Well-known member
Hi guys, haven't been around past few days and with good reason. On Monday morning UK time I was rushed into hospital with tachycardia and laboured breathing. I had been to work at 9am and was sent home around 10am as I was really light headed, dizzy and felt like shit but thought I was coming down with something.

Got home and sat down, than at 10:30am it hit me like a train. My heart was pounding and I could hardly move but managed to get off the chair and to the phone, new I had to call 999.

My father was in the bathroom and came out shortly afterwards to help. I lay down on the floor and took deep slow breaths, the operater spoke with my dad. I thought I was going to die, really it was that bad. I was sweating and dripping with sweat, my hands were going cold and I thought this was it.

The rapid response and ambulance arived and took me to the A&E where my heart rate stabilised abit from 150-170bpm to 120-140bpm which is still very fast for someone not doing anything, okay if your in the gym ... I was sat down!

My max heart rate for my age is in the 190 region, 220 minus your age. So I was in the A&E and around the afternoon time my heart rate shot through the fucking roof along with the blood pressure which got to 220!!! heart rate was 170-180 and you could see my heart literally trying to get out of my chest ... they wouldnt give me anything to slow it down because I had taken a strong energy drink that morning which had 2 Grammes of caffeine in it, didnt think that it would have caused this.

They wanted the caffeine to make its way out naturally plus I'm already on strong meds for anxiety. They did several ECG's and didnt find damage or anything like that but mentioned later it was a coronary tachycardia and one that is very dangerous out of the tachycardia's as it can just BOOM shoot your heart to a flatline ... I was scared out of my fucking mind guys.

Later that night I was still in the hospital and had to wear a special device to monitor my heart 24/7 ... hit 140-150 at peak with a normal BPM of 130-140 while asleep!!!

Things started to get better as the days went by and the worse went and now I'm back home but its been a lesson not to touch caffeine or energy supplements ever again.

I'm so glad to be alive and came close to having a heart attack they said in the A&E which would have needing shocking and to be done within 60-90 seconds.
Shit brotha what the hell happened?

Are you all better now? They found a reason for this episode?

I'm on benzos for anxyety and i am a smoker, you have scared me into being we...scared.

Hope you are all fine now bro... Any roids anytime for you? Any other drugs? This may very well be some medicine interaction you know? Or alcohol in the mix which is a BIG no no...

Get back to us brotha, health to you.


Wow what a fucked up experience! Sorry to hear man, but glad you're okay now..

Is this the first time you experience this/or something similar??
They never advised you to stay off of energy drinks/caffeine while on anti-anxiety meds? Good grief Red. Those things will reduce the effectiveness of the meds. At least you know now and survived. Rest and get back to health. All that added pressure to your heart and vessels will need some time to heal. Thanks for sharing though. Your experience may save someone else.
Thanks guys. This was my 3rd time with Caffeine, it was a powder I used it as. You can buy it in powder form and labelled as a stimulant for the mind. Have exams comming up and just thought it could help. SHOULD have known allot better, as I've worked in the medical field myself. Took 2 grammes of pure Caffeine powder and shot it back with an energy drink and than my 150mg Venlafaxine meds. I could have easily died, looking into various topics on Caffeine overdose with red bulls etc I have found people younger than have died on 500mg Caffeine! I had 2000mg. What I had was estimated to be 20-25 cans of red bull taken at one shot.

At the moment I'm much better, at home and my heart BPM lastnight was in the 80-90 range which is normal for someone like me. Used my heart monitor.

The hospital did blood tests on the day and also the day I left and they all cameback great! Liver, kidneys, heart etc etc all fine and no damage the consulatant told me. The ECG's were normal, no damage indicated. He explaned to me that because I'm young, active and healthy is why I'm okay and they didnt need to intervene. With Caffeine they dont do much and like it to leave your body naturally but if they MUST than they have a few methods, such as shocking your heart at the BPM its going if it needs to but think they knock you out aswell for it. Various forms of invasive methods that leave permanent scars and tubes for life as they fliush the system out. Meds such as beta blockers could have lowered my trachycardia but they can also trigger different heart conditions off and I see now why they were so weary to use anything.

Thankfully though I'm okay and wont be touching that shit again. Just shows how powerful Caffeine really is! They market the powder so openly aswell for fat loss, its insane really.

