
Jan 14, 2006
I've been Penis Enlargement'ing for about 6 weeks now and I thought it was all BS. I looked at this forum for a while and kept seeing and hearing you guys getting gains so I thought what the heck I'll get the DVD and give it a try. Well I started at EL 5.1/2 in. and EG 5 in. Now I'm at EL 6 in and EG 5.1/2 in. NO BS I CANT BELIVE IT! My wife sure has noticed the difference. My problem is the left side between where I was surcomsized and my gland just under it. When I stretch to the left it feels like it's tearing it a sharp pain. But it only hurts when I stretch to the left. I can pull the heck out of it to the right in any position and no pain. But the right is a different story. I've stoped stretching going on day 3 right now but I still do the Jeq every day with no pain. Any ideas guys what I've done? By the way this is a great forum I like how everybody helps with problems and your not on your own. I've told all my friends about it. My hats of to you DLD you are the man!

Welcome to the forum, Hemi.

I have the identical problem. Just work around it. I never grasp my penis near my left side between the scar and my glans. I either grab it further down the shaft or I grab the glans.

That sharp pain is telling you to stay away from that area.
Goingfor11x7 tried both ways if I pull from the glands it still feels like it ripping when I grab further down below the scar my hand slides up under the glands anyway. I've been taking some antinflamatories for it but tried stretching today and had to quit. I guess I'll take a few more days off from stretching. The strange part is I started out with lite stretching and got more intinse as I went along. So not to have any injuries. Oh well no pain no gain. Thanks for your help bro.

HemiHead said:
I've been Penis Enlargement'ing for about 6 weeks now and I thought it was all BS. I looked at this forum for a while and kept seeing and hearing you guys getting gains so I thought what the heck I'll get the DVD and give it a try. Well I started at EL 5.1/2 in. and EG 5 in. Now I'm at EL 6 in and EG 5.1/2 in. NO BS I CANT BELIVE IT! My wife sure has noticed the difference. My problem is the left side between where I was surcomsized and my gland just under it. When I stretch to the left it feels like it's tearing it a sharp pain. But it only hurts when I stretch to the left. I can pull the heck out of it to the right in any position and no pain. But the right is a different story. I've stoped stretching going on day 3 right now but I still do the Jeq every day with no pain. Any ideas guys what I've done? By the way this is a great forum I like how everybody helps with problems and your not on your own. I've told all my friends about it. My hats of to you DLD you are the man!


Excellent news on the gains! Congratulations and another point for becoming a believer.

It sounds to me like you may have strained the ligament on the left side of your penis. It sounds minor as you are able to stretch in every other direction. I would suggest maybe a couple days off with light penile massage to the effected area and also do some frequent hot wraps which will help soothe the pain. This should clear it up, but be sure to be careful when you start up again.

Thanks for the props:)
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