GhosT_DoGG said:
Same here albert, only for medical reasons or if your a muslim or a jew.
Nobody really cares here if your cut or not, they dont see anything wrong with it.

If my wife wants my son to be cut, I'd say ok, because I dont see anything wrong in that. It's more clean that way and no worries about to thight foreskin later. And I also thinks that the womans word weigh the most in those cases.

Don't be ignorant. It is wrong. It is not cleaner. You have as much of a chance of have tight circumcision problems as tight foreskin problems. I am not trying to be offensive, you just need to learn more about it because it is important.
Actually her using religion has no merit. While I do believe in circumcision it is plain that in a christian home the man is head of the house. It says that the wife is to suBathmateit to the husband in all things. It actually also says that the man is to woman as jesus is to the church. Your girlfriend is probably like most and really doesn't have a clue what the Bible really says. People are brought up with many pre concieved notions that cannot be backed up by scripture but since they have heard them all their lives they believe them to be true. I honestly don't know everything the Bible says about circumcision because I haven't studied it. I do know that a man is to love his wife as God loves the church and every decision he makes should be for her and his families best interest.
kong1971 said:
Ghost Dogg, you are a pussy whipped fool.
Nope, I just make women have more to say about things. The man doesnt decide everything, but it takes two to make an decition.

I should be christian but I have never read a single bible, been to church only 5-6 times. And those times was because I was made. I believe in other things, that there is a god but we dont know if it are a male or a female. Just in the form of a ghost. That watches us, but does not have any powers, just the eyes to watch with.

Doe, I have never ever heard of it saying in no bible or christian words, that christians should be circumsized. Only religions that ive seen that is Judaism and Islam. So your girlfriend must not know what she is talking about?

Best thing would be to make it when the boy can make up his own mind, how he wants it. Or if medical reasons. If you are a christian that is, if your muslim or jew, Then it's pretty much nessesary.
I make my own mind up about things, Ghost, regardless of who tells me and what sex they are.
millionman said:
Actually Timothy was circumsized before he went out with Paul. I was reading on that today. Paul's stance was not anti-circumsion/mutilation, but he was pointing to the law and saying this is not necessary anymore. He discusses the law as an identifier of sin, but yet through Christ we are dead to sin as well as to the Law. So he was simply speaking in terms of the law as it was required for the sons and daughters of Abraham to be circumsized by law. I find it very interesting that some Western churches feel it necessary to have in their doctrine that circumsision is a mandate to get into Heaven. Yet, Christ said if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that I am Lord you shall be saved. Anything about circumsision??? People are so ignorant about what they believe in and simply go with what they are told. Ohhh I want eight, Anything about not owning slaves....ummm the Jews were enslaved by the egyptians for a few hundred years till Moses came along as their deliverer. Then they continually were in and out of slavery because they wouold turn from God, and begin worshipping the Baals, and then once the subjugation got to be too much they called upon the Lord and were delivered. That's what the book of Judges is all about. Anyway, God is good....have a great weekend fellas...

It's a good thing it did considering what kind of people founded this country. I always found that a little befuddling.
Cool, I was hoping the intelligent posters would chime in, and thankfully they did.

I was scrolling down waiting for the "Religion is to control people. Its bogus, see how controlling it is." and other such mantras... Thank God someone pointed out the old and new covenant before some idiot joined in with those sili ignorant catch phrases...

Just to play devil's advocate, if the mother AND father decides on foreskin, would it not, by the same logic, be reasonable to assume they would both decide in the case of an abortion. A matter of fact... incoming new thread on the hilarity of child support, abortion, etc :)
Just in the form of a ghost. That watches us, but does not have any powers, just the eyes to watch with.
Not much of a God (by definition) if they have no power... That is just a ghost...
I believe that most people who do not believe in God just want to think they are free of personal accountability for their actions. No God = no sin = I can do whatever I want.

If there is no God and no sin and we are all just meat, why then do we feel guilt for our misdeeds?

And before Ghost chimes in, saying God is a powerless ghost is the same thing as saying he doesn't exist.

Atheism is just a sign of immaturity.

Grow up. Take some responsibility, kids. You are accountable for your lives.
Kong i'm an atheist i'm not immature,33 years old 3rd child on the way,i take care of my family,i teach my kids right from wrong,i do take responsibility for my action's.

If god isn't a powerless ghost then why didn't he do something to stop 160 000 people dying in the tsunami disaster.
I got this one. The reason he didn't stop the tsunami's is because he chose not to just as he has chosen in the past not to stop other natural disasters. Why God chose his plan of action or non-action is not for us to understand. We are to have faith in trying times and stand firm in that faith. If you are really an atheist I'm sure you don't understand this because you don't believe in a higher being or Lord. Thing is if I am a believer and I'm wrong in my belief I'm just dead but if you are a atheist and you are wrong in your non belief then you are screwed. Not only you but your whole family if you have influenced them with your non belief. Just something to think about.
Here is something that may be hard for you to understand, Prince Albert, but God is not Superman. He is not the Great Cosmic Babysitter. He doesn't fly around saving people from disasters.

