Something that can help reduce discoloration is drink plenty water before you pump, and do some milking of the penis, heli-shakes when it starts to darken in color during a session.
Something that can help reduce discoloration is drink plenty water before you pump, and do some milking of the penis, heli-shakes when it starts to darken in color during a session.

Do you have any links to this Red? I’m very interested in this.
I think @filmfreak went through his discoloration process in his progress log:
Filmfreak's progress

Good hydration does help with many things, just from a personal experience.
The Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) program has pretty much eliminated discoloration for me, but I do go a bit higher or stronger at times and might get few spots.

I think one of the "main things" is to keep the blood moving in your penis, if that makes sense. When the blood is trapped for a longer time, then I notice that blistering might happen.
Thankfully I haven't been at that spot for a long time!
I think @filmfreak went through his discoloration process in his progress log:
Filmfreak's progress

Good hydration does help with many things, just from a personal experience.
The 5x5x3 program has pretty much eliminated discoloration for me, but I do go a bit higher or stronger at times and might get few spots.

I think one of the "main things" is to keep the blood moving in your penis, if that makes sense. When the blood is trapped for a longer time, then I notice that blistering might happen.
Thankfully I haven't been at that spot for a long time!

I followed that so closely and he did so many risky things to help the brotherhood come to a solution for discoloration. I wish he was still around as he’s a great guy and his progress is nothing less than miraculous. These methods are extreme but they do work and should be used with great caution. I would also look into what Red was talking about with i these methods are extreme but they do work and should be used with great caution. I would also look into what Red was talking about with water. I also think for some guys the Apple cider vinegar worked well.
The Apple Cider Vinegar is great, more than just for discoloration. I've cleared several coughs with it, making a tonic out of ACV, water and honey. Of course it's quite harsh on the teeth, so I usually have it along with a meal. Or use a straw.

One can dilute it and use it as a facial toner to clear out pimples and stuff.
It's a great thing to have in the kitchen. Oh, it can also work as a cleaning solution! I've cleared the coffee maker with ACV and water combination, few runs with just water after the combo and you can have fresh coffee again.
Heck, I even used it to clean out a toilet bowl ... :D Somewhat of a waste, but it is a good solution for many things.

With proper warm up routines and staying on top of the workout much of discoloration can be avoided.
Some bruise more easily than others and that can show up as discoloration actually. Just a thought.
The Apple Cider Vinegar is great, more than just for discoloration. I've cleared several coughs with it, making a tonic out of ACV, water and honey. Of course it's quite harsh on the teeth, so I usually have it along with a meal. Or use a straw.

One can dilute it and use it as a facial toner to clear out pimples and stuff.
It's a great thing to have in the kitchen. Oh, it can also work as a cleaning solution! I've cleared the coffee maker with ACV and water combination, few runs with just water after the combo and you can have fresh coffee again.
Heck, I even used it to clean out a toilet bowl ... :D Somewhat of a waste, but it is a good solution for many things.

With proper warm up routines and staying on top of the workout much of discoloration can be avoided.
Some bruise more easily than others and that can show up as discoloration actually. Just a thought.

The Apple cider vinegar did help a lot of people but there were some people it didn’t work for so it’s not a universal sure unless those people were not doing it correctly. Film freak has a very good method but it is pretty dangerous and a lot of caution is necessary. I’d much rather see people get results from the ACV then usually more extreme methods.
Many wonder what EXACTLY this darker coloring is, well quite simply its caused by an accumulation of hemoglobin and colored degradation products (biliverdin, bilirubin (formerly referred to as hematoidin) and iron) in the dermis and epidermis

This is caused when capillaries leak blood near to the skin’s surface. Penis Enlargement does this naturally as we jelq, squeeze and pump et cetera. As the blood begins to oxidize it turns a bluish red colour, just like an unsightly bruise which then goes into the more darker shades of discoloration.

Various products exist to treat darkened pigmentation to the skin and have been around for ages aimed at darker regions in general on the human body. more sensitive areas such as the anus and also underneath the eyes. One ingredient in particular N-Hydroxysuccinimide makes the iron soluble, allowing it to be eliminated through the body. This is contained in various eye treatments geared towards ridding the darker lines that develop under them, same exact process that happens with discoloration to the penis in that its an accumulation of hemoglobin.

At the end of the day it can be treated, just think about other body parts that suffer from the same discoloration and the treatments available such as the anus, eyes and irregular pigmentation that some people have.


N-Hydroxysuccinimide (NHS)
Is discoloration on your penis not good? Is it better to treat it? Preferably I want to keep it but is that optimal for the skin?
Very good post Red, excellent points! I just can't wait to get my Discoloration Prototype back from China! It is so powerful, so cool and so consistent with the hemoglobin collection, the break down, and ultimately the re-uptake into the circulatory system. My device not only cures discoloration from a fully provable scientific standpoint, it also prevents it from ever happening to new guys. I am so excited and proud of this device and I feel very honored that the prototype will be to me soon. It has been a very long process of research, trial and error, frustration at times, excitement at times but ultimately, this process has been fruitful in the fact that my study, my observations and my research (physically Testing and using myself) have solved a massive problem and will stop it from ever happening again!
What happened with this prototype?
Many wonder what EXACTLY this darker coloring is, well quite simply its caused by an accumulation of hemoglobin and colored degradation products (biliverdin, bilirubin (formerly referred to as hematoidin) and iron) in the dermis and epidermis

This is caused when capillaries leak blood near to the skin’s surface. Penis Enlargement does this naturally as we jelq, squeeze and pump et cetera. As the blood begins to oxidize it turns a bluish red colour, just like an unsightly bruise which then goes into the more darker shades of discoloration.

Various products exist to treat darkened pigmentation to the skin and have been around for ages aimed at darker regions in general on the human body. more sensitive areas such as the anus and also underneath the eyes. One ingredient in particular N-Hydroxysuccinimide makes the iron soluble, allowing it to be eliminated through the body. This is contained in various eye treatments geared towards ridding the darker lines that develop under them, same exact process that happens with discoloration to the penis in that its an accumulation of hemoglobin.

At the end of the day it can be treated, just think about other body parts that suffer from the same discoloration and the treatments available such as the anus, eyes and irregular pigmentation that some people have.


N-Hydroxysuccinimide (NHS)
Great explanation, unfortunately I have exactly the same problem. I opened a new thread in the forum about the discoloration and described my situation there. Perhaps there is a solution that could help me?
Great explanation, unfortunately I have exactly the same problem. I opened a new thread in the forum about the discoloration and described my situation there. Perhaps there is a solution that could help me?
Everyone have gone through it, every time we perform PE. Nothing special. Salicylic acid increase discoloration at the epidermal and dermal layers. Any deeper, we use red light therapy to excite cell transports of free materials, such as iron and broken cells components, put of region.

There are many products to accommodate all types of skin. It's not instantly work over night. It will take a few weeks after you stop all your PE works. If you are keep going, discoloration continues. It goes aways on its own after a few months or a season. My gets dark, and completed goes back to brown after winter when I reduced my PE to only light routines.
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