
Oct 15, 2003
just came across this site, claiming that you can increase your height from 2-6 inches in the age range of 12-25 for men... anyone know anything about this site?

not really but they say it makes cartillage in your ephisyeal plates or whatever .......... I dont think after their closed you can add more cartalige. but someone should try it
Once growth plates close, you cant grow anymore.

Most of those sites promote HGH (Human Growth Formula). The ingested (pill) form isnt too effective. Injected HGH can be. In adults it can cause slight deformities if you have already stopped growing. IGF-1 is the main cause of this. One guy reported his nasal polips (sp?) growing back afterh aving them removed 2 years later and his ribcage too.

Generally it is the jaw, forehead, and ribcage, which can give a neanderthal look.

My advice. Lift weights, stretch. Build muscle, then stretch it. Do this from age 15 to mid 20s.

I am 6' 2". I dont really care to grow. I have loved milk all my life and always drank it. Soda too... never really ate right. Dad is 6' and mom like 5' 7". In my genes I guess. Hmm.. milk is good.. ramble off..
I don't know. I mean I am a skeptic but who ever thought you could enlarge your dick. Any way stretching muscle won't work at all. That won't make your bones grow. One thing I heard that does work is special stretching for your spine cause more than half of your vertebrae are connected by ligaments that can be moderatly stretched without any damage.
I was 5'6" until i was 16. I am 25 and now i am 6'2"
If you want to grow taller naturally
just simple way like stretches your body as exercises.
get more info on this site hxxp://growingtallerstretches.com/
Its fake guys. Extremely fake. Get an xray have a dr look to see if your bone plates have closed. If they have the only way to get taller is this
Google limb lengthening and or visit a forum called "make me taller"( just a height related forum nothing with penis size). I am currently prepairing and trying to get everythin in order so within 2-4 years I can go do this. It may seem drastic but a lot of people have done or are considering it.
In an alternate universe, or perhaps even in this one, I am sure there is a DTD (Double Tall Daddy) who has helped many men with a Napoleon complex. I am THE average at exactly 5'9 so don't feel insecure but could use maybe an inch or two, just for the type of build I want.
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