Congratulations on getting your Bathmate, it will do wonders after only one session but do not become too overzealous, take your time and learn at your own pace. Also, look at the DLD Bathmate for Newbies Routine, this will help you use your Bathmate more effectively and make gains much faster.
yes ,it is normal , over a couple of days you will be able to pump more . the more comfortable you feel ,the more you will pump . if you feel too much pressure stop!
SLow and steady wins this race! Do not become overzealous, even though its hard not to, pay attention to your body and slowly work up to your max.
Wanna_Big_Dong;492297 said:
Great advice DLD. You don't have to hurt yourself to see results.

That is the truth. I know that it can seem so exciting when you realize Penis Enlargement works and you may become a bit overzealous...this is where injury usually happens. There is plenty of time and the gains will come, patience is vital.
Hi nuetronstar how's the Bathmate working for you . I'm looking at getting one so I'm curious if your still enjoying it and having success
The colonel;492652 said:
Hi nuetronstar how's the Bathmate working for you . I'm looking at getting one so I'm curious if your still enjoying it and having success

Make the plunge! You will be so happy you did!
Neutronstar;493841 said:
my Bathmate was delivered on 6 of july and i used since then around 2 weeks now
i have to tell ya , the bestttt i got girth my penis look a lot thicker, and for only 2 weeks
i just canot wait for another 2 month .:)

i used newby routine for about 4 days now and me penis look little biger in lengh

i use weight gainer for my muscles because i train everyday on gym, and i dont think it has any impact on my Bathmate
so what i mean is everybody is different , if something works for u maybe it don't for me, or conversely.

I told you, you will love it!
The colonel;492652 said:
Hi nuetronstar how's the Bathmate working for you . I'm looking at getting one so I'm curious if your still enjoying it and having success


You have to have one.

I've used mine diligently for about six months.

I've gained .75 inches in girth.

I'm packing the tube on the sides and about .5 inches from the top.

Now I'm packing my girl's pussy, too.

Soon, it'll be time for X-40 soon.

Do it and gain tremendously. Click on DLD's link, now.
Powersnake12;493932 said:

You have to have one.

I've used mine diligently for about six months.

I've gained .75 inches in girth.

I'm packing the tube on the sides and about .5 inches from the top.

Now I'm packing my girl's pussy, too.

Soon, it'll be time for X-40 soon.

Do it and gain tremendously. Click on DLD's link, now.

Excellent work my friend!
I can't wait to get it . Sorry dld but I found a shop here that has the for $180 aus dollars which Probly works out the same as ordering through mos by the time I pay shipping plus I don't really want to have to explain to my wife that I spent money on pe she already freaked about me doing it and I didn't tell her how much I spent on andro . If I get here I can save my pennys and pay cash so she will never know. Maybe she will think its all time and money well spent when she's got 8" x 6" in her !!!! Ha !!!! Maybe 6.5" x 6" is more realistic for the near future but one day , one day 8x6 is the dream . Although red makes me think no reason 7 girth is possible . Fuck I would love to look down and see that !!!!!
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