Jun 3, 2003
I try to keep note here if anyone is interested.
pyro said:
Keep it updated Mike, love reading on the subject

Thanks Pyro, sometimes this is the only way for me to get things out, especially around the penis. I seem to be able to express things here with more openness then I do on the main forums, almost like no one is watching. Please read and take to heart as there are may facets to Penis Enlargement and it is only when we understand ourselves entirely that we can make positive, progressive change.

We all want to make ourselves better and Penis Enlargement is a part of this quest. The BLOG is more an opportunity for me to give a different perspective on Penis Enlargement in general.
Nice, very very nice indeed... Lots of insight there mate...Good job dld.


There Is Sucking Up
And Then There Is Licking Ass
Stop Licking Dlds Ass

Shut the fuck up bitch. Go home and drop dead. Contract kill yourself why don't you ? Damn Triple is worst than a fucking virus...
hard24/7 said:
hey,dld, clicked on the link and got a blank page. whats up?

Works fine for me, try again.
This blog is amazingly great. I really hope Penis Enlargement interested guys read this stuff.
for the record does DLD Phase 1-4 exercise cause the typical bad rep that Penis Enlargement exercises get like the penis blood vessels will burst from too much blood being forced into the penis, bruised penis, less frequent and less hard erections? DLD on the special features section of the DVD does say these will not harm your penis but every time I recommend this I get people saying negative back to me and even a girl I know said her ex tried a Penis Enlargement thing and it turned out bad for him he bruised and made it hard to get up

Does this concern anyone or just a load of bullshit?
Lots of excelent reading material there, thanks :D

PS, make sure you keep it updated!
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