Update on Mike (DLD) and the AlphaBlade Saga


Jun 3, 2003
ALPHA BLADE is now ready for it's birth, The date of 1:16:06 is still on and it will be the complete answer's to why's all of us have been searching for. Believe me when I say that I lived the worst part of the ALPHA BLADE lifestyle for the past 8 months and even in at its worst ALPHABLADE is pure perfection.

I have never been one to create hype unless it was something to get hyped about and AB is just that Hyper-Human!

Body, Soul, Mind and Sex every detail ironed out with no creases. Believe you, me, people ALPHABLADE will revolutionize the way we see our bodies, our minds our souls and our sexuality.

I am back and there is no stopping me:)

and a note to the feds watching me...I got an 800 number, call me and I will help you guys get bigger dicks, minds, souls and bodies too ...dupe...bitches

Mike (DLD)
looking forward to it Mike... seems like things are getting back to normal with your �naked people movies� threads :) fixed signature aswell! LMAO
im in mike:) ... man i feel so guilty , i just killed like 6 slices of pizza

ill become a member of AB and im going to stick with it
first ive heard of this..
judging by the starting post, we dont know what it is.
are we looking at a simpsons style "gabbo" advertising campaign here lol
I dont know what this is but is it going to be on a seperate website or linked to MOS?
my sexuality?

Crap man, I'm already screwed up...don't go making it worse for me!

And btw, please say hi for me to the following: pookie bear, the feds, santa clause, the easter bunny and Al Bundy.

jkisineffect said:
im in mike:) ... man i feel so guilty , i just killed like 6 slices of pizza

ill become a member of AB and im going to stick with it

You are already a member, your generous contribution helped fund ALPHA+BLADE'S Humble beginnings. I never forget a soul.

thefranchise said:
Alpha blade better help me get some poontang or im gonna be pissed

Thats easy, if you want a girl TAKE IT. I'll show you how 1, 2, 3, MORE:)

jubei said:
first ive heard of this..
judging by the starting post, we dont know what it is.
are we looking at a simpsons style "gabbo" advertising campaign here lol

You can call me BART:D

gellar said:
Its true GABBO's comming. Jan 16

Get out the rain coats...it's raining wisdom:)

JesterX said:
I dont know what this is but is it going to be on a seperate website or linked to MOS?

Not only will it be linked, the first week will be FREE+++:)

ocd said:
my sexuality?

Crap man, I'm already screwed up...don't go making it worse for me!

And btw, please say hi for me to the following: pookie bear, the feds, santa clause, the easter bunny and Al Bundy.


AL BUNDY, that made me laugh. Your my mans ocd:)
doublelongdaddy said:
Thats easy, if you want a girl TAKE IT. I'll show you how 1, 2, 3, MORE:)

I have some personal problems going on and my finances are kinda in a wreck. Maybe something to think about if you're going to teach your students to overcome challenges.
penguinsfan said:
I have some personal problems going on and my finances are kinda in a wreck. Maybe something to think about if you're going to teach your students to overcome challenges.

I can't be too positive but it seems to me that I am going to go from $0 to many dollars in 9 months flat:) We have a massive section on finance.
Hey DLD. I was just wondering how much it is going to cost to join Alphablade. I have been waiting for this site ever since you mentioned it, and it sounds like it is going to be amazing. But I don't want to get my hopes up just to find out that it is going to be too much money for me to afford. That would be completely disappointing. I am hoping you will make the price reasonable because i'm sure many people that don't have a lot of money would really love to be a part of this site, and feel the same way I do. Hopefully it's around the price to join MOS. Hope you reply soon. Thanks a lot.
This site no matter the investment in yourself...that's really what it will be...will be worth the membership. There's going to be much more to Alpha Blade than just another site membership. If you want anything badly enough you will find a way to get it. Cars break down every day but you find a way to fix that thing dont ya? ;) Just a metaphor I like to use. I have heard guys say "I cant afford this....hanger....this...site membership...this whatever..." for several years now, but that doesnt stop them from whipping out the credit/debit card/cash for that nice dinner, that new stereo, those new wheels, those new threads, shoes, junk foods, etc every day does it? Nope. "I cant afford it" is 99% of the time an excuse for "I can afford it, but can I afford the risk of potentially losing the money?" The only reason we doubt when investing into something is because we dont believe in the outcome. That never stops us from blowing money on things we dont need, or usually dont get our moneys' worth out of though.

I'm not singling anyone out at all. I'm just pointing out the fact that even "broke college students" find money every day to take out their girlfriend and have fun, and live life. Anything can be afforded, sometimes it just takes a little budgeting, a cutback on eating out daily, buying snacks, things we dont really need, etc.

I found out a long time ago that by simply forcing myself to sit down and write out a monthly expendature budget for myself...in other words exactly what I spent money on down to a DAILY basis, I found that I really only need about $1,200 on most months to pay for the things I need like rent, gas, bills, etc. Then I put together a "fun money" budget, and then a savings budget. It's amazing where money comes from when you do something like this. Even a married guy with kids, a mortgage payment and what not can find extra money in his familys' monthly budget.
it's really making me curious although it reminds me of a lot of "future world right now" gurus that came and went down the rivers of time...my doubts may have their roots in the fact that all of this is new to me...i stumbled over pe just 2 months ago and now here is a solution to everymans problems...i'll try to be objective and let the outcomes convince me...sounds good, almost too good ;)
Yea I felt the same way before I began Penis Enlargement. The ruler and tape measure however do not lie. I also recall before I went to my first live concert. I was of the mindset that "eh, yea well it cant be that great" then I went to a live concert and it was better than I had heard, in my own experience. I'm learning (a few times the hard way) that many things in life are best to experience first hand and FIND OUT for yourself whether or not they are "worth it". Vs. just sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else get what you wish you could have, and telling yourself "yea, well it cant really be THAT great" or "I'll get to it later".

There are also a lot of people who go through their daily life making decisions about anything potentially uncomfortable or unusual, or different from what they normally do based soley on what does it co$t vs. what will I GET out of it in return. Food for thought.
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Something I say quite often: Don't focus on the cost, base your decision on what its worth to you.

Well said Stillwantmore.
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