Hold on, it is these emotions that make us human right? and separates us from everything else?
Pandora said:
Yeah I know this I was asking him if he could? I think smoking all the weed I use to smoke really help me to tap into mine, I don't smoke no more tho.

I'll answer it like this: when I'm using any drug, I am quite far away from spirit usually. It clouds your energy body. If you're trying to seriously follow a spiritual path you must seriously learn how to control and limit substances in your body. I was smoking every day for most of this summer, but I have recently stopped smoking everyday and have opted for the "once a week, if that" ideal. The first time I got high though I had an intense out of body experience, VERY psychedelic, even more intense than how my friends have described average mushroom trips (was extremely potent weed too, and my first time trying). However, it was quite warped to how the weed was effecting my energy centers (chakras). All in all it was cool, but nothing I'd go looking after for spirit. Hell, even astral projection itself (not drug induced) can lead you away from a spiritual path if you become obsessed with it and you feel that it's the be-all-end-all of existence.
man fuck all that psychodelic shit. Like if you got some good ass weed, you don't need nothing else. Why hallucinate and shit? I'm too scared of that shit. Seeing ghosts, I mean that aint for me.
ithiel said:
man fuck all that psychodelic shit. Like if you got some good ass weed, you don't need nothing else. Why hallucinate and shit? I'm too scared of that shit. Seeing ghosts, I mean that aint for me.

Not everyone see such things, nor does everyone have bad experiences. Hallucinogens can be a very positive experience that allows you to connect to reality amidst the bullshit.... maybe moreso than anything else in this time. A lot of it has to do with the mental and social environment you experiment in, and though it is probably more important to be thinking positive about the experiemtn prior to experimenting, while remidning yourself that you are simply experimenting with drugs during the experience, choosing a more peaceful, spacious, clean, colorful and less populated environment can also have a very positive effect. Substance choice and quality is also very important.

Many people would do much better with Ecstasy than Shrooms, Acid etc.
See this Peter Jennings special - Ecstasy Rising : Peter Jennings - Ecstasy Rising
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This is what I said the lee last time:

I have yet to notice anyone else on this forum with as similar experiences with lee, than me. I even held back a bit in explaining similarities, and I'll bet he has too, and this still seems to be the case.

I think some of you are too quick to judge lee. You should be careful to go on what he is specifically saying, in context with the time line of his overt evolution on this forum, and not judge too much based on your assumptions nor based on his past.

Despite lee's "fuck it all" hyperbole and "i'm back to drinking" statement, which may lead one to assume that he is as out of control as he previously expressed, one should not be so quick to assume such.

Nobody commenting actually lives with lee and he is making lucid statements that many healthy people make , (yes, even including "fuck it all" and "i'm back to drinking" and even "why is life so depressing") .... combined with recent explanations of quite a healthy relationship with alcohol on 7-15-2007:
3lee said:
i have started drinking again, AFTER studying up on how it effects the body, and now i do it just for fun on the weekends when Im with friends. I still use Everclear every so often but no where near as much as I did. Ive found Bud Light is my fav. Anyway...just an update and thanks for careing.


...... it seems that lee is becoming one of plenty of healthy, responsible people who contribute the best to their families, friends and fellow citizens while responsibly enjoying alcohol. This is no surprise, considering that lee seemed to simply have so rough beginning based simply on lack of experience leading to overindulging.

Lee still has questions about this world, like we all should have and like plenty of us should understand.

Here are some more of my thoughts for you, lee:

You ask: "Why is life so depressing?". This is all based on personal perception which is also related to knowledge.

When I started learning more about the realities of this world that many people like to turn a blind eye to, while simultaneously experiencing troubles that are not too typical for certain classes of people and especially not ideal for anyone, while simultaneously coming to the realization that so called "God" may not be all that the polemic hype and dogma says .... I naturally started to be a bit depressed or at least pessimistic about the world. This lead me to saying things like "fuck it all", which can be a sign of a healthy sense of freedom and understanding .... but which we should all be aware can also be the beginnings of destructive behavior - however preventable with such realization and ability to still find things to look forward to in life.

