How come, that in the biggest religions Christianity and Islam demands money, To even be a member?

Christianity, you give money to the collect or to the church.

Islam, there you should give 5-10% of the salery to be a true Muslim, and to be able to go to a moske.

Its pretty shitty really, I have only been in a moske and church, so I cannot say anything about Judaism.

If one scrap of it all, money is whats still are left. Don't get it really... Hydromaxm.

Yeah Kong its pretty childish claiming someone(god) to save others, people save other people. All I ment was that god seem pretty powerless, because it can only sit and watch how the world turns really.
kong i have a lot of time for you as you come across as a genuine bloke and a lot of what you say i agree with but the comments you made in the post i first replied to did piss me off because as i no in my case they are not true,anyway these arn't my words but they pretty much sum up the reasons that i don't believe.


I don't think I'm blind. I'm not denying God. I just don't see any evidence for His existence, and so don't feel obliged to believe in Him, least of all in His supposedly appointed human messengers on Earth. I don't see any reason to believe in an entity whom I can't see, or hear, or touch, or feel in any way. I'm told God is love by people who have ruthlessly killed other people. I'm told God is wise by people who know nothing and pretend to know more than anyone else what is right and wrong. I'm told God is just by people who commit injustice in His name. Why would I believe in them, and in the God they picture?

This is ad hominem, you will say, and you'll be right -- the actions of men have nothing to do with their hypothetical God. But it's certainly difficult to believe that there is a supernatural force of love, wisdom and justice, when many who claim to have It on their side are bigots, full of hate, and disrespectful of the laws they themselves have made or claim to have received from God.
For me God is real...being a biology major is very relative to this, also being interested in philosophy plays a role in this as well. Within the structure of science there are attempts at explaining how and why we are the way we are. Theories that are taught as fact, which in essence is false representation and misleading to the people who are being taught such things as truth and has no true support. Within philosophy there are attempts made at expalining the nature of man, god, and everything else included within a thought or feeling. God is in the details. Science can't explain DNA, individual finger prints, retinal patterns, or the existence of flagela. In philosophy they can not explain why we have a need to explain why we exist or if there is a god. What is it that needs to be explained or understood, which is so deeply engrained in us. That is our need for God, and to have relationship with Him. IN regards to all this, the Lord is in the details. He's in the big things, but it's the little things that He shows up and does amazing things. Christ came into the world so that we may know the Father intimately, not to condemn the world of it's sin or to damn us all. He came to set us free. There is no other explanation outside of God that would permit anyone to rationalize our creation or to prove the need for existence. As many biology professors seem to feel that life evolved from a single celled organism. Yet, a single celled organism whose energy needs were met and it's functions could be carried out, then why would it evolve??? It wouldn't, according to the Laws of Thermodynamics it would not have the need to evolve. At the same time matter just does not come into existence, it has to have previously existed, yet there are objects and planets in space that are in different orbits, meaning they move in the opposite direction of everything in our solar system. This is inconceivable and inexplicable. The reason being is the outward motion/movement of the big bang would have left all objects moving according to the same pattern. My point is to say that if you truly want to seek out the Truth and come to the conclusion that no god exists then that's fine, it's up to you. But in all reality that is a deception, as the truth only points one direction.
Prince Albert, again you are talking to a very difficult subject. I realize these injustices go on, and I stand against them. You, as an individual can see these things and understant them. You can not however pass judgement on them, simpy because you can not see their heart, only God can. I'm not advocating their positions, but yet the Word says we will know His children by the fruit they bear. In Paul's letter to the Thessalonians chapters four and five he speaks of those who are asleep in Christ, and that they too are children of God yet are distant from Him. So the people you are speaking of may simply be mislead or decived into claiming representation of the Lord. As we know all the gifts of the spirit to be compassion, love, gentleness, prophecy, tongues, discernment of tongues, and discernment of spirits. Are they representing these gifts or no??? These are the questions we must ask as believers as that we may support each other in the body of Christ. Honestly, as opposed to simply sitting back and resting in judgement and deciding God can't be real because of this this and this, why not read what the Bible has to say as well as to investigate these issues further. It is easy for me to proclaim that I am right and you are wrong, but is that the truth. People love to place themselves on pedestals and look down at others, especially if they are different (racially, theologically, socially). Chirst was advocating equality in the Lord. That no one would claim to be above any other, as we are all joint heirs to the Throne. Does the western church represent the Lord, in some ways absolutely not, but in others yes. Paul said it was better for a false gospel to be shared, than no gospel at all. As long as the people of the world have eyes to see and ears to hear, then let them.
I can't tell you exactly why I believe in God. The answer would probably take a lot more typing than I really want to do. Like I have said beore, everybody has their own opinions. Kong said he doesn't take the Bible literal and that he doesn't believe everything in it. That is his choice. I on the other hand believe every word in the Bible. I do not believe everything that just any pastor says because I really think some of them are as screwed up as anyone could be. But I'm not going to say I don't believe any pastors either. My belief is that Jesus is Lord and the Bible says that the only way to God is through the Son. I don't think that Budda or Allah or any other god is real. I think they are false Gods and that is discussed in the Bible also. I think that if everyone will just step back and think about it real hard they can come up with an instance that they saw something seemingly impossible happen. Was it just blind luck or devine intervention. Like I said before, everybody has their own opinion on this but I know what I believe.
Wow I gotta chime in.

