Originally posted by b1nzen48
Hey DLD, nice to be home isn't it? I know you will continue to make progress with your OCD. Just hang onto the Penis Enlargement attitude and don't worry about where you've been, only worry about where you are going in your fight against the condition.( I say condition because I don't think some people would understand that it is actually a psychological disease.) Now that you are home don't do the "easy" thing and hideout in your apartment. It's so easy to get caught in that trap of repeating what we think is normal because that is what feels comfortable and safe. Pretty soon you will forget what you accomplished in Florida and regress back to your old self. Please don't let this happen Bro. Start taking Jen and Armand out for dinner, shopping, movies, whatever. The more and more you repeat the process the more it will become second nature and pretty soon the fear won't exist. Just remember what you have gained and how good it felt to be able to do those things and you will realize that the victories you win and the rewards you reap mean too much to let it slip away. I don't have OCD myself, but if you are wondering, I am an addict that has been clean for ten years. What I wrote here is personal but it's the attitude I adopted for myself during recovery. If I see the potential for my words to help somebody I will openly state what you are reading here. Even if it doesn't help you, it may unknowingly help one of our members. B1.