I think I have erectile dysfunction, but my doctor tells me its not.
It can get erect during masturbation. And it gets erect when I have sex with a particular girl. But for the first 4-5 times we tried it would lose its erect when I put the condom on. Next time we tried, I didn't use a condom, it stayed erect normally.
But then I had a new partner 4 days ago, and I was about to take her virginity. But when I pulled it out, 80% erect, She started sucking it, It felt great but when I reached for the condom, it started to lose erect then slowly became fully flaccid.
I believe its just my nerves but I want to make sure that next time it works out, Would Viagra help?
Try working on your kegels.

It more then likely is just your nerves. Do you have anxiety/OCD/panic disorder or anything like that?

Your hormones are probably all jacked up at the moment due to just being that age. If you can, try getting a hormone panel done.
Some peoples thyroids can get out on them @ any age.

A PDE5i always helps when you find the working dosage, but at what costs? There are a lot of sides and you don't want to become dependent on it. Get that shit taken care of naturally. You don't want to be the 18yr old that takes viagra.
Averagetim;615477 said:
I think I have erectile dysfunction, but my doctor tells me its not.
It can get erect during masturbation. And it gets erect when I have sex with a particular girl. But for the first 4-5 times we tried it would lose its erect when I put the condom on. Next time we tried, I didn't use a condom, it stayed erect normally.
But then I had a new partner 4 days ago, and I was about to take her virginity. But when I pulled it out, 80% erect, She started sucking it, It felt great but when I reached for the condom, it started to lose erect then slowly became fully flaccid.
I believe its just my nerves but I want to make sure that next time it works out, Would Viagra help?

viagra may help, but youre addressing a symptom, not the cause. your problem seems to be psychological. do you watch alot of adult entertainment?
smerc;615499 said:
Try working on your kegels.

It more then likely is just your nerves. Do you have anxiety/OCD/panic disorder or anything like that?

Your hormones are probably all jacked up at the moment due to just being that age. If you can, try getting a hormone panel done.
Some peoples thyroids can get out on them @ any age.

A PDE5i always helps when you find the working dosage, but at what costs? There are a lot of sides and you don't want to become dependent on it. Get that shit taken care of naturally. You don't want to be the 18yr old that takes viagra.
I take an anxiety medicine, but it was weird because when it happened I didn't feel any nervousness / anxiety at all. And what's the proper way to kegel? I usually just pull for 1 second and let go and pull again, continuing till i forget about it.
jordey;615533 said:
viagra may help, but youre addressing a symptom, not the cause. your problem seems to be psychological. do you watch alot of adult entertainment?
Yes I used to watched adult entertainment about 2-3 times a week but since this happened I've decided to put down adult entertainment for good, or until I get this problem taken care of.
Averagetim;615601 said:
I take an anxiety medicine, but it was weird because when it happened I didn't feel any nervousness / anxiety at all. And what's the proper way to kegel? I usually just pull for 1 second and let go and pull again, continuing till i forget about it.

Yes I used to watched adult entertainment about 2-3 times a week but since this happened I've decided to put down adult entertainment for good, or until I get this problem taken care of.

As long as you wanted sex and your libido was there, I don't think it would had made a difference. Unless it raises serotonin, which can cause erectile issues after use.

Info on kegels: Penis Enlargement :: Kegel
Averagetim;615601 said:
I take an anxiety medicine, but it was weird because when it happened I didn't feel any nervousness / anxiety at all. And what's the proper way to kegel? I usually just pull for 1 second and let go and pull again, continuing till i forget about it.

Yes I used to watched adult entertainment about 2-3 times a week but since this happened I've decided to put down adult entertainment for good, or until I get this problem taken care of.

thats a good call, for many men pron can desensitize, leading to poor performance when with a real woman
Age really makes no difference, if you are having anxiety issues and you can afford the Viagra, go for it! I personally tool it for years with no negative side effects.
doublelongdaddy;616088 said:
Age really makes no difference, if you are having anxiety issues and you can afford the Viagra, go for it! I personally tool it for years with no negative side effects.

how much is it? and the doctor i went to told me it wouldn't help when i described to her my circumstances so she wouldn't prescribe it to me.
ADC sells it @ around $45-50 for 20-30 100mg pills, under kamagra.

I would use it more as a fun type of thing. Like a weekend sex marathon, nothing long term.

You probably have a underlying problem either hormonal or neurological. I would try to get that check out.
Neurological could also masturbation related or just basic anxiety. You said you didn't experience this though. So you could also try the helicopter technique, works for me and it's also used by adult entertainment stars as well. As long as you're turned on, there shouldn't be any reasons why this is happening to you. I just wouldn't go the PDE5i route.
smerc;616341 said:
ADC sells it @ around $45-50 for 20-30 100mg pills, under kamagra.
helicopter technique, works for me and it's also used by adult entertainment stars as well.

What is this? Helicopter shakes?
smerc;616469 said:
It's where you just shake your dick around. Some adult entertainment stars just slap their dicks on a girl.

Yeah it would be weird to do helicopter shakes in front of your girl tho lol! but i do slap the dick on the pussy before entering just because i know it feels good to girls, i didnt know it helps make you more erect
Averagetim;616475 said:
Yeah it would be weird to do helicopter shakes in front of your girl tho lol! but i do slap the dick on the pussy before entering just because i know it feels good to girls, i didnt know it helps make you more erect

I never did the slap. I just assumed that it worked since it's done in adult entertainment sometimes when they seem to be going flaccid.
It also might delay ejaculation as well. They might be doing it whenever they feel like they're going to cum.

