
Well-known member
Some tips to alleviate any troubles with acne.

1. Shower frequently ie morning, immediately after training, and before bed.
2. Use tanning beds 2-3 times per week.
3. Use a benzyl peroxide lotion or cream after washing and prior to bed at night.
4. Use oral antibiotics, ie tetracycline
5. Use Accutane- on advice of physician only
6. Use oral vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 5-10 grams daily in divided doses..starting 1 week prior to AAS cycle and continuing until 3 weeks post cycle*
7. Avoid sugary foods
8. Laser Treatments. Smoothbeam, thermage, Aura Photofacial

I have used all above methods except Accutane, and found that showering, tanning , and B5 supplementation work the best. B5 is phenomenal in cutting oil production of the skin down to a is the only thing that truly works while using test or high androgenic AAS such as tren, drol, dbol, halo, etc.
you do all that to keep your acne away? damn I just use proactiv and shower once a day, although it doesn't seem to get rid of all of it,who else here has an acne problem?

thx for the tips, its important not too tan too much for it can make acneworse, but a little actually helps it!
I have used it on a couple cycles. I don't have bad acne to start with, but sometimes it will flare up on cycle. I frontloaded at around 10-13 grams for about a week, then 7-8 grams every day thereafter and post cycle for a while. Some may think the dose is overkill but it works for me. Others say it has no effect. It does dry up the oil for me. I wouldn't do a cycle without it. I use bulk powder. It tastes horrid but you get used to it.
I put it in some water and shake it and swallow it like a shot and have a chaser handy. I suppose you could inject it, but I am not sure what the dosing would be. You might be able to get it into an injectable soloution, but I don't think it would be worth it.
Evening Primrose Oil, Black Currant Oil, or Borage Oil will help as they are all high in Gamma Linoleic Acid. Gamma Linoleic Acid is a natural inhibitor of 5 Alpha Reductase which is used to convert testosterone to DHT. I use Evening Primrose Oil which I feel is the best source of GLA.

Since GLA it is a fatty acid, you really cannot overdose on it as excess GLA will just be metabolized so supplementing with it can help with acne as well as male pattern baldness (to an extent) since it helps to keep DHT from getting out of control.

DHT does have its uses and when it comes to Penis Enlargement, there are varying theories as to whether it has any affect on post-pubescent penile growth, but I supplement with it and it really helps a lot with oil control and I have noticed my hair is thicker than ever since using it.

Also, repetitive use of benzoyl peroxide helps a lot as well. Potency is not as important as frequency, so you want to use just enough to keep acne away but not so much that you dry your skin up. If you use the right kind of light in your bathroom, you can tell where your impending trouble spots are going to be, so you just apply the benzoyl peroxide gently in liberal amounts before you go to bed or else use some of the colored cream which blends in with the skin a little better if you need to put it on before going to work.
Well, you guys should keep in mind that it might not be acne. There are 7 types of breakout's, and one type of breakout is acne. A good number of people with one of the other types of outbreaks tend to mistake it as acne. Then they use acne treatment, become fustrated that the treatment does not work. The best method would be to go to a dermatologist and figure out what you have.
Hey Supra, you said you did number 8 too which was Laser Treatments, Smoothbeam, thermage, Aura Photofacial. I wondering which one of these procedures you had done and what were your results.
I was on Accutane a few years back. It put it out with a fire hose, so to speak. One of the side effects is dry skin, which I still notice today. It was worth it though.
I had really bad skin for about 5 1/2 years.

It disappeared about 6-8 months ago , unsure what it was , but I can only attribute it to less stress and my drinking of around 5 litres of water a day and 4-6 pieces of fruit , a coupl of potatos and carrots etc.

Never had any joy from off the shelf cleansers or anything like that , presonally I am very sceptical they do anything more thne just irritate the skin even more. Think about it , these companies have little to gain from sorting out your skin problem , as you will have no incentive to buy their stuff if your skin is fine.

