Sat back lastnight and looked at the screen......


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2003
....while browsing this site LMAO and thought ''Fucking hell...this place is a bastard bloody monster......35K+ members, DLD MUST be SOOOOO proud and what he has infront of him'' I was the fifth member here, the first mod :) and saw this place EMPTY and now 1000's and 1000's visit eachday. Its unreal, what a triumph MOS has been. Its become a MASSIVE HIT and has carved out its own name in the stone that will remain in place for along time in Penis Enlargement forum mythology [if one exists LMAO ]. Such a pleasure to be apart of this, and indeed mod it. The atmosphere is great here, so laid back and FREINDS are everywhere here. REAL FREINDS and HONEST nice people. I have been given many freebies since being a member here from other members, where else would you get that? I admire what this site has become, it isnt a forum....its a way of life for many....not many will admit it, I WILL....but this place not exisiting would seem weird, because where would I surf for hours than <:( The place has new ideas and will be getting better and better, watch this space and its all thanks to the GREAT members we have here. Sure we all have our arguments and fall outs but its part of a GOOD SOLID community that we have such a vibrant membership, willing to do whatever it takes to get the message across. Be proud, your all part of something big....oneday it might be on TV? who knows, its done soooo well and I HAD to say these senetences. Well done DLD, you started with nuthing and now have something we here call, an EMPIRE.
Too fuckin right it is, the truth.
Comeon guys get posting in here, dont be so ignorant.
Wow Red, that was a inspiring read, I needed one today:) You have been here through the thick and thin, always right by my side. I know I can depend on you no matter what and that kind of friendship is priceless.
Yeah, I have to agree. When I started lurking here in late Sept. 2003, there were around 100 members (I think)... Even when i finally joined at the beginning of November, it was still a really small group (200-ish I think). Now 36,000 PLUS. This place has grown exponentially. Great work D, admins, mods. This place is good for us guys to "get away" to, even when we can't really leave the house. Thanks.
Right on Red. I am proud to be a MOD here with you buddy and equally as proud of all of the MOS members. We have all types from every corner of the world and that is something to be proud of. If it weren't for some of us strong willed and push MODs, DLD would be fucked. :) Just goofin' but really, we all make MOS what it is today. Just think what would happen if all of those lurking penis pullers stepped up and posted. Holy crap that would be amazing!
i appreciate this place so much..i wrote a thread a while back saying how i am really glad i found this place and how it is nothing like i ever experience...this was my first and only forum...and i don't do a lot of surfing on the internet...might by something off of here every once in a while...but my internet consist of checking my hotmail & yahoo accounts...and checking into mos...i have gotten to share my thoughts and views here...and noone has ever disrespected me for them...i know this place is going to be around for a long time...and i will be here even after i reach my goals...thanks dld, red, still, and everyone else that has been around for a while and contribute so much information
Yep, we all share the love, the dedication and the battle in this quest....not just for a larger penis but better self confidence and also sexual well-being. I dont see MOS as a Penis EnlargementNIS SITE, but rather a site with LOADS to offer. We have a fitness section, which obviously isnt gunna be fighting with the BB forums on the net, BUT its got ALOT of guys there whom know exactly what they talking about. I just got TOP NOTCH advice in there from members here about advice on protein, creatine and my diet in regards to BB. No point me going to a BB forum, I got it here......right here on mos. We have deep thoughts, its like going into a 'rant' forum where we can talk about what we want [Within guidelines and limits to takeing the piss ect ect]. Got many things going here, I myself would like to see a TECH section for the techno heads here, such as computer chat, mobile phones, cameras etc etc. Maybe even a HOBBY section. Mos has come SOOOO FAR its unreal. NEVER have I seen a forum with such diverse subject matters as MOS. I have been on MANY forums, but MOS is my home not just for penile matters but also whatever else I wonna discuss. Its away of life for me, sad some might say but I dont give a toss, its a great place that has many forums into one. Your all getting the best advice also for your pe needs, plus IMHO health matters also. This is the place, a good debate can last for many many pages in the deep thoughts section with no fuck off at eachother like at some CHILDISH SITES *ahem* pride penis *ahem* cheeky cherry....ooops sorry that kinda slipped out. We DO have our MOMENTS here, but who doesnt? we aint perfect but we have a good set-up and it will and keeps getting better.
there's a certain quality about this place that is so great. A lot of good people, it's not too mainstream but yet has been expanding great as an honest, open community. the information is top notch, and members are very helpful. I'd like to thank DLD and all the mods for letting this happen
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