Heli shakes work for me though. As well as up and down shakes.
Averagetim;616310 said:
how much is it? and the doctor i went to told me it wouldn't help when i described to her my circumstances so she wouldn't prescribe it to me.

You can buy online for about $2 per pill depending on where you get it. Alldaychemist.com seems to be the best place to buy right now.
doublelongdaddy;616515 said:
You can buy online for about $2 per pill depending on where you get it. Alldaychemist.com seems to be the best place to buy right now.

Peptide places sell the generics for pretty cheap. Some places require verification though which really sucks.
Averagetim;616531 said:
So masturbation is still okay? just no adult entertainment?

within reason, yes. excessive adult entertainment will cause desensitization, whereas excessive masturbation will likely cause fatigue. moderation is key
jordey;616706 said:
within reason, yes. excessive adult entertainment will cause desensitization, whereas excessive masturbation will likely cause fatigue. moderation is key

does it matter what type of adult entertainment? like can hentai be a loop hole or does it desensitize too?
Averagetim;616723 said:
does it matter what type of adult entertainment? like can hentai be a loop hole or does it desensitize too?

depends on the person. i wouldnt even get aroused by hentai, so for someone like me no its fine. anything that overstimulates the mind and over exposes to themes not really present in real life will desensitize, whatever that may be for you
shortdick;616890 said:
wth 18 yo WHIT ED WTF

Erectile Dysfunction, in the classic, physical sense is usually only experienced by men in the older years but in a mental sense, most men go through this issue. All and all there most men who claim to have ED really only have a temporary state that in mentally driven.
doublelongdaddy;617020 said:
Erectile Dysfunction, in the classic, physical sense is usually only experienced by men in the older years but in a mental sense, most men go through this issue. All and all there most men who claim to have ED really only have a temporary state that in mentally driven.

Yeah that is what my doctor told me. Viagra probably wouldn't work for me then and it's kind of expensive.
Averagetim;617127 said:
just a a medical clinic doctor

Probably just don't want to be held accountable, but there is probably a lot of stigma for giving someone a PDE5i @ 18.

ADC has it, but that's up to you to decide. Would try the other suggested stuff first and see if that works. Sucks though if you don't have a guaranteed means of getting sex to test them out.
smerc;617131 said:
Probably just don't want to be held accountable, but there is probably a lot of stigma for giving someone a PDE5i @ 18.

ADC has it, but that's up to you to decide. Would try the other suggested stuff first and see if that works. Sucks though if you don't have a guaranteed means of getting sex to test them out.
I have regular sex weekly with a girl but with her I experience no ED at all. It's only when I get a new partner which is why it's hard for me to test anything.
Lame. At least we know (not you, others) it's not ED now. Even if you feel no nerves/anxiety, it doesn't mean your mind isn't subconsciously. Performance anxiety also occurs subconscious. If you felt horny w/ that one girl and were able to get an erection @ some point in the sex transaction, then you should be able to throughout it.

I remember a thread from a user here in July w/ the exact same situation. I'm not sure what he did to change it, if anything. So you're not alone. It's like a new girl issue sort of thing.
Everything else stands though. Even the ADC thing. I wont recommend pills, but if you want them, they're @ ADC.
Averagetim;617177 said:
I have regular sex weekly with a girl but with her I experience no ED at all. It's only when I get a new partner which is why it's hard for me to test anything.

That would make this only a psychological issue opposed to a physical one. I still think that taking Viagra will serve you well.
doublelongdaddy;616515 said:
You can buy online for about $2 per pill depending on where you get it. Alldaychemist.com seems to be the best place to buy right now.
I pay 86 cents each 100mg, Good stuff too
It's best to use ADC w/ a prepaid credit card. Heard issues of people getting unwanted charges on their CC's.

Not sure if that was what you're referring to.
Leens32;617751 said:
I've heard bad things about ADC

What have you heard? I have not heard any bad reviews so far.
I have never used viagra, but as far as i know that is not herbal. I went for the herbal prolargentsize tablets, an i am very satisfied, really did not make any side effetcts and it is doing it's job greatly. i recommend it.
Back in the day when my penis was shorter than it is today,i didnt have ED but i was frustrated and depressed,evenso i jacked my dick off a lot hahaha
Jersono;622502 said:
i wouldn't think of it at your age at all. even the natural stuff not necessary.

There are little side effects of concern with Viagra and it does not cause physical dependency, very safe.
shortdick;622571 said:
I dont ever want to use that garbage Kegels are quite helpful:cool: am i wrong

Not wrong but there is a difference is using Viagra then a usual erection. A Viagra erection is just ridiculously hard and effortless.
doublelongdaddy;622707 said:
Not wrong but there is a difference is using Viagra then a usual erection. A Viagra erection is just ridiculously hard and effortless.

do you think its powerful enough to overcome someone who is like 65 and has ed?
KJohnson;624302 said:
do you think its powerful enough to overcome someone who is like 65 and has ed?

Yes indeed, I know a 70 year old who uses it with great response. Age has little to do with the effectiveness of Viagra.
doublelongdaddy;624481 said:
Yes indeed, I know a 70 year old who uses it with great response. Age has little to do with the effectiveness of Viagra.

Wow! If a youngster like me takes it- he'd have a 120% EQ! HAhahahah!