Never tried anything with benzyl peroxide in it however.
For me I have found nothing to work, including going to the dermatologist. Recently my gf told me how to get rid of acne and my face cleared up within a week! I wash my face twice a day.
Every other day I use noxema face wash, and I alternate it with Clean and Clear deep action cleanser. After I wash my face, I apply an astringent... I use Oxy. Then I put 10% benzoil peroxide on the spots with acne lightly.
Im using neutragena fresh face cleanser in the morning and nite a, also at nite i put on retin-a micro and Im also doing the b5 thing. So far so good, will see how i look when summer comes aroud.
here is my daily face routine, so far its working, will see how I look when summer comes around, hopefully clear.

neutragena fresh face cleanser

mid-mornig: one dose of b-5

mid-day: final dose of b-5

before bed: neutragena fresh face cleanser followed by retin-a micro gel

thats that, Im going to start taking this bodybuilding supplement called no2 it says it helps clear skin too, so hopefully that will help out.

THE NEVER ENDING WAR OF Penis EnlargementRFECTION :balling:
Ok as promised here is my contribution. This method is very radical but let me give you my story first.

I suffered from the most extreme acne of anyone I have ever seen. From the ages of 12 through my late teens my face was covered with pimples. There was literally no clear spot on my face. I went to the dermatologist every month for years. I was on every available medication for acne. I experimented with every available topical product prescribed and over the counter. I avoided every food that had a reputation for giving acne. Through this entire obsessive searching and compulsive trying NOTHING HELPenis EnlargementD. I was at wits end and I was frustrated with the entire movement on ACNE RELEIF.

About 17 years ago I decided to try something extreme. So extreme that everyone I told thought it was insane but from about two months after starting this method until today I have not had another facial blemish. Anyone that has seen me or pictures of me can attest to my face being scar, blemish & wrinkle free.

The first thing I decided to do was stop all the medications I was taking. The next thing I did was STOP WASHING MY FACE COMPLETELY. Yes in 17 years I have not washed my face with anything but water. I rinse my face during my bathing rituals and that is it. I never put any topical solutions on my face either with the exception of one, which is HYDROCORTIZONE. I shave 3 times a week, which used to leave my skin with an awful rash. This problem was solved with the HYDROCORTIZONE. Now right after shaving I apply a pea drop of this stuff and massage it into my face. The rashes are completely gone. That it!

I am not sure if I am some rare bird that had luck no one else will have as no one I know has ever tried this. I thought I would share my experience.
hey dld,

acne still plagues me. i don't have it as bad as you described but for me it's still pretty ugly to see and mentally driving me mad.
my mother once told me the same thing you decided to do: wash only with water.
so i did and it didn't work. infact, it has gotten worse. then i started with a stinkey goo called dermalotion which uses natural stuff, sulfur being the main ingredient. it worked but i smelled like hell but hey, it works. all the stuff is depleted and the store doesn't have new ones yet because it's quite a unpopular product. i needed something for the dry skin so i bought some facial milk made from almonds. it doesn't contain any oils but it still hydrates the skin. i will keep using this stuff but i think it's gonna take some time for it to go away..
if you got bad acne, try proactiv 3 times a day for 2 weeks and see wht happens, it's a newer thing, 3 step process that works for almost everyone if not everyone
DLD I have started your way, I stoped washing my face and putting acne creams on, my face already looks better. All I do is just rinse my face with cold water periodically throught the day to get the oil off, and that is it!! I love this!
Supra said:
DLD I have started your way, I stoped washing my face and putting acne creams on, my face already looks better. All I do is just rinse my face with cold water periodically throught the day to get the oil off, and that is it!! I love this!

Very cool! Make sure you pick up some HYDROCORTIZONE 1% Cream. This will be just the thing after shaving with the irritation you get.
Does anyone know how to get rid of acne scars, I have a medium case of them and wanted to know if any one has had them and how did u get rid of them ? :hammering
Thats interesting DLD.

I have something called Aveeno Hydrocortisone 1% anti-itch cream. So i'm assuming this would work?

The reason i have this is nothing to do with acne. I have sebhorric (sp) dermatitis. Basically in the winter I get dandruff on my scalp and dry skin and scaling under my eyes, the nose folds and my eye brows. I started using this and it works on my dry facial areas.

