smoking a sigarets


Nov 11, 2009
can smoking be a reason of a small results?
now me 21
and me smoking form 14 y.o.

have this forum the smoking users, hwo got a good results on enlargment?
Hi im sure it is a real possibility, i read a study on the net (if i can find it i will link it) where a scientist or doctor states that it causes you to loose the elastic properties within the penis. Also the lack of blood flow is not going to help.

u added me a good stimul for end of smoking

i read in Russian text (which translated from ENG) what smoking making penis smaller
I really doubt that smoking reduces the results, I smoked cigarettes since I was 13 years old, only just quit last year, but I have only been doing Penis Enlargement for 3 days, but when I did smoke cigarettes I noticed how hard it was for me to gain weight, as soon as I quit I started gaining weight very easily, so maybe the same can apply to the penis? Who knows
That's because when you smoke cigarettes it make you not hungry. For example,when you drink water when your hungry it subsides your hunger
Smoking cigarettes can make you less hungry - there has been studies done that show nicotine within the cigarettes to act as an appetite suppressant.

Also smoking gives you an increased heart rate which making your body expend more energy than if you wernt smoking. This causes youre metabolic rate to be increased.

Another reason you would put on weight quickly after giving up smoking is you try to fill you craving for nicotine with food.

My reply is just from what i have researched on the internet and we all know what can be found on the net should be taken with a pinch of salt.
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