I think the closest point I got to a heart attack and possible death was around 330-430pm when my heart rate went from at the time, a comfortable 120-130 BPM to a pounding 170 BPM and my blood pressure rocketed from 150/160 [Dont know what that was over] to 210. I know these figures because I read my notes before I left. When my BPM were at 170 they were jumping back to 150 region and than back to 170 region over the course of several seconds with speed and I felt like fucking shit. Colour was going and I was sick, clear fluid. That made me feel better though and than the women who does the ECG had to quickly get a reading of the heart while it was doing all its dancing.

I saw this reading before I left and it was a ventricular tachycardia but without the damage to the heart and it lasted seconds and got itself back to a more normal rhytHydromax, otherwise if it was have persisted for a length of time I would have had a heart attack, no questions asked. The blood pressure was 210 which is insane and it was a matter of time. I knew it was getting serious than because the doctor was very eager with the results and everything was quicker than before.

Thank god I'm okay and still alive.

irafeak01, your a doctor aren't you in the USA? should I be cautious for a but before going running again at the gym? Obviously I will be taking things easy.
Dam red! glad your better now. It's been months since I've been back here to [words=]MOS[/words]. I've had a rough time the last few months as well, I found out I'm alergect to caffine it gives me the runs, on the bright side if I"M feeling "full" now a cup of coffee thrity minutes later problem solved.
Red! My God! I am so happy you are OK. Please take it easy and take care of yourself, we need you here as I am sure the rest of your family and friends do. Penis Enlargement would not be the same without you and if [words=]MOS[/words] is an example of how you do things in the rest of your life then the world could not make it without you. You are in my prayers.

Shit man, what a terrible experience. Imagine if your heart was relatively weak... I'm glad you're in a better condition now :).

I'm really sensitive to caffeine. When I drunk a few cups of coffee at my internship place, I started to get heart poundings and feeling strange in the chest area.
If I drink just one cup I have sleeping problems. I replaced coffee with tea and never touched energy drink like red-bull.

Take it easy Red. Wish you the best and hope you recover physically and mentally from this soon.

Red, pleased to hear your on the mend pal, i had bad heart palpitations in my late teens, i was convinced i had a bad heart, went to see a specialist and everything, but he convinced me i was healthy. It scared the shit out of me though. Keep well.
The heart is nothing to fuck with, keep an aspirin and phone nearby always.
Think about it like your penis and clamping. Shoving/trapping extra blood in there. You only clamped every other day to give things time to heal. Give it some time. When you're feeling ready take it slow. Just walk a few laps or move a little quicker and just see how you feel. If you have any pains (anywhere) it could be from the increase in pressure hurting the vessels that are trying to heal (as in the walking will increase your pressure and if the vessels aren't doing so hot yet you'll feel pressure/cramping).
Thanks guys. I also passed a test today at college, so cool on that note! I was waiting to into the room for the test and looked around at the walls, like you do before a big test and oddly one of those images from a heart mnitor was around and I thought ''You know what I aint stressing over this, if I pass I pass and if I fail than it aint the end of the world cos I nearly died on Monday'' the doctor said that if that Tachycardia had not have remedied itself quickly like it did with me and on its own than it would have been likely my heart would have stopped. The blood pressure was off the scales at one pont as I've said and they would have had to take action if that would have carried on. I asked god at the time as-well to help me out and not let me die so soon. I was alone too in the A&E as my mother and father went home ... once I'm fully healed again this will make me stronger and more mature. That shit is lethal and I wont be touching normal coffee again.
Oh my god, I wish you the best and get well soon! Water is the best drink, ineed... I drink only water, have never drunken anything else (except of self-made orangejuice with apple- yumm ^^ ) and never had problems like these. There is no need for such drinks, life is so much more important!
People should start to think about it before taking this kind of stuff...
Energy drinks are extra bad. What they do over time is stress your thyroid and burn out your adrenal glands. After they are gone no amount of caffeine will wake your ass up. In fact it can start to do just the opposite ...
If the energy drink had a hot load in it, (machine overdosed a clump of whatever) you could have had 100x the safe limit of caffeine, check and see if it had Yohimbine in it, that stuff will palp your heart even at low doses.

