i think that targets the tunica--then afterwards i would stretch stretch straight out in front of me. The manual stretches i did almost worked immediately. jogging in place or going for a walk or joggin outside always made it stand taller then before i started the stretch. Thanks again!!! My advice to any of the newbies here would be make sure to never forget to do hot wraps, or kegals! double up wear joggin pants or shorts under ur pants thruout the day---try to keep that area of ur body hot even after the workout. Gains dont happen overnight--if u smoke drink coffee drink alot of soda remember that your dick is a reflection of ur health so if ur putting tons of crap in ur body it will be harder to get the gains u want. Dont just train ur penis, do cardio as well. If done properly its almost impossible not to get gains. If for any reason u havent noticed that ur erections arent stronger or u havent got bigger--remember what i said earlier in this post diet and physical fitness effects ur gains dramatically. Arousal is also huge with pe if ur using ur dick to much it just wont work u gotta give ur mini YOU a chance to relax n recoop
A great post! I will too give my appreciation to DLD here in this thread! HE has done so much for every each one of us that it is not possible to be explained in words. We are all on our way to becoming better men (in bed and in life), more confident and much stronger. Being here got me to see that I am not alone and that I have a whole BROTHERHOOD behind me, being there, supporting me. I have MUCH more to write, but I won't spam rofl. DLD, wherever you are- know that we all appreciate you and you are not only DLD or some random guy on the net. You are an idol! Not only in Penis Enlargement, but in every aspect of life. I hope we all have you back here soon and that all goes as planned. Your friend, your brother and your fanboy (rofl!!!!)- Zam :)
Really nice thread indeed! Mike is a very committed man that I owe so much to for sharing his knowledge with me and giving me the ambition to push hard for what I wanted in life. I admire this man for his dedication in making shit happen. He always knew how to take an idea and make it better 10 fold. He has been a brother, a father and best friend to me and has been there for me at the lowest points in my life.

We became best friends over 25 years ago when him and his dad (R.I.P) hired me fresh out of school to silk screen T-Shirts. When Mike and I met, he was really frustrated in the back of the print shop trying to set up a new silk screening machine. He was smashing screens around and screaming at the top of his lungs at the machine lol. I thought I would never get hired that day but something happened that him and I clicked. After getting hired, him and I became best friends as I worked for his family for a couple years. Like anything in life, other opportunities came up for me and I relocated far away and he got into a relationship just as I and we lost contact with each other for over 10 years.

I remember 13 years ago when he finally got a hold of me by phone and said he had something that was going to change every mans life. When I asked him to tell me over the phone he said he had to show me in person for me to understand. I was wondering what could be so important at the time that couldn't be discussed by phone? lol

Anyway, he drove hundreds of miles to my house at the time to show me what was going to change every mans life. He walks in my living room and drops his pants and shows me this mammoth cock with a 4" stretch mark. At first I was really confused but really impressed. He explained the story about how he had erection issues due to meds he was taking and found some manual Arabic exercises that Arabic's teach their children to help restore blood back to the penis and have harder erections and longer staying power. He said that after a few months of doing them his girl noticed how his cock was filling her up more and he started noticing how his cock was now splashing in the toilet water (nasty, lol). So he took these couple very limited stretching and jelqing exercises and modified them to be much more intensive and work at a faster rate.

So he knew they worked for him but he wanted to verify so he went to a bodybuilders forum a wrote a program for 10 guys there complaining about their cock size. He showed me the threads that these people charted their gains from his program and low and behold doublelongdaddy became an icon in that world.

At the time Mike came to me with stacks of unorganized books and papers with drawings and links. It was a huge nightmare lol. He wanted to provide this all for free but I was the one that thought we should create a program to support bills. So we compromised and created these free forums and made the membership site.

If you add up all the inches of cock this community has created and the amount lives it has saved due to suicidal men achieving new levels in life, this place has become a community unlike any other place due to all the great members here that contribute and support the new comers.

Once again thank you Mike and yes, we all shall continue to grow on so many levels together in this unique Brotherhood!
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    How's everyone
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    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Hi. Good to be here.
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    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
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    Which forum? How do I get there?
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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