
Feb 14, 2006
Hey Guys,

I've tried may different things to get a proper grip while stretching (Phase 1 Basic Stretches) and found I couldn't never get a good grip to get an intense stretch. The problem is my hands and penis sweat too much. When I stop and dry my hands and penis they sweat almost instantly again.

I've tried baby powder, other kinds of powders, soaps etc.

I heard some members use dish washing gloves (latex) or golf gloves to get a good intense grip.

I decided to try out dish washing latex gloves as they are cheaper. The gloves came with extra grip in the form of little bumps on the latex dish washing gloves, which gives a better grip.

I'm finding I'm getttings a really good intense grip and I can pull really hard. Even though my penis and hands are sweaty I can still egt a good grip. The only problem is the bumps on the latex dish washing gloves leave imprints on the base of my penis and even the head.

I use the OK grip so I'm not squeezing the head just underneath it, but the bumps on the glove rubs underneath my head that attaches to the base of my penis and right on the head during the stretches.

This has caused a little discomfort for my head. Especially, just at the start of the head that attaches to the base of my penis, because it's a lttle red now.

I know there a people out there that use either dish washing latex gloves or golf gloves. I prefer latex dish washing gloves because they are cheaper. They also give a lot better grip and it's intense.

Has anoyne had a similar problem like I'm having with the the bumps on the latex dish washing gloves affecting the head and the starting point of the head that attaches to the base of my penis (the bumps leave imprints on the head but after a while it goes away)? Does anyone have a solution to a different kind of glove I can use or will my penis get use of the bumps on the latex dish washing gloves?

I used to use latex gloves, the yellow ones, and it did give me a good stretch but they are a little too thick. They also gave me imprints and my glans was sensitive after every session, which bugged me.
I've got medical latex gloves, which are thin and without bumps. Gives a good grip but also this gives me redness behind the glans (+red spots on it). But it goes away in a few hours and isn't really painful.
Yeah I'm kinda having the same problem. I use latex gloves and I get a great grip and stretch. However, it is leaving my glans and head really irritated like brush burns. This is a pain in the ass because after a couple of days of training, I can't even stretch because the brush burns are so painful if I try to grip. I can't get a good grip without the gloves so I'm not sure what to do. Baby powder does not work for me. Hmmm
Well, try taking a shower before stretching or stretch after your shower.

I warm up differently than most people, I turn on the bath water and get on my knees and put my crotch under the faucet. After doing this for 10min. and drying off, it feels as if I can get a better grip.

You say you use medical latex gloves without the bumps.

Where can I purchase these kinds of gloves?

I purchased the latex dish washing gloves at a local walmart but all the gloves appear to be the same. These gloves work gerat for grip and intensity but it irriates my glands.

Well, I've got them from an online medical supplier shop, but I live in The Netherlands. Last week my mom got home with them too and I asked where she got it from and she answered from a drugstore.

So you could check a drugstore or a pharmacy and ask there or google for an online American medical supply store.

But as I said, I too get some red marks on and behind the glans but nothing that painful and it does go away fairly quick.
I get a pretty good grip with these but I can imagine the trade-off for no bulps for you to be also getting less grip than with your current gloves.

They carry medical grade latex gloves at Eckrd or Walgreen's for about $4 for a box of 100. But, I have noticed that no matter what I use for a grip, I still have to concentrate some effort that could be used for stretching, to keep a secure grip. Another problem with me is my hands sweat like crazy, so even If my penis is completly dry, my sweaty hands cause most of the grip issues. So, I have come to the conclusion that the best thing for me to save my money and my penis from further grip abuse and just wait until I can purchase my hanger from BTC KILLER. With the program in my signature, I will be able to purchase it very soon. Checkout the program and if you have any questions about it PM me. HOLLA BACK!!!
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