I do know that using too much product on the face can actually make acne work, so your no washing is a good idea. I have Proactiv, but I can only use it 2-3 a week ( not daily). Proactiv is a 3 step process that does work for acne but it tears up my face. The first cream is abrasive and opens pores but also makes my skin red and taers the skin. The second part is like an astringent that makes my face completely red. Then the Benzoyl peroxide finish is good but not if you are in the sun at all. Stuff like Noxema,etc messes my face up even more.

Here is why not washing works. Your skin needs a certain amount of good oil. If you strip off too my good oil, your skin can 1: be overdry and 2: actually start producing way too much oil to counter.
bigbutnottoo said:
Thats interesting DLD.

I have something called Aveeno Hydrocortisone 1% anti-itch cream. So i'm assuming this would work?

Perfect! The reason I started using Hydrocortisone was after my acne had cleared up I continued to get a rash after shaving. The rash would show up like a mask round my nose and down under the chin. A day after the rash the entire area would become very dry and start to flake. It was frustrating because I finally had clear skin from pimples and I had this almost constant rash. I finally went to my doctor and he told me to go buy some over the counter Hydrocortisone 1% cream. The next time I shaved I used this cream (just a dot massaged over the face) THE RASH WAS GONE! The only time it resurfaced was when I did not apply the Hydrocortisone. It really changed my life and made me feel so much more confident.
Supra said:
Some tips to alleviate any troubles with acne.

1. Shower frequently ie morning, immediately after training, and before bed.
2. Use tanning beds 2-3 times per week.
3. Use a benzyl peroxide lotion or cream after washing and prior to bed at night.
4. Use oral antibiotics, ie tetracycline
5. Use Accutane- on advice of physician only
6. Use oral vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 5-10 grams daily in divided doses..starting 1 week prior to AAS cycle and continuing until 3 weeks post cycle*
7. Avoid sugary foods
8. Laser Treatments. Smoothbeam, thermage, Aura Photofacial

I have used all above methods except Accutane, and found that showering, tanning , and B5 supplementation work the best. B5 is phenomenal in cutting oil production of the skin down to a is the only thing that truly works while using test or high androgenic AAS such as tren, drol, dbol, halo, etc.

i have a comment about vitamine B5. you see, my drug store recommends me to take vitamin B6. they said vitamine B5 isn't contributing in cutting down the oil production but I guess that worked different for you.
i just bought a bottle which contains all kinds of Vitamin B (except B5, strange) with B6 in a strong concentration. i will take it once every day, before i go to sleep.
the recommended daily dose of 1 tablet lies around 10000% so i want to be careful not overdosing everything.

i'll be updating you guys.

i'll update you ppl
ApOcaLyPSe_1985 said:
i have a comment about vitamine B5. you see, my drug store recommends me to take vitamin B6. they said vitamine B5 isn't contributing in cutting down the oil production but I guess that worked different for you.
i just bought a bottle which contains all kinds of Vitamin B (except B5, strange) with B6 in a strong concentration. i will take it once every day, before i go to sleep.
the recommended daily dose of 1 tablet lies around 10000% so i want to be careful not overdosing everything.

i'll be updating you guys.

i'll update you ppl
Just for the record Vitamin B-5 is also called Pantothenic Acid, I would think any good B-Complex would have it in it.

Also, I'm no longer taking B-5, though it worked well for me. Swallowing 20 pills a day got kinda annoying. So now I'm taking the active form of B-5 Panthethine.

b-5 definately cuts oil production. If I take it, I take about 7 grams of it though. That is a ton of powder. I get 300 grams of powder for 10 dollars though. What is this active form you speak of Itselectric?
Hmm. I was taking the Vitamin B Complex which doesn't contain B5 and I still don't notice a cut off in oil production. Maybe I should switch to the powder form as well.
Right now i'm taking a diet for a week and see what the results are (I started today).

I will:
- Drink 2 liters of water a day.
- Eat grain products.
- Eat fresh fruit and vegetables.
- Take 500mg vitamin C daily.
- Take Vitamin B Complex daily.
- Not consume fats with the exception of breakfast. (The butter on my sandwiches will be the only fat I consume)
- Not consume sugar foods.
- Not consume salty or spicy foods.
- Not consume milk products.