But, the reality is, nothing has changed in the world from my previous mindset of naivety towards these realities other than my knowledge, experience, perceptions and thus mindset. Therefore, it is up to my mind to not be depressed. I started to embrace such realizations as a positive thing in many ways, including how they increase my ability to make positive contributions to society and as Bill Hicks says: "you should tell the truth, expose the lies and live in the moment." I also found myself to be a stronger individual mentally and emotionally - which lead to physically as well. I learned to balance the realism of my new mindset with the positivity and productivity of my old. Keep healthy activity by taking care of your mind and body and enjoying healthy relationships with family, friends and strangers. Know you are stronger every time you fight against and or overcome what you feel is depressing about life, and strive to do that so that you can feel positive about those rewards.

Next, you questioned the existence of what you have habitually perceived as "God" with great conviction for over 20 years.

This is a healthy question. The only thing that is not healthy is attempting to sabotage yourself to test if there is a god, because chances are no magic is going to intervene so you are simply sabotaging yourself when you could instead approach such inquiry from a less barbaric, more evolved and intelligent pursuit like reading, observing, using common sense and believing in yourself.

I went through this as well. The more I study, the more I realize it's all likely a myth or more-so fairy tale. I asked myself if I was still unstable, insecure and co-dependent enough to need to believe in imaginary companions and fairy tales .....and my answer was no.

Here is some of my research:

Zeitgeist Movie, Part 1: ZEITGEIST, The Movie - Official Release - Part 1 of 3

Some Pro:

Zeitgeist is a movie of a much more concise, linear and visually stimulating lesson based on some information that I passed on in the past about Acharya S:

Interview with Acharya S on the Christ Conspiracy

The Origins of Christianity

Also, a very detailed account of the solar relations:

Pharmacratic Inquisition - Google Video

The Pharmacratic Inquisition

The Pharmacratic Inquisition

The God Who Wasn't There

the god who wasn't there - Google Video

horus and jesus parallels Parallels between the lives of Jesus and Horus, an Egyptian God

astrology and the star of bethlehem:
Star of Bethlehem

Other stuff ....

Hardcore Christian Zealot Mark Dice interviews Peter J, producer of Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007
Mark Dice Interviews Peter J., Producer of Zeitgeist the Movie

Peter J interview

Hardcore Christian Zealot Mark Dice interviews Magnus Gilmore the High Preist of the Church of Satan (no, I am not trying to recruit for the Church of Satan and would instead encourage people to be as independently thinking as possible...)

Part 1 - YouTube - Church of Satan Interview (part 1 of 3)

Part 2 - YouTube - Church of Satan Interview (part 2 of 3)

Part 3 - YouTube - Church of Satan Interview (part 3 of 3)

Welcome to Enlightenment! Religion–the Tragedy of Mankind - Articles by Kenneth Humphreys

Some very practical perceptions on why god is imaginary:

God is Imaginary - 50 simple proofs

Some highly debatable counter claims to Zeitgeist mostly because different sources say different things so sources come into question more than the research itself:
mitchblog.com » Blog Archive » Zeitgeist Movie . The reality is, there are sources that say all of these counter debates are incorrect and that all the points in the films are correct. You have to ask which time frame and credibility of which sources you believe, and my answer to date is the sources that support "solar cult myth/fairy tale" ideas like Zeitgeist.