God lets bad things happen because FREE WILL. He allowed free will into the world, man chose evil, and thus we were scorned with our own iniquity in the form of many things. Natural disasters, disease, hate, etc...

On pharoh. When you hear the word of God, either 2 things happen. You harden your heart and become less likely to accept it next time, or you do accept it.

If you look around many atheists are former "Christians" or had some upbringing in faith of some sort, yet they never accepted it, thus there astrangement (sp?) to it.

How come, that in the biggest religions Christianity and Islam demands money, To even be a member?

Christianity, you give money to the collect or to the church.

Islam, there you should give 5-10% of the salery to be a true Muslim, and to be able to go to a moske.

Its pretty shitty really, I have only been in a moske and church, so I cannot say anything about Judaism.

If one scrap of it all, money is whats still are left. Don't get it really... Hydromaxm.

Yeah Kong its pretty childish claiming someone(god) to save others, people save other people. All I ment was that god seem pretty powerless, because it can only sit and watch how the world turns really.
LOL, you are too funny man. You must pay to be a member eh? Like dues to a club or association or sorts? What kind of Church did you ever attend? No contemporary non-denomination (not baptist, protestant etc), will do such a thing, and if they are do they are false and not in the truth. At my local church and the one I attend in Riverside ( is their site), one of the top/biggest Churches in california, send a collection around once, but they ask newcomers not to donate.

If God interfered with the world constantly saving people from death there would be no free will, and that would make our existence pointless to Him AND us.

BTW, did you notice it hit an area where Christianity is very strongly constricted by the government and Islam is prominent... interesting...

But it's certainly difficult to believe that there is a supernatural force of love, wisdom and justice, when many who claim to have It on their side are bigots, full of hate, and disrespectful of the laws they themselves have made or claim to have received from God.
Many? That is a baseless opinion, Id even say a lie. I actually live in Christian community, and Id say people that are truly hateful etc are very very very in the minority in the congregation, many not even apart of the congregation itself.

BTW, what have atheists ever done. I love how Atheists will bicker about the imperialistic stance of Christianity, to change the world and conquer it, synonomous with the US. They cite the crusades and the 'fact' that Christians are so 'overbearing and propagating' in their faith.

It is funny to note, 3 major atheists in history, known genocydists Mao Ze Dung (China), Pot Pol (Cambodia), Hitler (Germany). Was Stalin an atheist? I forget.

Now THAT is 'overbearing and propagating', where the government is forcing their 'religion' on others. Just had that on my mind .... ok done :)
Read Matthew 24 6-8. Christ proclaimed that earthquakes would happen in divers(many) places before the end of time.

If I promise my kids that I am going to do something (whether good or bad , whether punisHydromaxent or reward' or whatever the case) and I do not keep my promise then...
1. I lose face with my kids
2. I have lied to my kids
3. I have disappointed my kids who trusted me.

The Bible promised that these things were going to happen and if they do not then God could not be trusted and the Bible WOULD then be a lie.

As awful as it was and is the fact remains that 1000's were in fact warned that the wave was coming but they CHOSE to not heed the warning. HAd they just moved inland a mile many would have been saved from the disaster. Is God to blame for mans stubbornness?

My words are not intended to offend the atheist on this board or anyone else, but it seems that we try too hard to make God the scapegoat for everything bad that happens.
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