Understanding the cost of a FREE forum and what YOU can do to help us and yourself


Jun 3, 2003
Since Matters of Size forum does not ask for donations I end up paying for this wonderful forum out of my pocket each month. Server costs and bandwidth issues make this an expensive forum. Since we take no donations I am sure you are wondering how YOU CAN HELP...The best way you can help MOS free forums and yourself is by becoming a member of the Matters of Size Site at www.mattersofsize.com. The proceeds from joins at the main site fund this free forum. We would also like to purchase our own server in the near future so we will be using funds from the paysite for this. The wonderful thing about supporting MOS forums this way is that you also benefit by gaining access to the worlds best penis enlargement site. If you can help please do.

If you feel a donate button is more appropriate please say so.

Any other ideas will be very appreciated.
I'd be willing to host a mirror of the site on my home PC here, but realize that the complexity of setting that up probably wouldn't be worth it. As in, all database entries on the one server would have to propagate over to the other server in real-time, and if there were transmission errors at any point, things would surely get fouled up. So basically, there would be missing posts on both servers, which wouldn't be good.

I'm sure an error-free way to do it could be done, but it is most likely beyond my technical know-how. Also, doing something like that is probably asking for security issues.

Anyways, not sure why I posted all of this. I guess my idea sounds like a good idea until one actually goes about implementing it (or even thinking about implementing it). If I come up with any feasible ideas for anything (server or money-wise) in the meantime, I'll let you know.
In addition to being a paysite member, I would donate more money if I had some more. Here's the deal though--if I become a �naked people movies�star as a result of DLD's program he'll get a 5% cut per inch gained.;)
One huge money saver would be our own server so I think this will be the first priority. I need to find out from JAZ exactly what we need and how much it will cost. Although this is very expensive it will pay for itself inside 6 months if the cost is around $1500.
Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
One huge money saver would be our own server so I think this will be the first priority. I need to find out from JAZ exactly what we need and how much it will cost. Although this is very expensive it will pay for itself inside 6 months if the cost is around $1500.

You mean less $$ than it took on thundersplace??
Originally posted by brennaja
How many paysite members do we have?

I am not entirely sure. I know we suffered a huge loss in funds when Globill our billing company went belly up with much of the MOS funds. We are now using iBill who seems to be a much more stable company. Again with any billing company they hold back funds for 6 weeks until we see any money. This hit from Globill and waiting for additional funds from iBill has left me in a situation where I pay most expenses out of pocket.

Originally posted by stillwantmore
You mean less $$ than it took on thundersplace??

I am not sure. I assume a server would cost about this much from what I have priced online. I have no idea about tech stuff so the real cost would have to be depermined by JAZ. How much did �other PE site� raise in the end?
Almost enough to buy a NEW Daiwoo. (Korean made car brand) LOL , something like $3K? It was over $2,000
I think a donate button would be ideal. That way all us members could donate more if we have the extra cash layin around.
I wouldn't mind a "donate" button. At least then it'll be there when I'm in a better situation financially.

Sorry to hear about that company going under and taking your funds with it...

I'm struggling stay afloat and keep this house.

Today, the belt on my car was torn to shreds. Bought a new one at $20.00, but it kept sliding off. Now that one is gone as well. So, it's back into the shop... Last month, I dropped 350 into it...

Damn, I'll never buy another Ford car again... A Ford truck, maybe... Had good luck with a Ford truck... Cars, twice now nothing but troubles...

I'm hoping before the end of the year to become a paying member...

I too would encourage anyone who can to join MOS. It is $50 well-spent. DLD has helped many people and, to be fair, he should be able to enjoy a few bucks off of his labors, let alone managing to pay for this public board.
I'll talk to JAZ about a donate button. Thanks for all your feedback. Just do what you can do that is all I ask.
Hey DLD, your iBill system doesn't accept any of my credit cards ( cards from Turkish banks which are internationally accepted Visa's and MasterCards), but it is inteersting that I bought many bodybuilding supplements from some US websites using the same cards. If you can help me on this, I am ready to be a MOS member.
Originally posted by teoman
Hey DLD, your iBill system doesn't accept any of my credit cards ( cards from Turkish banks which are internationally accepted Visa's and MasterCards), but it is inteersting that I bought many bodybuilding supplements from some US websites using the same cards. If you can help me on this, I am ready to be a MOS member.

Hmmm, have you tried the PayPal option?
Ok, I will try Paypal also and if it doesn't accept my cards again, I will PM you.
Heres my bit:

Get a Donation button for sure.
Also dont buy a server if ya can, search for a pirate copy on say Kazaa or other p2p sourcse, type in the server program ya want, I have found Microsofts Servers many times and they are over £2000 to purchase.

Its illegal but cheap.
DLD if you need any advice on this issue than PM me I may be able to help or find a legal cheaper server that can help you.

He's referring to a hardware server, not server software to run on the server. And this hardware will indeed cost money. According to my check of the server headers, the MOS server is running Apache webserver, along with MySQL database server, PHP, Penis EnlargementRL, etc. All of this software is free and legal, as is as the actual operating system running on the server (Redhat Linux).

So actually no cost will be incurred from the software. DLD is referring to the fact that as more and more people join MOS and the MOS forums, eventually the current server won't be able to handle the load. Issues like having a good processor (or a few) and large amounts of RAM are the factors to consider. Also, RAID arrays are generally good to have, if redundancy is an issue.

The other issue is bandwidth, whose price always goes up as you want more of it. So basically, a better server and more bandwidth is what will be needed, and this probably won't be cheap.

- d_s
Originally posted by dyslexic_smile

He's referring to a hardware server, not server software to run on the server. And this hardware will indeed cost money. According to my check of the server headers, the MOS server is running Apache webserver, along with MySQL database server, PHP, Penis EnlargementRL, etc. All of this software is free and legal, as is as the actual operating system running on the server (Redhat Linux).

So actually no cost will be incurred from the software. DLD is referring to the fact that as more and more people join MOS and the MOS forums, eventually the current server won't be able to handle the load. Issues like having a good processor (or a few) and large amounts of RAM are the factors to consider. Also, RAID arrays are generally good to have, if redundancy is an issue.

The other issue is bandwidth, whose price always goes up as you want more of it. So basically, a better server and more bandwidth is what will be needed, and this probably won't be cheap.

- d_s

You took the words out of my mouth (only yours sounded smarter:D)

-Any other suggestions are very appreciated. I still have not talked to JAZ about the Donate button but I will hopefully today. I always enjoyed having the FORUM SUPPORTER below my name on other forums so maybe this is a wise way to proceed..
There no harm in gettin a donate button, i will throw in some cash time to time.
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