Are ROTARY STRETCHES OBLIGATORY with basic stretches to achieve any gains?


Mar 17, 2009
ARE rotary strerches after each set of basic strerches (down, up, left, right, left behind the butt chick, right behind the butt chick) obligatory to achieve any gains in length? Has anybody tried basic stretches without rotary strerches and achieved any growth in length? I am posing this question because in DLD video it is suggested that after each set one should do some number of rotary stretches
It is a hard question to answer. To remove a single stretch exercise variable when most stretching programs include many such as the BTC, directional, blasters, bundled... Most guys rarely do a single exercise for their length sessions. Why would someone not do the full newbie program as stated? If you really wanted gains then you would do everything suggested that brings them.
First of all. Calm your shit if your question isn't answered in a few hours. I understand you're excited and want an answer right away but sometimes it takes time for someone who has the answer you seek to answer your question.

Now to answer your question are they obligatory? No. Are they recommended? Yes. You can do and not do anything you wish but I would suggest following the advice of the veterans on here that have a few years under their belt. Like Pjp2002 stated its hard to tell what would happen if you didn't include one specific stretch and Penis Enlargement can take months of consistent effort just to make a 0.1 inch gain. Luckily in the beginning its far easier to gain for the first 6 months to a year. So take the advice of the ones that have gone before you and cover all your bases just to be safe. I started Penis Enlargement from another "hole-in-the-wall" website that doesn't even exist anymore, before MOS was even an option, and the routine I followed had "helicopter stretches" (AKA rotaries) and "helicopter shakes" in the routine.

Rotaries are recommended because, especially in the beginning you want to stretch in all directions to "unlock" any and all avenues for new growth that is possible. Rotary stretches accomplish this nicely because it is moved around a pivot and therefore stretches all directions not just out, left or right. It can help bridge any gaps that might be missed and help further stretch tissues that wouldn't have been hit as hard otherwise.

*Edit* I guess you're not a newbie. In any case they take 30 seconds to do. Why would you not do them? Hell they are very effective as Piss Pulls if nothing else.
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