I think I have erectile dysfunction, but my doctor tells me its not.
It can get erect during masturbation. And it gets erect when I have sex with a particular girl. But for the first 4-5 times we tried it would lose its erect when I put the condom on. Next time we tried, I didn't use a condom, it stayed erect normally.
But then I had a new partner 4 days ago, and I was about to take her virginity. But when I pulled it out, 80% erect, She started sucking it, It felt great but when I reached for the condom, it started to lose erect then slowly became fully flaccid.
I believe its just my nerves but I want to make sure that next time it works out, Would Viagra help?
It can get erect during masturbation. And it gets erect when I have sex with a particular girl. But for the first 4-5 times we tried it would lose its erect when I put the condom on. Next time we tried, I didn't use a condom, it stayed erect normally.
But then I had a new partner 4 days ago, and I was about to take her virginity. But when I pulled it out, 80% erect, She started sucking it, It felt great but when I reached for the condom, it started to lose erect then slowly became fully flaccid.
I believe its just my nerves but I want to make sure that next time it works out, Would Viagra help?