Comedy - a common sense look at religion embracing the ability to laugh at it all instead of feel awkward in any way ....that I have ALSO posted long in the past:

George Carlin on Religion YouTube - George Carlin on religion (interesting how he talks about the sun, in retrospect)

George Carlin on 10 Commandments YouTube - George Carlin - Ten Commandments

Joe Rogan on Noah's Ark YouTube - Joe Show

A thread I posted some of this stuff in before:

The quest for knowledge is the best substance abuse alternative and religion alternative I have found. But, if you should agree, then hopefully you will also realize that life is too short to be stuck at your computer or with your head in a book forever, so enjoy other active and social aspects of life as well. Look forward to all of it. Just, once again, tend to your responsibilities first and, though living life to fullest is usually not the safest thing, be as safe as possible in your quest to live life to the fullest.

Best to all!
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You've been sold a bill of goods kid and fallen for it... completely. Human beings don't need to look anywhere in the universe but inside themselves to find either God or the Devil. YOU are the author of your own destiny. YOU are the cause of and answer to all of your own problems. YOU are free to succeed brilliantly or fail miserably.
And YOU have a family and responsibility. So stop your fuckin' sniveling, grow a set of balls, get a grip on life and start acting like an adult.
Or find a way to finally do yourself in that won't look like suicide. At least that way your widow can ultimately derive some type of benefit from your existence.
Either way, a Penis Enlargement forum is hardly the place for your continual attention-whoring.

hey man im not going for the "attention whoring" as you put it. some people on here are my pals and i trust i can post stuff on here if i need to. besides look at the place i did post this at. its in a section all to its own with others who post things non pe related to. so FUCK YOU for what you said Asshole! if you ever need help i promise ill be the first to turn my back on you . :wave:
Ya, I wouldn't mind talking about broad things in PM if you feel like it.

Sounds good. Hit me up if you want to.

I find it near fruitless to talk about such things with people, as people must live out their own divine path.

I think it's fruitless to talk to people with closed minds, but I think everyone has to walk their own path to the divine. Slight re-wording. I'm not a pluralist, however; I'd call myself a weak inclusivist. I belief in one God (trinitarian theology), and objective truth.

The "#1 reason for religion is to explain death" was something I learned in a class at UT. We were discussing the sociological reasons for people subscribing to religions and that is what the professor claimed through years of research. It made a lot of sense to me, since at the end of the day, no one who likes life will take kindly to the thought of non-existence.

Yes, I do believe that is the superficial and one underlying reason. For me, however, it's more about connecting to who I have come to believe is the creator and sustainer of the world. I don't wait for Armageddon and the end of this world, I wait for Christ's return in which the world will be put to rights. That might need elaboration. It's biblical though.

Sorry if I came out too harsh against organized religion. It's just that I often find myself wondering if they've created more harm than good. In my view it just gives people access to many more theories which can polute the mind and further oneself from a spiritual path.

I think your critiques are well founded. There are a lot of uprisings in the evangelical Christian world, not least due to postmodernism, that are challenging the traditions. Christianity has forgotten (not every part, but many) the greatest commandments to love God and others and have become a narcissistic religion in the process. Somehow church became about me-me-me, rather than worship and the world became our stomping ground for judging others rather than showing love and helping.

I firmly believe that if Christians lived to the biblical standards we're called to at least half of the time that people could still criticize our belief in God, but couldn't find fault in our religious actions. Sadly enough, only the minority engages in this.

"James 1:27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."

Being a student of the original languages I can say that the word for religion can very easily be translated as worship. This, along with the gospel, not least the gospel of Luke, call for Christians to engage the world not to convert as many as possible, but to show love.

Another thing about religions, specifically Christianity, that I find funny is how so many people can take a book so seriously written by some men who never knew Yoshua (Jesus to the Romans) themselves.

Well, actually, a lot did know Jesus and others who didn't corroborated with those who did. The gospels are dated usually, even by critical scholars, between 40-60 with Acts being no later then 62. The gospel of John is the possible exception. John, however, was one who knew Jesus intimately (no gay jokes!) and James and Jude were related to him. Paul had the revelation - take it or leave it. The gospels are considered to be ridiculously good evidence now a days and most people who question them as reliable sources haven't done their proper reading. Luke is considered to be a fine Greek historian.

