First off one month and 3 weeks isnt very long in Penis Enlargement. Very rarely do guys gain very much if at all during this time period. HANG in there and dont beat yourself up, if you go at this with all you got and dont half ass it, then you will gain.
Here is some advise that i think you should hear and some questions you need to ask yourself. Be honest with youself.
Are you stretching with full intensity? Make sure you are, if you aren't you probably wont gain. And visualize yourself getting better when stretching. If you can visualize it and believe that you are making your dick bigger it can help out. It will actually make Penis Enlargement more positive and more enjoyable. I know this may be hard to do, but it needs to be addressed. DLD has used visualization in his workouts. He has said that he thinks that visualization, dedication, intensity are the keys to gaining. I highly believe it, when u believe that your penis is getting bigger with each stretch then your mind will send a message to your body to get a bigger penis. Its called the mind/body connection, its very true. I have read up alot on how the mind and body works, such as the biological processes and studies. You wouldn't believe how much control we have over our bodies(chemical process,illnesses to some extent). If you believe that Penis Enlargement works and give it all you got you will gain.
I know you probably dont believe some of this, but its actually true. Just hang in there bud. And take one day/session at a time. Before each session say to your self 15 to 20 times that you are going to have an intense workout that will stimulate you to grow like a weed on steriods. It dosnt have to be exactually like that. But say things to yourself before your workout that are very postive. Say whatever you like and keep saying to your self as long as you give it all you got you will gain ALOT.