I do wash my face with antibacterial soap cause my skin get's so greasy. I need to leave the pores open.
I will update you on my progress. I believe the natural way is still the best way.
Wow, I should have started this diet 3 years ago. My acne is getting less and less every day :D Yippee!
I think it's because of the oat malt (proper word? i just used a translator) i've been eating.
My entire family has had acne, very bad cases. My dad was from a poor family and didn't get any kind of treatment until his early 20's. Now his face is left very scarred up from the acne. Eventually, he was put on various creams and even radiation treatments (which were what was used 30-35 years ago). He says the radiation treatments were very effective but now in his 50's he's got skin cancer so it wasn't such a good idea.

My brother is 2.5 years older than me, he's 22 right now. He began getting acne at the onset of puberty which for him was very early, 11 years old. His continued to get worse and worse and his medications here upped more and more. He tried everything from benzoyl peroxide to retin a to every antibiotic under the sun. He went on several doses of accutane that did keep it under good control while he was on them. However, he did not like the side effects and refuses to go on accutane again. At 22, going on 23, he still has BAD acne all over his face, neck, and back.

I started going through puberty at the normal age, 12-13 is when my acne started to show up. Around maybe 14 it started getting bad, and what REALLY bothered me was when I got a particularly bad blemish I would get a little depressed ice pick scar. I was overly precautious about my acne and my mom took me to the dermatologist every month or two. I went on a very strong concentration of retin A and contunually had the doctor give me stronger and stronger prescriptions. This was not enough to curb my acne. I continued to try every cream and pill known to man. I was on many different kinds of retin a, salicylic acid, sulfer based creams, benzoyle peroxide, antibiotic, ect... There was no cream or pill that would get rid of my acne. For this entire period I would have multiple blemishes all over my face no matter what I did, just some days it was worse than others. In addition, teh more medication I used, the redder and more irritated my skin would get. I was very self conscious about the acne although people rarely commented on it. However, I was ridiculed to no end about my red irritated skin. People who don't get bad acne just don't understand how devastating it is to one's self esteem. I was very depressed throughout this entire period about my face.

At 16 years old I was put on accutane for the first time. This is the most effective pill there is for acne and it did work like a charm. However, acne is considered a dangerous drug with many side effects. MY skin and lips turned dry and irritated beyond belief. There is potential kidney damage from accutane, potential hair loss, severe birth defects if you are a female and get pregnant, and it exasterbates depression big time. This last one is the one that baffles people. How can a drug so effective for clearing up skin actually make someone MORE depressed? IT should have the opposite effect. I thought it was all circumstantial my friends, but I went on accutane 4 times, once each year for 4 years and every time I got very depressed about a lot of things and went into little downward spirals that ended when I stopped taking the drug.

When Supra came to this board I befriended him and he told me about his terrible struggle with acne and how the only things that worked good for him were accutane and laser treatments. I did some research and made appointments to get smoothbeam laser treatments done on my face. I have had 3 so far and my acne is pretty much gone. I have a few red spots from previous breakouts that take months to fade, and I have minor scarring. But, the laser has cleared my acne and they say it also smoothes acne scars in time. This, however, takes a lot longer to clear up than the pimples as cologen has to be rebuild. I will have to wait and see how this laser treatment affects my scars as I want them gone at some point.

In conclusion, acne has been a major source of depression and anxiety in my life for almost as long as I can remember. It was so frustrating to go to the doctor every month who specializes in acne treatments and take all his advice and still have terrible looking skin. At 20 years old, I am FINALLY beginning to be coming out of the woods with this and I honestly feel the end is near with my struggle with acne due to these laser treatments. And let me tell you, it is a good feeling.
What a beautiful story :D
I never looked into laser before. The doctor gives me stuff, heavier doses everytime and it just won't work. But now that I'm taking this diet it seems to work go away.
Take the fatties, sugars and salts away. It's working very good for me, you should try it as well. I just wash my face twice a day with anti-bacterial soap. and after that I apply Dermalotion on my skin. It's a well known product in the UK for battling acne. It helps moisterizing the skin and prevents it from dehydrating. The ingredients are natural which is very good. The downside of the product is that it reeks like sulfur which sucks very bad, my hair is taking the smell of it very fast.
I hope my acne won't return after it's completely gone, just by starting to eat normal again. Then i'll probably look into laser treatment.
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doublelongdaddy said:
Ok as promised here is my contribution. This method is very radical but let me give you my story first.

