
Sep 2, 2005
i had a real nice confidence booster last night.

i was in the cinema/movies with my girl and after the show i went to the toilet. anyway i used the urinals which i hate. but when i went and took my penis out it was hanging brilliantly as i was wif my girl and was horney in the cinema.

well i was hanging i would predict about 6x4.5 at most. and someone came up beside me to piss. well i was there full meat showing and caught him taking a glimpse at it.

when i finsihed my piss i kinda milked the dribbles out shoke it and put it away.

just the fact that i had to hold the whole thing in my hand going for a piss was awesome.

i cant wait for my flacid length to be that big it was awesome. i usually hang around 4ish x4ish times i go to 4.5x4
Jaz and I were going into the Crobar in South Beach last year and when the guy frisked me at the door he asked me what I had in my pants. Jaz laughed his ass off and the guy was completely embarrassed to find out it was my penis.
That is funny as hell!!

Puts a whole new meaning into ..... "Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me!!"

doublelongdaddy said:
Jaz and I were going into the Crobar in South Beach last year and when the guy frisked me at the door he asked me what I had in my pants. Jaz laughed his ass off and the guy was completely embarrassed to find out it was my penis.
doublelongdaddy said:
Jaz and I were going into the Crobar in South Beach last year and when the guy frisked me at the door he asked me what I had in my pants. Jaz laughed his ass off and the guy was completely embarrassed to find out it was my penis.
LMAO thats hilarious hahaha
No joking, the shit really was funny. I felt wicked violated:D

Sometimes when I am in a public bathroom I stretch the whole unit out and stand back a bit, the intimidation is brilliant:D
TomdW said:
It's weird, it seems like all of a sudden MOS has gone Omega mad! :)

Definitely but this is a good sign of something that may work. If we can do for mental health what we have accomplished in urology it will be incredible.
against_odds21 said:
I think this just stole the thread. :D

I had to post it but I do apologize to icecam for highjacking the thread.
I bet that guy was like :O That would be a story to tell the kids.

Yeah, he though I had a shot gun down my pants:D
Happened to me too. Was being frisked and the bouncer was like "Fuck sorry man, just touched a his big knob." Their was a line and a hostess there, they all laughed. I was kind of embarassed.
Also happened on the beach recently i was walking with a friend, and i had this cronic semi that would'nt go away, cos my trunks kept pinning it against my leg. Well, we were walking past some chicks, and i overheard the one saying look that guys got a BIG cock. Im 5'7' tall so i geuss it does look big to others. I quickly shuffled off to the car, cos comment like that just turn me on so much..LMAO
doublelongdaddy said:
Jaz and I were going into the Crobar in South Beach last year and when the guy frisked me at the door he asked me what I had in my pants. Jaz laughed his ass off and the guy was completely embarrassed to find out it was my penis.
Were you wearing any paraphanalea (sp?) on your dick while it happened? I.e. ADS, ROP, clamp, ect.
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