Been there done that. So did you see any dead relatives ?,

The right way to achieve your goals is not with the use of stimulants or artificial mixtures of chemical nutrients . Natural, herbal, or synthetic caffeine are all bad. Your body will be 10xs stronger and it will last longer without all that garbage. Do it naturally. Plus you get addicted and get the nasty withdrawal headache when you put the stuff down after 12-24 hrs..... who needs a headache that comes right on time. ? F- that ! F Starbucks.

I barely touch a cup of decaf and that is only with a meal. Glad you made it. Put down all the meds. Its all poison and it is your body telling you to change your lifestyle. Learn to meditate, center yourself. Go on amazon
and search "heart math" learn visualization techniques and except for nutritional supplements, vitamins, amino acids, and a few herbs I do not rely on any stimulants. If you are tired, sleep ! Once I slept for 3 days straight I was so tired.....
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Red... I just read this today. Im also glad to hear that you are ok. That sounds like it was a horrible, terrifying experience and it makes it worse that it had to happen to someone like you. I agree with DLD... I hope you take care, because this place wouldn't be the same without you. Not just from a Penis Enlargement aspect... but just from a life standpoint. I see how many people that you have helped (me included) and appreciate all the things that you do. Just like you have been there for me before, I am there for you and I'm sure that I speak for many when I say that we are all here from you. Get Better Man, Hope you have a fast, safe recovery. Take Care Red.

Red, without all the pertinent details, it sounded like you just had a, albeit scary as hell, reaction to too much caffine. The docs at the ER let the caffine run its course because you are a young, healthy male with no prev med conditions (I am assuming). If you started having severe chest pain, decreased levels of conscious, or a BP that was considered a hypertensive crisis, or dropping through the floor, they probably would have given you some meds to counter the caffine. Don't get me wrong, a systolic BP of 210 is becoming crisis level, but probably not a significant danger level for a short amount of time. There was probably no damage done to your heart. If there was any concern, they would have run enzyme tests to check for any damage. I have had a couple of these same episodes myself for overdoing it on energy drinks and not eating enough, and they just self resolved with out any other issue. This rhytHydromax is called SVT, or Supraventricular Tachycardia, not Ventricular Tachycardia, or V-Tach, which is more of a life threat. Obviously, this is speculation with out seeing any ECG strips. My point is, you should not be too concerned about getting back to the gym because you probably did not sustain injury. If there were no explanation for your heart rate to be so high, besides the caffine, you would be scheduled to see cardiac docs to get to the underlying issues. If the ER doc did not give you any limitations on getting back to the gym, I wouldn't be too concerned. This was more than likely an isolated incident. Obviously, if you start feeling pain/pressure in your chest when you work out, stop and make an appointment to get checked. I hope this helps ease a little anxiety about what happened. PM me if you have any specific questions. Good luck.

I still recommend taking it easy. The doctors don't have time to cover everything. Plus being a young lad still there were probably assumptions made about your ability to bounce back. Give your body a chance to repair any possible trauma to the vessels. You were in the hospital for a day with your BP high that whole time. Why take a chance with something like that?
I really appreciate the support and advice, thanks and I have found talking about it has helped me deal with the trauma afterwards. To clarify, yes it was a ventricular tachycardia as I had this in writing on the notes and the ECG scans confirmed it but the werent that arsed about it because my body got the heart out of that rhytHydromax very quickly, otherwise from what I have learned about that particler tachy I would have had a heart attack. That was why the blood pressure was sky rocketing through the roof, as at that time my heart just leapt out my chest and I was going cold, numb and felt like shit plus I vomited. They looked anxious and I knew it wasnt good but luckily my body got out of the rhytHydromax.

Good link about heart conditions and that type of tachycardia

Yes I will keep out the gym. I still aint 100% and have been getting very slight sensations in the chest region, like very small feelings of tightness ... not much, very slight indeed and very subtle like shocks, electric shocks that are very rare and quick. No pain. I'm still aware at times of my heart rate and it has gone up slightly from time to time. Been feeling hot in the face and flushed but this has started to subside.
I intend to, for many years to come. Its just made me realise how powerful shit like Caffeine can be, how stupid and naive I was and how delicate but powerful the heart can be at the sometime. The heart is very resilient, I mean pounding away at all them beats per minute like it was with me for around 36 hours is just WOW with the first 18 hours being like a fucking sprint.