I suffered from the most extreme acne of anyone I have ever seen. From the ages of 12 through my late teens my face was covered with pimples. There was literally no clear spot on my face. I went to the dermatologist every month for years. I was on every available medication for acne. I experimented with every available topical product prescribed and over the counter. I avoided every food that had a reputation for giving acne. Through this entire obsessive searching and compulsive trying NOTHING HELPenis EnlargementD. I was at wits end and I was frustrated with the entire movement on ACNE RELEIF.

About 17 years ago I decided to try something extreme. So extreme that everyone I told thought it was insane but from about two months after starting this method until today I have not had another facial blemish. Anyone that has seen me or pictures of me can attest to my face being scar, blemish & wrinkle free.

The first thing I decided to do was stop all the medications I was taking. The next thing I did was STOP WASHING MY FACE COMPLETELY. Yes in 17 years I have not washed my face with anything but water. I rinse my face during my bathing rituals and that is it. I never put any topical solutions on my face either with the exception of one, which is HYDROCORTIZONE. I shave 3 times a week, which used to leave my skin with an awful rash. This problem was solved with the HYDROCORTIZONE. Now right after shaving I apply a pea drop of this stuff and massage it into my face. The rashes are completely gone. That it!

I am not sure if I am some rare bird that had luck no one else will have as no one I know has ever tried this. I thought I would share my experience.
That's exactly what I started doing a few years ago and it worked like a charm. Never had it as bad on my fact since, it started improving alot.

I think it would be a good idea for anyone to stop using soap on their face, its too irritating.
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acne sucks, I'm lucky I never get a bad case of it. Benzoyl peroxide is one of the best acne things I've tried, but the red marks u get from pimples take a lot longer, sometimes even half a year to clear up when your're using it. there are many success stories from accutane, some pretty damn good ones, but you're permanently reducing oil glands and will leave your skin drier and more wrinkle prone for the rest of your life, but i guess that's better than the bad case of acne you'd have otherwise.

have not tried lasers, they are expensive but I want to hear what people say about them, probably best if u got deep scars.

Never have taken antibiotics, but you can't be on them forever because the bacteria that causes the acne will become immune to the antibiotic over time.

haven't tried b5 but I think I will to dry up the 1-2 pimples i get every once in a while. I'm 22 and noone had acne in their late 20's and on so I should've have to worry :)
Gandolf, good testimony of what happened to you. Thanks for sharing it with us. I have a friend who was on the acutane and he ended up committing sucide, even after the fact. I have counseling with many who say the same thing, they get so depressed they want to end it all. So, bottom line, even if it does a good job on the acne, it seems the side affects are worse in the long run. I would encourage the use of the HYDROCORTIZONE that DLD says works for him. It is worth a try. Thanks for all the contributions on this subject. It seems that with the onset of puberty and the increase in Testosterone the acne comes. GS
wdis3 said: $50

never have to worry bout acne again

I was on that and it worked. It happened the first time I was using creatine. I got it so bad my face had big swelled up pimples as though I'd scratched a mosquito bite non stop for a week. They were everywhere on my face a few winters ago. I got rid of it only after I stopped creatine and got on that stuff. I did take creatine again thinking "I'll only do it for a few weeks. It took months for my face to break out the first time." Shiiiiit. I still have it on my facve, but nearly as bad. Just regular zits. That is until I got a prescription from my doctor. She prescribed "minocycline" It has worked wonders in just 3 days. My face is almost completely clear. I wouldn't be surprised if it looks like it used to before I got on creatine the first time. I am so happy it is going away. I mean I can't believe my eyes. I was told to use a benzol peroxide cleanser twice a day and take 1 100mg pill of minocycline in the morning without food and with an 8 oz glass of water. My face is looking very good especially compared to a few days ago.
Just wanted to add that there is a generic Proactiv. I think its called Klear Action and its only like $17 or $18 I think. Also I find it will last a lot longer than recommended ( Proactiv). I try not to use too much or it will irritate. I cant use the toner stuff at all.
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