I am back at MoS


Jun 3, 2003
First I wanted to apologize for my extended break from the forums and my responsibilities to you guys but I was not mentally able to really do much over the past 5 weeks. Jennifer and I broke up and the experience was traumatic for me and I have been going through a long healing process. I feel badly that I was not present for you guys but I do not think I would have done much good dragging everyone down with my sadness. As you might guess I have literally thousands of mail, pm's, messages and other correspondence I am facing and I am attempting to make a dent today. I appreciate your support through these difficult weeks and it feels good to be back with the people I care so much about. When I am ready I will make a post in deep thoughts telling this whole story and how it has influenced and changed my life, what I have learned and what my future plans are. For now my mind is frazzled and attempting any kind of coherent explanation would leave us all a little more confused.

Mod's please leave this thread in the main forum for the next few days to explain my absence.

Thanks people!

welcome back DLD. yea sorry bout the breakup!. they are tough. And even trying to go online or near a pc is tough. Especially when you build or modify em for a living!.
I had a break up that took me years get over so i know how you feel. Keep your head up and don't let it keep you down to long.
The woman I wanted to marry left me because she was jealous and didn't trust me despite the fact I never cheated on her.

We just saw each other last night after many weeks apart. It was so great to be with her again.

There may be hope, if that is what you want.

I know how you feel though and my thoughts are with you.

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sorry to hear that dld,welcome back keep ur head and thoughts high-i've been in the same boat ur in and know how hard it could get.Do as much as you can to keep ur mind off of things
Welcome back bro.
Please erase your signiture ASAP because its got a bogus code in it that fucks up peeps computers.
Welcome back bro! i know how u feel i just went thur the same thing, keep your head up bro, things will work out for you! ill be praying for you, God bless
Thanks people, your sentiments make this journey easier
Bless your heart DLD. Just remember, brother, that your self worth comes from within you as evidenced by all of the 1000's of people that look up to you and what you do. Your self worth is not dependent upon being with another person. It comes from within.
Dashdeming said:
Bless your heart DLD. Just remember, brother, that your self worth comes from within you as evidenced by all of the 1000's of people that look up to you and what you do. Your self worth is not dependent upon being with another person. It comes from within.

Very true dash, that made me feel good, i needed to here that too, thanks! :)
Sorry about your breakup, man. But good luck and welcome back. Remember everyone here is there for you.
dld,paeson, i feel your pain i am still going through a TOUGH breakup.its hard u know this,keep your head up,move on, life goes on.keep busy,hold your head up.
I'm sorry to hear this, Mike. I'll be praying for you. You know how to get in touch with me if you need to.

"That which does not kill me, makes me stronger." --Friedrich Nietzsche

You'll get through it, my friend.
Its TOUGH road D! Been there a few times. Hopefully never again, it does seem dark but it will lighten up before you know it. If you need anything you got my numbers Bro.
Goddamn man, I'm sorry this happened. My thoughts are with you.
See DLD, everyone here supports you man. You've always got the people who idolise you.

Seriously sorry about the break-up, hope you feel better as soon as possible, we all know what it feels like.
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