
Oct 13, 2004
I was reading another thread about this device and about the commission received by the site listing the ad. Would it be possible that you could offer them to members at a discount by sharing some of the commission you receive from selling it? This would allow more people access to the device, and probably increase your total revenue in the end. Just an idea :)
Asking DLD to take another financial hit for our benefit is not really an option. Already these forums are a massive drain on funds and are barely (if at all) replenished with voluntary donations. You're already getting a free ride with these forums, please don't ask for more!
Cybershot said:
Asking DLD to take another financial hit for our benefit is not really an option. Already these forums are a massive drain on funds and are barely (if at all) replenished with voluntary donations. You're already getting a free ride with these forums, please don't ask for more!

The idea is not for him to lose any money at all. As it is, probobably nobody can afford one. If he sells one at all, even if he shared some of the commission money to make it more affordable to the board members, he is coming out ahead. So for instance if he sells one and profits 20 bucks, and he splits that with the member who bought it -- he still makes 10 dollars, and the board member saves 10 dollars. The idea isn't for him to give anyone something for free, but for the member to save some money on the product and him to sell one where otherwise the person may not have been able to buy it at all.
Well for more people to buy the product I'd imagine it'd have to be more than a $20 drop. The thing costs as much as a month's rent for me. To get it to the point where lot's of people would consider it, it would probably have to get around the price point of a Bib Hanger.

Also, I'm not sure if this ad is commission based or not. But typically web companies will pay the site just to put the add itself up and then pay additionally for any hits received from that site. If this is how that banner works then we should all just click it as many times as we can every time we visit. Or DLD may want to look into those companies who pay just for the space/bandwidth/hits.

dld wouldnt be making a loss from these forums.
He is a businessman, obvioulsy, because his pe site is doing so well, it doesnt matter how good a product u have to sell is (and its an awesome product that ive purchased btw), if u cant sell it, it wont sell.
I would see these forums as a tremendous "harvesting" device for dld to get new members to his pay site. Notice how he has a link to these forums on his main page telling people that arent sure if they want a membership to go look at our opinions?
Also, if dld wants to make money from advertising other pe methods on these forums i dont see anything wrong with that. If he were advertising these things on his "members paid for" page, I would take umbridge at that, ive paid for a product that promises results (which im getting btw) i dont want to be given another solution just for the sake of the person ive already paid, just to be paid again in the form of a paid for advert -- if indeed said payment ever occurred.


DLD "is" a businessman, i would expect him to try to make money wherever he can, so long as it doesnt come at the expense of his paying members.
Is advertising on this site for links to other pe related info bad for business?

** All views above are expressed in a view direted fowards the above mentioned people, i have no bone to pick with DLD or mos. I know they dont advertise on the paysite etc etc. All arguements and views are expressed as exactly that -- my opinion.
I am not implying that DLD does or is incorporated with anything that im saying, im merely objectifying these things for arguements sake.

If youve ready all of this your doing well ------ JuBeI
Hiya Guys
My name is chris and as you probably can tell I am with vimax :)
I rather not go into grave detial about money but I would LOVE to work out a deal with MoS in regards to selling our product even having them give you guys a discount.

The MoS guys know how to get ahold of me :) We can most def. work a deal :)


If you guys can work out a good sized discount you have at least one sold.
Hiya arawndark
I just shot an email back out to the DLD guys asking about it again. Never got an answer.
I would just post it up here but as per agreement when joinining here I am not aloud to post any links to our product unless i give all sales to DLD and as I do not know if they are even interested in doing a coupon code for ya guys I dont know how much to pay out to them if they want to go with this :) so just waiting on them :)

Alright, I'm waiting with you then! I'll check back on the boards later to see if you have gotten a response.
VladtheImpaler said:
I dont think MOS is offering that stretcher anymore, as you see there isnt a link at the top....

I would hope that Chris can work out a deal with DLD to offer it again at a reduced price (as I have suggested), so that everyone wins -- DLD would make commission since people could actually buy the units, members would get a good price on the product, and Vimax would sell more product. I'm very interested but I really don't want to have to drop 300 bucks...
arawndark said:
I would hope that Chris can work out a deal with DLD to offer it again at a reduced price (as I have suggested), so that everyone wins -- DLD would make commission since people could actually buy the units, members would get a good price on the product, and Vimax would sell more product. I'm very interested but I really don't want to have to drop 300 bucks...

We have an incredible promotion we are working out so stay tuned.
Damn that's sweet. Nice going Arawndark, DLD, and ViMax. I never ddi read everything on the site so I'm not sure how it works yet, but I will check it out.
God, I just went through the whole site and it sounds promising. It looks like it would really help if worn the suggested duration. I guess I will have to save up for not only a digital camera but a ViMax extender too. But hey Christmas is coming lol!
Let me say my feeling about affiliations and what I offer to you, my members. We will always have bills to pay and when things get bad you guys always come to bat. I am the proud owner of a community of guys who really support each other in so many ways. I am very strict about what I will represent and what I will not. I also have never pulled a punch with you guys on profits we make, donations we take and my own financial situation. My first priority is always to you guys and doing the best I possibly can for you. With that said, The Vimax Extender was something I followed very closely under another name at Thundersplace. Although I am not one who wears this product I do in fact have allot of confidence in the claims of the company and the positive feedback I have heard on this mechanisms behalf. I am always very careful not to prostitute MoS or exploit it's members in the spirit of financial gain. When I first started working with Vimax I did not trust them and it took allot for me to allow JAZ to place a banner on our forums. One of the things that helped me make the decision to allow this affiliation to commence was the price, I thought this product was inexpensive at $299.99 compared to similar competition at $700.00 and beyond. We made one sale in the 1 week this banner ran and during this time I started speaking with the owners of the Vimax site and found out we in-fact could discount this product and I immediately pulled all banners from the MoS site as we started negotiations. During these meetings I found the Vimax people to be incredible to work with, trust worthy and very professional while making any and all efforts to give MoS the best possible price on their product. In addition to this I found that Vimax carries other products that we may in the future offer to MoS members at deep discounts (the Power of the Biggest Penis Enlargement Forum Online:)) We are close to re-suBathmateitting the first promotion which will be on the Vimax Extender. I do not have an exact figure but I can promise you I went to bat and the price is EXTREMELY LOW!

Thanks for reading.

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