
Sep 7, 2006
Surprised? Thunder even ended his first sentence with a PREPOSITION and everybody knows that's a big grammatical NO NO!

Originally Posted by otis bruno
good point! i guess i see myself doing Penis Enlargement forever in a sense because, simply put, it just makes me feel good. i guess I'm just afraid that if i take a little time off from my extensive Penis Enlargement schedule that i will lose it all.


Your shift keys broken? Where the hell are the capitals at?

You need to read this before you post again bruno.

Forum Guidelines

This guy must not get laid enough or something sheesh. Either that or ...what's he got plans on compiling the entire database of his forum into a giant 'e book'? Why else would he be such a grammar nazi???

Are girth gains permanent? - �other PE site� Free Penis Enlargement Forums
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Yup, you are correct sir... Def. NOT getting any pussy :D

I have yet to find someone that even comes close to being as ass-tight as this mothafucka...I mean, DAIUM what an uptight asshole, geeez people go there to grow dick and not to grow grammar skils, can't he see that yo?!

I may be sending that dude a lotary ticket so he can at least have a chance in hell to have some fun, maybe even travel a bit, meet some women and take a look at the real world. Then maybe, just maybe he would loosen the fuck up and stop fucking with people like that. Yes, i know...a snowball's chance in hell. :D

He carries some good shit over there but it's just like putting that Hitler dude in command and just shoot down some poor dudes on his way.

Ohh and ThunderSS or Gestapo or whatnot...if you are reading this, or if some of your litlle minions show this very closely dude:

YOU WILL NEVER BAN ME mothafucka...

Want to know why?!! Because i will never even touch your nazy pathetic site. No need bro...All knowledge is here and it's free and democratic you lazy lifeless bitch. Now go step on some poor doesn't_know_any_better soul and feel good about yourself :D

Wait...was i too dramatic with all this?!! naaaaaaaa i mean every word hahahaha and now i end this sentence withOUT a dot


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Don't worry, guys. He's got Hobby as a hobby. ;) :blowjob: Right, Still? He, he. I think maybe he's a frustrated school marm in disguise. Oh, I forgot. That's that Mod Pistachio, Fellatio, or whatever the hell his name is.
Poor Bruno!! He didn't capitalize the i and left out a comma. Poor slob!!! How about responding to his concern about never taking time off from P.E. for fear of losing his gains? Now that's a real concern. What a nazi asshole, T is.
That's like another Penis Enlargement forum I frequent. They say "Think of this as a place to better your writing for the workplace. Sloppy writing reflects badly on this forum and on you as an individual."
I have actually discussed similiar guidelines as well. There's not a big problem here but it can get out of hand when people post using "internet ebonics". We have people here that english may not be their first language so they may not understand the intent or context of certain slang or shortcuts. Everyone makes speliing errors from time to time--I may be worse than most. The point is that to a certain extent the poster need to show courtesy to the others here by making his post as clear and understandable as possible.

I will settle for pictures and videos, a picture can paint a thousand words by the way.

But learning how to write English better, will improve how you express yourself when posting tho.
Pandora said:
I will settle for pictures and videos, a picture can paint a thousand words by the way.

But learning how to write English better, will improve how you express yourself when posting tho.

Pandora said:
:baby: need a fresh bib, to stop you getting messing when eating food.

Brother, I got all the Bib I need. See? - just for this exchange we would have been banned at �other PE site�.
jqsderrida said:
Brother, I got all the Bib I need. See? - just for this exchange we would have been banned at �other PE site�.

jqsderrida is a big fat!!!
You would be banned (if this were �other forum�) for having a signature that is longer than all of the useful posts you've ever made here combined.
jqsderrida said:
You would be banned (if this were �other forum�) for having a signature that is longer than all of the useful posts you've ever made here combined.

Yeah but their is nobody that does it as good as me tho, my signature is way too cool lol
jqsderrida said:
You would be banned (if this were �other forum�) for having a signature that is longer than all of the useful posts you've ever made here combined.

stillwantmore2 said:
Surprised? Thunder even ended his first sentence with a PREPOSITION and everybody knows that's a big grammatical NO NO!

This guy must not get laid enough or something sheesh. Either that or ...what's he got plans on compiling the entire database of his forum into a giant 'e book'? Why else would he be such a grammar nazi???

Are girth gains permanent? - �other PE site� Free Penis Enlargement Forums

I've never thought about the ebook idea before. Perhaps?
10inchadvantage said:
I've never thought about the ebook idea before. Perhaps?

He'd be sued for pirating thousands of people's intellectual property (their posts).
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