I have been feeling little light headed today and before felt my heart speed up slightly when I got off the bed from a quick nap and had to sit down on the toilet seat, take a few deep breaths and gather myself. It wasn't anything like at the hospital, nothing like it at all but think it was the blood pressure altering itself and I'm still at times more aware of the heart beat.

The Caffeine will also still be sending off side effects to me as it was a large dose and that stuff sets off Adenosine levels in the head going and noticed the other day the veins in my head were very dilated and I've had hot flushes. Researched and found its because of the Adenosine that's raised from the crash of the Caffeine. They also use Adenosine to kick-start the heart sometimes. Says it takes around 5 days for the levels to get back to normal from the Caffeine intake.

Reckon my magnesium, calcium and potassium levels might be bit fucked up as well. Getting a multi vitamin and mineral formula soon.

Irafreak1, what do you specialise in? I've been told the US pays good for medical staff and many from the NHS aim to move into the states for that better pay but its hard to get in as they have strict entrance exams, so I assume the US has very well trained medical personnel. Also on a side note, some of the nurses and doctors at the hospital were HOT as fuck ... damn the one that seen to me was gorgeous ... that's enough to give you palpitations hahaha
WOW dude,that is a story.I'm so glad that you are OK and on your way to recovery from this.Scary stuff alright.Ya,caffeine and those energy drinks are pretty potent for some,especially combined with other substances.But I noticed you still maintain a sense of humour,talking about those HOT ass chicks in the hospital...only you red would be able to do something like that,keeping your head up high,and thinking about those gorgeous babes....haha.Anyways,glad to have you back healthy again.
haha yeah man, its insane innit. The Nurse that came to me was HOT as hell man and the doctor was a female who seen to me and a junior in grade but again rather tasty! Shouldn't joke about this, but if I'ad have died it would have been in the presence of beautiful women. Damn I want a job working in the hospital and on the wards more of those hotties were around and on my first night when I was having bad chest pains and palpitations they got the on call doctor and I was resting on my back at the time in bed when she came in, still had the palpitations and hooked to a machine. It was more anxiety causing that problem and I was okay but DAMN she was hot as fuck!!! nice blonde and I was like OMFG this gives me palpitations.
Well if our current administration has it's way a lot of medical professionals will be retiring as they we soon become underpaid and still overworked. To let you know about our education...I'm only a chiropractor and I (still am) was put through the ringer. We've had so many chiro students graduate or just leave early to go to med school cause it's not much more intense. We had a russian med doc teaching one of our classes and he was doing that because he would have to intern for 5 years with another doc in the states before he could practice on his own and he didn't want to be someone's bitch again.

So we have some strict policies but the amount of stuff you have to know...practice is better than any amount of education. I've learned the most spending the last year in clinic working with real people. I say the guy comes in from russia with everything in order he should be able to practice (having previous experience)
So essentially the US is more geared towards learning the medical students hands on and practical, rather than being obsessed with getting them with degrees and stuff? Yeah if Obama gets his way the US will have a system like here in the UK, called the NHS which means everyone has free healthcare from the taxes they pay when they work and it works out great here.

Our medical staff are overworked, but that's the field and I have worked in it myself and just the way it is. The higher qualified you are though and more the ladder you go up the more money you get, but the hours worked is just shocking. I was doing 64-72 hours each-week on suicide watches in secure units and I know Psychiatrists and doctors have done 100+ hours each-week.

Have you ever thought of joining the NHS here in the UK?

Also I'm allot better now today mate. I felt good at college and I'm going to adapt a more positive attitude to life from now on.
REDZULU2003;373895 said:
Also I'm allot better now today mate. I felt good at college and I'm going to adapt a more positive attitude to life from now on.

Good for you RED! Your not the type to take anything sitting down, you are a trooper!
Yeah and its what life has made me become but with that experience I want it to make me more relaxed and not take things so serious from people that used to work me up in the past. Thats what I have started to implement, as the saying goes ''Lifes too short'' and sure it is that. When you literally see the wave patterns of your heart fluttering on the monitor and see the heart literally trying to get out of your chest, best way to describe it was like in the Aliens films when those things burst out of the chest, they would be bulging in the chest ... like that. Could have all easily gone the other way and I'm so thankful to be okay.

