looks like some strange bondage gear lol.
how the hell is your head gonna stay secure in the cup thing?
Looks pretty ill, and conceallable also. For those with a low lot, it can be a option to tieing around the waist or leg, also more comfortable then the leg, cuz then you don't have to walk allaround the house walking funny.
I did the same thing, maybe you can also and save $. I got a pair of suspenders, made an attachment,(with whatever, keyring, etc.) and connected my ads to that.
Also you don't need both straps if your doing the suspender thing, just one will do fine, stays on with out a problem.

Hope it helps.
Whatever, I could not help it, I laughed my ass off. It looked like some mountain climbing shit. Once I stop laughing I will try to look again but at this point I am practically peeing my pants!
It's a good idea. Although I'm sure it'd still be visible through your shirt, especially if it was tucked in.
very strange device, I thought it would be better if a device was not noticeble. This harness will really affect your movements and be visible all over your upper body and through your t-shirt. You always have to wear a knitted sweater or a thick cotton shirt over it.
It does not include any special invention, just a more bondage look.
It really looks funny, "real length" is printed on the upper side of the harness stripes. Imagine wearing a white t-shirt. Then the text "real length" will be visible through the shirt!
Crazy device!
Interesting... the real challenge with any ADS is with the penis interface. I'm curious to learn what the cup attachment is made of...
Although I laughed so much due to the elaborate, mountain climbing get up it did give me a very good idea. Tried to draw it out last night but it needs allot of work. Most likely something you could make yourself.
something like this with the option of a visible glans might be a good idea, but I find it hard enough getting a decent grip straight up with my hands. It could make for some interesting conversations by the water cooler; "What's that under your shirt? Do you have man boobs or something?",
"Well no, I'm stretching my penis in the over the shoulder position today to keep my tunica elongated after the stretching session I did earlier today."
"Oh ok, here's my phone number if it works."
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