LoveHerDeeply, Welcome to Elders Status, you are now a moderator


Jun 3, 2003
I really do not need any more moderators than the team I have. We are a small but tight knit crew that follow order, seniority and honor. LoveHerDeeply, you have brought your level of help to the Brotherhood to such a level that I have no choice but to induct you into the team. We need more men like you and you are setting a perfect example across all fronts!

In my absence you have picked up the torch and kept the fires burning. Along with the Elder Brothers and the other Brothers who give so much, I am proud to always come home to a bright light burning that represents the unilateral understandings and gains we take from this and the gifts we constantly bestow! We are a Brotherhood that has become a Family that has reinvented what unity means!

Welcome my Brother LoveHerDeeply! Welcome!

Congratulations, Love! Thank you for all the help you have given me and for the support! All the best, man, continue to bring joy to the brotherhood just as the last few months! All the best, Zam :)
Wow. Thank you. I'm humbled.

The last few months since my wife decided to go for divorce, I realized I'm going to have that singles lifestyle... and Penis Enlargement is a part of my experience into that. If anything is my #1 goal its to end my turtling and show big in my clothes.
And so not involved with anyone I've turned my time talent and treasure to pe and the Mos brotherhood.
I'm a writer and so naturally I enjoy the little articles I get to share here. I have the time to write here. I've invested more $ into pe this year than anything else... and I like being a trainer on the various jobs I've had before... so I feel that urge to be helpful when new guys come in or folks beg for help getting past hurdles. I may not always get it right. I may have my phone's autocomplete write wrong words in for me which I miss in editing. But im trying to give back something in gratitude for Mos which has given me support in my divorce, and Penis Enlargement success which has meant a Lot to me in my pride of self as a man, and hope for a pleasurable future for myself and my woman/women?

Many of you Do know what +1" means to a mans wounded ego. I thank you dld and Mos for this inch of pride in my manhood, so far.

So I thank you very much for seeing all of that as something of worth to the brotherhood that I'm doing. I will wear the badge with honor and do my best to earn it every week.

Thank you all.
LHD has been a huge help and motvator to me sticking with it

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Congratulations Brother! Well deserved. In my opinion we need more active moderators and you definitely fit that and are there to help.
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SizeGenetics;559022 said:
Congratulations! :)

/salute. Thank you, Sir!
And thanks for a great product which helped me gain my first inch and I'm sure is going to help with "2 as well.

Thanks guys!-)
The Club Does Have it's Privileges, like cleaning up spam and having to do stuff DLD doesn't want to do:)

Just Kiddin'

You deserve it my Faithful Brother! You have not only brought humbleness in your beginnings with your search for greater understandings, that most certainly brought you well deserved gains but you have also went above and beyond your own gains needs to serve the greater good of the Brotherhood. Each one of us is unique in many ways but we all share the unilateral beliefs of the Brotherhood and it's incredible teachings! Thanks you for your dedication and I hope you stand as an example to the entire Brotherhood of faithful service and altruistic love!

God Bless You
Congratulations Brother!

I would've written earlier, but I was gettin' a post swim rub-down in my private MOS hover-jet while the identical twin bi-pilots searched for the perfect frolic spot on MOS island. Just wait 'til DLD hands you yer it gets great from here on in!
Welcome, ask Mike to put you on the payroll as soon as possible
Congrates, LHD you deserve it!
You've been putting in a lot of work lately, Good stuff!
Supra;559084 said:
Welcome, ask Mike to put you on the payroll as soon as possible

Um, yeaahhh. There's pay? Hmmm, funny he didn't mention it
.. Musta slipped his mind, busy man ya know... umm Hydromaxmmm.
"Many of you Do know what +1 means to a mans wounded ego"

Well then ... +1 ^ !!!! :cool: Congrats Man!!!

Sorry about the divorce, usually a real drag ... like worse than a death in the family, because deaths you don't waste ongoing energy trying to 'save'.

The thing about any loss is that you can't experience it at a level of imaginary things that you hoped for it. That stuff is all in your head. You have to see it instead for what it is: something that collapsed under its own weight despite probably one or both people trying to save it.

When you see it like that, it's pretty easy to cut off its negative energy, let it go, and go find something better that will Thrive and love doing so.

(This makes more sense in a first-person way, so ... you, me, us, etc ...) -->

Relationships aren't about a 'Me' or a 'You', they're about an 'Us' ... and if there is no Us, then there is no relationship and no actual reason to treat the non-'Us' thing as much more than a placekeeper keeping you from something better.

:) $.02
Welcome to the team brother! Drop a PM if you need to talk...that divorce routine can be trying but with each end there are many new beginnings and opportunities. It always ends up being better than before if you just be patient and focus on what is really important for you and the future. Self improvement fits in really well!! - Dash
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