Also here is a good site with resources on deaths and near deaths with caffeine in the medical literature & how caffeine works

I would like to know as well what type of programmes or courses such as those by Dr Wade Dyer and other motivational speakers, meditators and those who follow the law of attraction I could implement to have a more positive fulfilling mind from now on?
Red, the reforms coming in the US won't get anywhere close to NHS, which is true socialized medicine. In fact, it doesn't even get close to a single-payer system like Canada's. Canada's system, like the UK system, works much better than the US system while at the same time covering everybody, but it's different from the UK system in that medical professionals are not government employees like they are in the UK. In Canada, the government provides health insurance that pays for services from non-government health care professionals. The reforms Obama and Congressional Democrats and Independents are currently working on passing won't even have a public (government) insurance OPTION because the politicians in the pockets of the insurance companies in the US have managed to crush even that. The insurance companies, with the help of their bought-and-paid-for politicians and the corporate-owned media, have managed to convince a lot of people that minor incremental reforms to the completely private (and to remain completely private) health insurance system in the US is the same thing as suddenly imposing Trotskyism on the country.

More on-topic: are you sure it was the caffeine that did this to you? Hadn't you ever taken signficant amounts of caffeine in the past?
I hope one-day the US does implement a system like that of the NHS. The UK is the envy of many across the world for its health system and yet many here stil moan about it. Does the US have secure checks on staff? like criminal record checks and if they have had cautions, warnings etc and even if they were arrested and not convicted? that is the case in the NHS, very strict .. over the top in my opinion.

Yes it was the Caffeine, but also the medication I take(Venlafaxine ''Efexor XL'') made it worse and slowed down its metabolism from the body, so hence it was in my longer. I took 2 grammes which is allot and the lethal range in humans is 3-11g or so.

Highest I took in the past was 300mg and I felt slight dizziness and effects than, but nothing major to cause alarm. Some people are very sensitive to Caffeine and can be allergic to it.

Got very highly qualified staff across the states and many even here in the UK go to the US for specliased surgery the NHS wont provide, so hence they must pay but they than get it.
My case, yeah 2000mg is 2g but the guy in question who died must have taken around approx 10000mg = 10g because it said two spoonful's of the stuff and one tea spoon is around 5 grammes but if he used a table spoon is slightly more than double the amount and approx 12-13g which would mean he may have had 20-25g if that was his route. At 10g its well in the lethal range for Caffeine, it usually starts at 3g from the medical literature I've fingered and scanned through but less has been known to cause severe reactions (Myself) and of course those on medications, mixing it with alcohol, elderly etc etc are going to throw in more contraindications.

I agree that all Caffeine supplements should be banned, especially the powders. These energy drinks as well are highly addictive and the reason .... Caffeine and its a sick way the companies make money ... disgusting, they don't care about how dangerous alcohol is when mixed with caffeine. Its VERY dangerous indeed, this lad I think could have a chance if he had not had alcohol and the other energy drink but them mixed in with the Caffeine and you have a chemistry set gone wrong. May he RIP and my thoughts go to the family, he just didn't realise what he was messing with.

Scary thing is I only noticed afterwards that he died in April this year, a month after my encounter with the same stuff!!!!
Mate - thank god you are ok - just seen all of this - DLD is right with the Aspirin - it saved my grandfathers life (he is in his late 90s now but wouldnt have seen through his 70s without taking aspirin when he started to get bad chest pains) - take things easy and look after your self
Yea Red, sorry I just saw this. Glad you made it ok. My first thought, being into supplements and such myself for years now was TWO GRAMS of caffeine??? I thought maybe the UK had some much more lax laws on supplements for a moment, but re-read your post to see that it was taken ALONG WITH the energy drink. Damn. Most caffeine I've ever taken was 2 pills, 200mg each before hitting the gym. You're a lucky bastard for sure.