He is the first Sentient Being in the infinite universe. He was the only Sentient Being in the universe.

Out of loneliness, he created the angels. He created them whole and complete to keep Him company and love Him. Because He wanted to be truly loved, He gave them free will. Within moments, there was a battle for Surpemacy in Heaven and roughly half of them fell from grace. He gave them everything, made them perfect, and like spoiled and ungrateful children, they rebeled against Him.

So he made us.

He didn't give us perfect, immortal bodies. He didn't give us salvation. He didn't give us anything he gave the angels, except sentient minds and free will. Whether we live out our lives as animal meat or strive to become something more, something infinite, is up to us.

I think I have come to understand God a little better after becoming a father. You see, when you give your kids anything material they desire, they grow up spoiled and despise you. When you give them unconditional love and only the things that they need, they will respect you.

God gives us the knowledge to grow spiritually and supplies our needs for survival, but He is not there to save us from stubbing our toes or making mistakes. Without pain, how can we understand pleasure? Without want, how can we understand satisfaction? Finally, without death, how can we appreciate His greatest gift of all...immortality?

You say you are not immature, but your very question is a child's question.

"Daddy, why can't you fix it?"

To which, a wise father says, "If I fix everything for you, you will never know how to fix it yourself. Instead, I will show you what to do for yourself."
55chevy my wife is a very spiritual person and believes in God,i don't influence my children with my opinion,they can make there minds up wether to beleve or not as they grow older.

Kong you say its a childish question,yet the arch bishop of canterbury here in the uk was quoted in one of the newspapers saying the exact same thing as me,now if one of the most religious men in the uk is having a hard time dealing with this then surely you can understand my feelings as a nonbeliever.

I do not have a problem with anyone who believes in god in whatever shape or form,but please don't use a condescend tone to tell me as a nonbeliever that i don't have any morals i'm not responsible for my actions,i don't no right from wrong ect.
Wow...look at where this thread went. I am kind of middle of the road on this one.
I consider myself to be an agnostic. Here's a question to think about. Ask Moses' Pharoh
about "freewill" and how many times "God hardened his heart". Had God not "hardened his heart" maybe he would have let the jews go much earlier. Maybe after the first plagu instead of God power tripping to get in all ten.
God isnt here to prevent natural disatsers. Natural disasters are needed in the world, things such as a tsunami is needed to keep the population down. It sounds heartless but it is fact. It's nature.
I shall give another example, In London there was a case of the bubonic plague. This was caused by Rats and was killing lots of people, what Killed the rats and eliminated the plague?
The Great Fire Of London.
I think Kong explained all there is to explain in his previous post about why he doesnt come down to save people, when things happen, great post that was Kong.
Well i'm in a very small minority seen as this is an american forum and aprox 90-95% of american's believe in some sort of God.

Can any of you answer this question. Why do you believe in God and do you believe in other Gods or just your own?
Im behind you to 110% prince_Albert!

And kong why do you neglect people who don't believe in the same god, or is a non believer?

If I believe in Allah, then let me.
If I believe in JHWH(HaShem), then let me.
If I believe in Satan, then let me.
If I believe in Buddah, then let me.

In my perspective, you seem brainwashed, you are so convinced there really is a god.
And in you perspective, you probably think I am brainwashed.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.
I am not a typical American Christian in that I believe every word in the Bible or what the pastor might say on a Sunday morning sermon. I believe that churches in America are just businesses selling After-life Insurance, so I don't attend. I believe that prayer and study and thinking for yourself are the only ways to go.

I was raised in a secular, almost atheist home. I came to my beliefs after a long, hard period of dabbling in all kinds of faiths and cults and philosophies. I began to believe more and more in Christ because his teachings are not only practical, but enlightened...exactly the things that I think an Incarnate God would teach.

Do I take the Bible literal?


But don't claim to be enlightened and mature when you can't even figure out why a just God wouldn't save people from a disaster. That's childish. That's like stomping your foot and crying, "I AM mature! I AM I AM I AM!"
kong1971 said:
But don't claim to be enlightened and mature when you can't even figure out why a just God wouldn't save people from a disaster. That's childish. That's like stomping your foot and crying, "I AM mature! I AM I AM I AM!"

Kong i don't claim to be enlightened and i wasn't stomping my foot.
Atheism is just as much a blind faith as Christianity. Perhaps, more so. At least we have historical evidence and miracles. What does an atheist have to back him up? Not being a smart-ass. Just wondering.
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