Update on Mike (DLD) and the AlphaBlade Saga

I know I'm seriously thinking about AB when it comes out. I
m that "broke college student" but dont have the gf or the huge liquor taste so I should be able to get the gf thing figured out with AB.:) Can't wait for AB it sounds like a complete life package for every guy. Btw Mike you are an inspiration to me because you didn't let yourself fall after the drops and instead kept going for your ultimate goal. Congrats man you deserve it big time.
kdogg101 said:
Congrats man you deserve it big time.

Nah, don't get it twisted this aint about me, it's about us. Nice work so far, big shout outs comin'
Hey Mike,

I put $100 through paypal last night, I hope it isn't too little too late as the saying goes. I know it was a wise investment, and I don’t expect it to be the last of what I have to offer MOS and the soon to be AlphaBlade community. I can’t wait!

when's alpha blade out? I saw a date of Jan 16th being thrown about, is this still the date?
i cant wait... gets credit card ready.... damn gabbo effect.
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