I disagree with banning supplements though based on what they have the potential to do when abused. That's just more regulation of our lives we don't need. A thing called Darwinism used to keep populations under control more efficiently. You're not supposed to be able to regulate people's lives into safety. The dumb weeded themselves out of society. Now, we have life saving technologies that even the dumbest of the dumb can count on to save their ass when they should have bit it. I'm not saying of course. that people don't make mistakes...but still. People should be allowed to make mistakes, and hopefully learn from them. Too many people though make mistakes and keep making them. ;) We tend to give too many people who should have 2 lives, 9 lives.
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Good post mate. Yeah I had 2g but didn't neck it back with an energy drink, that's the other guy I mentioned recently who died from the stuff. He must have taken around 10g if not more and within 15 minutes was sweating severely and vomiting blood. I agree in part about not banning stuff to enable society to learn but with such strong drugs as Caffeine and even Yohimbine or is it Yohimbe? that can easily kill if abused, yet the message about abusing them isn't clear. Not many people realise Caffeine can kill, does kill and will kill. Its slowly killing anyone who drinks more than the RDA which is around 250-300mg and what will happen is the thyroid and adrenal glands will fuck up in the end. I think limits should be placed at least, no more large 100g powders of Caffeine. I think marijuana though should be made legal although controlled, this would kill off allot of illegal drug trade and imho its nowhere near as dangerous like alcohol is and even Nicotine.
shavenasian;403992 said:
Mate - thank god you are ok - just seen all of this - DLD is right with the Aspirin - it saved my grandfathers life (he is in his late 90s now but wouldnt have seen through his 70s without taking aspirin when he started to get bad chest pains) - take things easy and look after your self

I take an aspirin every night as this is a good preventative maintenance for the heart.
Dam Red hope you are doing ok now m8.

2000 mg of Coffeine i mean WTF where you thinking man? You are lucky you stayed alive.
In most cases with that high dosage results would be fatal.That would kill an elephant.
Ditch the caffeine or drink micro-dosage just to get a mild stimulation.
Dont play with your health man or i will have to jump on the plane to England and rape you in your hairy ass.:P

Stay well m8.
Thanks guys. I remember vividly that day, very scary and some of me wonders if my fitness levels helped save me ... did lots of running you see at the time.
REDZULU2003;373476 said:
Hi guys, haven't been around past few days and with good reason. On Monday morning UK time I was rushed into hospital with tachycardia and laboured breathing. I had been to work at 9am and was sent home around 10am as I was really light headed, dizzy and felt like shit but thought I was coming down with something.

Got home and sat down, than at 10:30am it hit me like a train. My heart was pounding and I could hardly move but managed to get off the chair and to the phone, new I had to call 999.

My father was in the bathroom and came out shortly afterwards to help. I lay down on the floor and took deep slow breaths, the operater spoke with my dad. I thought I was going to die, really it was that bad. I was sweating and dripping with sweat, my hands were going cold and I thought this was it.

The rapid response and ambulance arived and took me to the A&E where my heart rate stabilised abit from 150-170bpm to 120-140bpm which is still very fast for someone not doing anything, okay if your in the gym ... I was sat down!

My max heart rate for my age is in the 190 region, 220 minus your age. So I was in the A&E and around the afternoon time my heart rate shot through the fucking roof along with the blood pressure which got to 220!!! heart rate was 170-180 and you could see my heart literally trying to get out of my chest ... they wouldnt give me anything to slow it down because I had taken a strong energy drink that morning which had 2 Grammes of caffeine in it, didnt think that it would have caused this.

They wanted the caffeine to make its way out naturally plus I'm already on strong meds for anxiety. They did several ECG's and didnt find damage or anything like that but mentioned later it was a coronary tachycardia and one that is very dangerous out of the tachycardia's as it can just BOOM shoot your heart to a flatline ... I was scared out of my fucking mind guys.

Later that night I was still in the hospital and had to wear a special device to monitor my heart 24/7 ... hit 140-150 at peak with a normal BPM of 130-140 while asleep!!!

Things started to get better as the days went by and the worse went and now I'm back home but its been a lesson not to touch caffeine or energy supplements ever again.

I'm so glad to be alive and came close to having a heart attack they said in the A&E which would have needing shocking and to be done within 60-90 seconds.
Energy drinks fuckin suck something similar happened to me i ended up in the hospital and was really bad specially cause i didnt have any money and no insurance, was a really bad experience i got you .We are still here thats great haha no more energy drinks for the rest of my life.
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