Also, I get a kick out of reading about all the magick stuff in the Bible. I mean, damn, according to the Bible, only 2000 years ago people were flying, living 900 years old, separating oceans, etc. Where the hell has all this magick gone? Sounds like the Earth was a real life Dragon Ball Z or something. I know quite a few don't take those stories seriously, but I'm always amazed at how many people do.

This part was funny. :D

There are a lot of hermeneutical issues in the Old Testament. I don't believe in a world-wide flood, I think it was only a regional flood. It was only a sea that was separated. The thing to look at when reading the OT is that it was written by ancient people for ancient people. Was the earth really created in 6 days? Probably not. Did the know how to tell the story any other way? Probably not. I think you can take the stories plenty seriously, but you have to interpret them with a wise hermeneutic. We can't read them unscrupulously and anachronistically. I'm not really sure what all magic that you're talking about - can you show me some examples? I know there was Urim and Thummim, but that's not completely magic I wouldn't think.

I am a baptized Catholic, just fyi. I define myself as a spiritual human, not as a religion. It is like the Sun, it is not a Christian or a Hindu sun, it's just the sun. All these labels can further separate people from the divine.

So basically you're a pluralist/universalist?

The part that frustrates me the most about religious people, when I talk with them, is that they'll spend so much time reading and researching, debating and theorizing. However, they miss the most important thing that they can do, to sit down and actually meditate.

Interesting. I don't hear this complaint often.

I'm a big fan of the art of Lectio Divina. Basically when reading the Bible you pray, read scripture, meditate on it, pray, and then try to live out it's message in our contemporary setting if possible. On all for meditating, but I won't meditate on anything else than the Bible and Christ. For me, that's playing with fire.

A few other notes; it's not seriously debated if Jesus was an actual historical figure. You can debate his miracles and resurrection, but it's stupid to question his existence.

The 50 simple disproofs for God's existence-- ha. Those were great. I'd love to address any, but won't go through all 50 right now. They're quite funny.

PenilePersist- if you are/were really on a quest to look at religion or whatever, "zealots" aren't who you should be looking at to see what Christianity is. It's quite arrogant to call all religion 'myth' when science, history, and philosophy can not do so, despite popular belief.

I asked myself if I was still unstable, insecure and co-dependent enough to need to believe in imaginary companions and fairy tales .....and my answer was no.

That's great! I don't either.

This is good (somewhat) conversation. I hope no one takes what I say as offensive. I just find that critiques of religion are often not well thought out. If somebody can read a website and it make them doubt the legitimacy of all religions, I doubt their ability to think well enough to comprehend the religions.
3lee said:
hey man im not going for the "attention whoring" as you put it. some people on here are my pals and i trust i can post stuff on here if i need to. besides look at the place i did post this at. its in a section all to its own with others who post things non pe related to. so FUCK YOU for what you said Asshole! if you ever need help i promise ill be the first to turn my back on you . :wave:

What's the name YOU gave YOUR thread? "fuck it all" ?!?
That's not a Deep Thought, that's a cry for help. One amongst many that you've trotted out in the past. I stand by my position: You now have responsibilities that extend far beyond your need for immediate, unconditional comfort. You have a family. And the fact that you have the luxury of signing online to complain about your lot in life is highly indicative that life, does not, in fact, suck as you would like us to believe.

As far as your attention whoring: You want God to snap his fingers for YOU, and do.....what? My questions is this: What in the flyin' blue fuck have you done that makes you believe that you have either the right or power to demand God, in whatever form you believe He/She takes, should immediately subjugate Himself to your will and do your bidding?

Saying "fuck it all" and wishing God to wish away your troubles is not a Deep Thought at all, but simply a plea for release from a prison which is, in all reality, of your own, personal and continual construction.
Grow up a little and think deeply on the true content of my posting instead of becoming immediately offended and defensive. Maturity just may creep in when you ain't lookin'.
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