Some serious Q about the huge gainers...


Aug 13, 2005
We had Big Al, Bib, some others, and now DoubleLongDaddy, they all state to have gained immense results..... and TADA.... they all happen to have.....eurHydromax..... commercial pay sites. Ain't that a surprise ?
Nothing at all wrong with capitalising on an idea you know more about than most people. Basic business idea. Find something you enjoy doing, if you can make money doing it even better....then go and do it better than the competition. I LOVE AMERICA!! :cool:
"and now DoubleLongDaddy"

Man, you make it sound like this site JUST started...

Just make your way here from some OTHER disenfranchised Penis Enlargement site?

Frigo said:
We had Big Al, Bib, some others, and now DoubleLongDaddy, they all state to have gained immense results..... and TADA.... they all happen to have.....eurHydromax..... commercial pay sites. Ain't that a surprise ?

Firstly do your research before spouting such bullshit here.
Big Al was doing penis enlargement himself long before he actually setup a paysite, and he ran a FREE Penis Enlargement forums, infact he has had a few of these.
Secondly, Bib...he has also done Penis Enlargement for a long time before he started makeing Bib hangers for sale.
He posted FREE instructions on how to make the hanger which carries his name, but many either couldnt or wouldnt makeone so thats how he started with his hanger makeing, he doesnt run forums like this...just sells hangers.
Lastly, DLD....the guy has been around MANY FREE Penis Enlargement FORUMS for donkeys years and than decided that with all his knowledge and success it was time to move on and setup a site so he could learn others but also make some cash at the sametime as also providing a free service, hence this forum.
You make it sound like all three examples have just jumped into Penis Enlargement and started selling commercial membership or products, which is clearly false.
They have gained BIG BIG BIG, if pictures dont prove this than the knowledge they spread surely must account for some of it.
Matey you really should do your homework before posting like this, it makes you look a fuckin clown...also may I just ask for curiosity's sake..have you been a member here before and got banned by any chance? :)
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No, I've just found this site a week ago, so NO, i haven't been banned. Sorry if I sounded rude and pinpointing the "commercial ones", but to me it seems like these people are planting "free" forums all around the net just to lure potential buyers.

Sorry, I might me too direct.
Frigo said:
We had Big Al, Bib, some others, and now DoubleLongDaddy, they all state to have gained immense results..... and TADA.... they all happen to have.....eurHydromax..... commercial pay sites. Ain't that a surprise ?

Yeah I had it all planned out, spend 2 years pulling on my dick, make un-natural gains, quit my reliable job, open MOS, live poor for 2 years eating RAMEN PRIDE and drinking Kool-Aide, lose my girlfriend, just so I could make it to where I am today.

Now this sounds like something I would never go through again, as it was not a walk in the park, but I would do it all again in a second. The place I am in life, made possible through my gains, is unparalleled to any lifestyle I have ever lived. The rewards, fame, money and success is beyond anything I could have ever imagined. Though I lost a huge part of myself when Jennifer left me, another item I paid for to be where I am today, I realized some of the best changes in my life yet.

So all of this is bitter-sweet and confusing but I can say one thing with confidence and it address the implications of your post. I have allot of money today, more than I ever imagined possible, but still to this day; I HATE MONEY. I still life in the ghetto, I still do what I do and I still love Penis Enlargement and the piece I contribute to this incredible community.

People are always going to think that the successful had ill motives coming up, it is part of being human and it is something that still makes me chuckle. I say it once again, with paper in my pocket, I HATE MONEY, I do Penis Enlargement cuz I love this shit.
Frigo said:
No, I've just found this site a week ago, so NO, i haven't been banned. Sorry if I sounded rude and pinpointing the "commercial ones", but to me it seems like these people are planting "free" forums all around the net just to lure potential buyers.

Sorry, I might me too direct.

Youre here arent you? ;) It must be working. :p
Frigo said:
No, I've just found this site a week ago, so NO, i haven't been banned. Sorry if I sounded rude and pinpointing the "commercial ones", but to me it seems like these people are planting "free" forums all around the net just to lure potential buyers.

Sorry, I might me too direct.

You correct and I do do this, I want nothing more than to "lure potential buyers" if I didn't I would be a shitty business man. What was your point?
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