Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

Objective knows no limits and is not worried about the time it takes. Goals have ending points and time can be stressful. We need no stress in PE!

Pros and Cons of each, but depending on how your mind works, choose wisely.

If you do goals and you do not meet your goals do you get depressed/sad/feel beaten? If so, set objectives.

If you can set a goal and if you do or don't make it you will be OK with that, then set Goals.

Now I will speak from experience, my goal was 6" NBPEL, once I reached that I was not happy, and I also felt like a college graduate... is this it..but I want to do more? I had not grown a good amount of girth at that time, had I just reached my goal, I would not be on the cloud 9 I'm at now.

As you see in my signature, I have an objective, I know that is what I want to reach but I will not be sad or depressed if I don't make it, I also won't be limited to that number, I might get to it and find I want some more girth or length. I'm mentally good with going the distance.

This to me is especially relevant for PE. This is a roller coaster, I don't think anyone can disagree with that, but during the slow progress are you mentally prepared to trust the process or are you the type that gives up? Know yourself, that is why I recommend in PE setting objective, because you could grow 1" in a year or 1/2" in a year but had I set to get to 1" and then come in at 1/2" I would feel sad. Instead, I'm on cloud 9 with my 1/2 length in one year. Combined with Girth and Length I did get 1" growth, I'm on Cloud 9.

Time is a big issue with PE! You could be right around the corner of a huge gain but if you set a goal with a time limit and did not meet that goal, you most likely will give up. Time is not relevant, your objective is the most important thing. Would you risk doing something faster but have a risk of getting injured? or trust the process and know you will reach your objective no matter if it takes 1, 2 or 3 years.
Am I the only one that like stress?
If I have no timeframe connected to what I want, I will not accomplish it.
Stresses release flight and fight hormones that actually helps you grow. But too much, you also get overburdened and fat.(cwl)
The problem I have is to finalize a goal. A goal can become an objective without limitations (I believe, according to the definition in this thread), if you keep pushing the parameters/goal specifications forward.
The problem I have is to finalize a goal. A goal can become an objective without limitations (I believe, according to the definition in this thread), if you keep pushing the parameters/goal specifications forward.
Objectives seem to work automatically, having discipline, and consistency are key.Having due dates in P.E.can be counterproductive,due to the fact that this is for our own enjoyment, growth and self fulfillment.Better enjoy and keep it steady.. Getting bigger and enjoying it.
Objectives seem to work automatically, having discipline, and consistency are key.Having due dates in P.E.can be counterproductive,due to the fact that this is for our own enjoyment, growth and self fulfillment.Better enjoy and keep it steady.. Getting bigger and enjoying it.
For me goals did work, but I keep pushing forth the deadline (the size I want) so I will never be finished.
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