Pogzee routine is really good
. If you dont have any equipment or you dont want to use a
hanger,i use this manual routine and works really good for me :
-10 minutes warm up
-Streches ( up,straight,down,left,right,rotary ) 3 times,30 seconds each ( 30 sec up,30 sec down etc , 3 times ).
-Flacid bends ( 4 of them,2 times , for 10-15 sec )
-15 min wet jelq
-Ulis - 4 of them for 45 seconds
-100 kegels
-testicle health masage ( optional,for bigger balls etc,really good exercise for the balls )
-Warm down 5-10 minutes.
After my routine i like to edge,for at least 30 minutes.